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Old April 3rd, 2004, 04:00 PM   #286
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Vote NO to Mayor McCheese

this is a 2 minute epic on the evils of MAYOR McCHEESE's reign of tyranny. After SUPER SIZE ME, the award winning doucmentary, we had our own take on it.




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Old April 3rd, 2004, 07:21 PM   #287
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No political threads on!
All the best,
Robert K S

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Old April 3rd, 2004, 09:05 PM   #288
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I don't think the politics of McDonaldland are quite as controversial as real politcs...
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Old April 4th, 2004, 11:48 AM   #289
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Oh man. There should be a warning in your post or something. I clicked the link while having my freshly made morning coffee, lol

Looks like lighting has been different in many scenes because you were shooting them at different time and probably different locations. Like when he is sitting in the office and then you show his hands typing. I guess the only way to change that is do some color corrections in post. I liked the idea. The scene when he was trying to steal pennies from the donations bin was too long and I had to fast forward it a little bit. :-)

Good work overall!
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Old April 4th, 2004, 12:41 PM   #290
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Some brief replies...

Keith, the beeping you are referring to is from a timer. We had it set for a specific time (to represent the amount of time it might take for an attacker to be incapacitated by a gunshot wound) so when it goes off we yell "blue" to end the drill. In this case, we didn't turn it off very quickly and it worked really well as a trailer.

As far as the time it takes to download, we have found that Windows downloads it once, and then again to show it. This seems to happen on most sites (except Apple's own). Mac users seem to have no problems. Are you using Windows? Do you have any tricks or recommendations?

Wayne, in the absence of any other comments from you i'm going to take your speechlessness as a good thing (please oh please oh please). ;-)

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Old April 4th, 2004, 01:30 PM   #291
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Project X3 trailer

Hello, im new here, just wanted to say that I have a little trailer for my so-called "lifestyle" film for everyone to check out.
Hope it "teases" the viewer to see more since the movie is done and awaiting encoding for the net. Please post your comments on it.

new host, this should work smoother
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Old April 5th, 2004, 12:03 AM   #292
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At the cafe table there were some bad shot selections. I don't think the "character's perspective" shots work. Also the car crash scene.... he's running on a sidewalk then suddenly they are in a parking lot? And the bleeding was way too much to be believable
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Old April 7th, 2004, 01:09 AM   #293
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It was edited okay and had a pretty good pacing for it. I've just
seen way too much of this kind of footage to be interested, sorry.
I also didn't like the transitions in the end (such transitions almost
always look cheap in my mind) or the ever changing frame size.
But again, I thought the editing was good.

Rob Lohman,
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Old April 7th, 2004, 08:22 PM   #294
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First Anniversary Video

Sunday was my first paying DV job. Someone asked me to make a video of their grandparents 50th anniversary dinner party. It was my first one so its not great so any critisism and tips are accepted. The audio sucks. I was in a square room with tons of people in it so I had ambience bouncing off every wall so it threw my little cheapy Azden all outta wack. The lighting was also pretty bad in alot of shots because it was an all glass room. Heavy backlighting but I was able to compensate for most of it by over exposing. Anyway, here is the beginning of it...

And it keeps going after that with more interviews and stuff. I'm not done with it yet but I think its going to end up being around 10 minst long. Maybe a little longer.
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Old April 7th, 2004, 11:22 PM   #295
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Hey Dustin.

Okay, I am definetely no expert... nor have I done any "party" :) videos... but I am gonna go ahead and give you my 2 cents.

In your intro, "April 4, 2004" fades in over white. Try having the palm trees fade in and then the "April 4, 2004" fade in over that, but make sure it stands out and is legible.

Your next fade to the outside of the building... I think you might want to fade in text of whose anniversary it is - "The Johnsons 50th Anniversary Bash!" (<- wow that's corny).

Maybe you should consider scrapping one of the outside shots... they both show the same building just 2 different angles. I prefer keeping the zoom out shot.

Once you start showing the couple and guests... maybe cut your shots a little shorter and later on cut back to it... but don't make them as long as you have them... just a bunch of people talking and we can't hear them.

One last criticism... why the sudden black & white shot? It seems lone.

The Goods - I like the musical choice... very calm and "oldie", I guess. Lighting isn't bad at all. The sound is a little hard to hear sometimes, but at the final interview with the guy & girl... sound is fine. BTW, I like the transition... zoom into the lake and fade in the interview(s).

Basically for a complete stranger like myself, I begin to pick out flaws and find parts "boring". But I guess for anyone there its all fun and nostalgic... I mean I love watching my home movies, but I'm sure you'd kill yourself having to watch them.

But, good job and I hope I've helped either that, or made an ass out of myself. :)
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Old April 8th, 2004, 12:35 AM   #296
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Definately do something about the intro text on the white background. It's way too difficult to read, especially for the older crowd that the video is geared towards. I would also lose the first outside shot of the building, just take it out.

The pull-out from the building fading to the zoom-in on the couple was awesome; a great way to introduce the setting and the couple. Overall I though the pace of your editing matched with the music and the event, so good job. I didn't really mind the quick switch to b&w, but then again, I'm pretty tired right now, so who knows on that. The fade past the couple to the water was also great, but I would make sure your dissolve ends before that guy walks in front of your camera at the end. It ruins a great shot/dissolve combo.

Audio was okay. I film a lot of weddings, and that means receptions, which are a nightmare for audio, even with a shotgun mic.

By the way, I checked out your bmx site, and watched the two Naples trailers. Nicely done on both. Although that second one had me holding my own shin. Ouch!
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Old April 8th, 2004, 10:07 AM   #297
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Haha. Oh man I forgot about that black and white clip. I was going to add some more black and white shots in there but I decided not to. I guess I forgot to take that one out. Oh well. I'll take it out when I do the final one. Thanks for all the compliments and critisism. I think for the first title "april 4th 2004" I will leave that up during the palm tree shot, then for the first shot of the building I will put up the "so and so's anniversary" title and leave it up through both building shots. Maybe this will help blend the two shots of the building so it doesnt seem like its one too many shots of the same thing. If it doesnt work then I'll have to go through and find some other clip to fit in there, that way I dont have to retime everything. Oh and with the Text on the white looks perfect in photoshop, I think the video played on the resolution of these computer monitors gets thrown off. I've had a few do that, so I'm gonna check it on my television set when I get home to see what it will really look like. If it still looks kinda distorted I will change it. But then again I'm gonna fade it over to the palm tree anyway so it may just stay. Don't know for sure. I'll just have to wait and see what everything looks like.

Thanks again everyone!
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Old April 8th, 2004, 08:59 PM   #298
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visit my site, look at our stuff!


Click here to see several clips from independent films I have done in the past:

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Old April 10th, 2004, 01:24 PM   #299
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My second short! Teaser for "THE SKRYPT"

Hi there,

long time no movie, but finally at least a teaser for my second one: THE SKRYPT

Shot completely with the xl1, the 3x wide-angle, studio1-adapter, a lousy no-name mic (baaad mistake), a few construction lights and some diffusion gels for the lights.

The teaser was created completely in Vegas 4 with a few bits of the "music" done in Magix Music Maker 2004. The final film will also have some tweaking from After Effects.

Have fun watching it!

Crits, good or bad is welcome and nervously awaited :-)

Cheers, Peter
Peter Koller
Vienna, Austria
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Old April 10th, 2004, 03:28 PM   #300
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THE CHINESE SHOES at the VC Filmfest 2004

My DV short film LES SOULIERS CHINOIS (The Chinese Shoes) will be screening as part of the 20th Anniversary Edition of the VC Filmfest!

The screening is scheduled for:
SATURDAY, MAY 1, 6:00 PM (Program 23)
7920 Sunset Blvd., LA 90046

Hope to see you all there!

For more information about THE CHINESE SHOES, visit:

For more information about the VC Filmfest 2004, visit:
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. - Albert Einstein
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