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Old January 1st, 2009, 12:49 PM   #1
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First Music Video - Hard Rock

This is my first music video (and video actually) that I did for my video class. After doing it I realized how to fix a lot of the problems I ran into. The teacher was horrible and even though it was "Advanced Video: Field and Lighting" he spent honestly 30mins setting up a 3 point lighting and then that was it out of the entire 15 weeks. Wasn't pleased.

The dark scenes I didn't know/remember about the aperture/F-Stops which would have cleaned up the grain. Instead I made the studio really dark with the studio lights. I could have turned it black and white and would have looked more natural but I felt that it would be hiding my mistakes.

I did the shooting for the non-band scenes because I'm the singer/guitarist. I had three 2 camera guys and one stationary (which I don't even think any shots were used from). They had very little direction, it was just a "do what you want, try this and this and have fun". Not the best method but over all I'm pleased.

I'm shooting another music video for a local band this month and will hopefully cure 90% of the issues that were in this video.

I don't remember the video camera used. It was a higher end one that looked like XH-A1 series but an older miniDV version. Used Adobe Premiere for Editing.

I'll try to start using that site everyone likes around here instead of youtube, sorry. haha.

Oh, and it's a horribly mixed version of the audio. I'm currently working on re-recording and mixing it's more about the video, haha.


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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:41 PM   #2
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couldnt get past the interlacing. did you capture it right?
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:43 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Alison Parker View Post
couldnt get past the interlacing. did you capture it right?
Talking about the bad quality? Youtube downed it a lot and I had to smash the hell out of it to make it small enough to get on youtube. Onething I haven't figured out well is compressing for the internet and still leaving good quality. Again, the story shots came out really nice quality wise but as I said above, the band shots I didn't properly setup the cameras as I didn't' know.
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:49 PM   #4
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interlacing is the lines you see when there's motion.

youtube allows files to be up to 1G. and with their new 'high quality' option, it's actually not too bad!
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:51 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Alison Parker View Post
interlacing is the lines you see when there's motion.

youtube allows files to be up to 1G. and with their new 'high quality' option, it's actually not too bad!
It was uploaded 9 months go when it wasn't 1GB. I'll see about bouncing a higher quality one.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 12:00 AM   #6
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oh, well anyways the interlacing would have been there before compression so that's not really the point.. and i noticed that it's only apparent when on the 'high quality' option, oddly enough... youtube's own compression is actually hiding it for you but check it on high quality to see what i'm saying...

aside from THAT, i think it's a really good first video. lots of different types of shots.. i especially liked when that one guy headbanged into the camera ha ha...
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 12:03 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Alison Parker View Post
oh, well anyways the interlacing would have been there before compression so that's not really the point.. and i noticed that it's only apparent when on the 'high quality' option, oddly enough... youtube's own compression is actually hiding it for you but check it on high quality to see what i'm saying...

aside from THAT, i think it's a really good first video. lots of different types of shots.. i especially liked when that one guy headbanged into the camera ha ha...
I just went back and looked at the raw footage and yeah, it does have the interlace problem on a lot of it. Was would have caused it to do that? Is it from the tape or when it transferred from tape to the pc when it happens?

The tapes were brand new but the cameras I doubt have ever been cleaned and used by tons of different people.

I'm obviously still doing A LOT of learning and this site answered a crap load of questions just from previous posts already.

Yeah, the head bang shot was easily the best shot of the entire video, haha.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 12:13 AM   #8
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i'm just starting out too and interlacing was one of the first issues i had to overcome...

most likely what happened is that you didn't use the correct capture setting when transferring the footage from the tape to your computer. also, the timeline has to be the correct frame rate too.. and if everyone was using different frame rates, i bet you used the correct one for everything except the band stuff... its really too late now but if you still have the tapes.... you could try to recapture a short clip.... and do some research on interlacing cuz it's a huge topic and I don't really wanna take over your thread with just that!!!!
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 12:18 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Alison Parker View Post
i'm just starting out too and interlacing was one of the first issues i had to overcome...

most likely what happened is that you didn't use the correct capture setting when transferring the footage from the tape to your computer. also, the timeline has to be the correct frame rate too.. and if everyone was using different frame rates, i bet you used the correct one for everything except the band stuff... its really too late now but if you still have the tapes.... you could try to recapture a short clip.... and do some research on interlacing cuz it's a huge topic and I don't really wanna take over your thread with just that!!!!
Thanks for the advice! Glad to find this stuff out before my shoot in a couple weeks. The band is getting it for free just FYI, won't charge till I feel I actually know what I'm doing haha. Actually...I told them my payment is pizza and a 12 pack of pepsi, haha.

So make sure if I'm shooting in 30p make sure my project is setup to 30p and this will help that not happen?
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 12:29 AM   #10
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24pa buddy. that's the way to go. then when you capture it, make sure you use a setting that removes the advanced pull down, and you edit it in a 23.98 timeline.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 11:54 PM   #11
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Hey Dustin, good try. I think you already know most of your mistakes, i would say for your upcoming video take control and get what you want.

My biggest issue with it is that it lacks style. Take some time and really think about your shots and your theme and make sure everything fits together.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 11:58 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jay Kavi View Post
Hey Dustin, good try. I think you already know most of your mistakes, i would say for your upcoming video take control and get what you want.

My biggest issue with it is that it lacks style. Take some time and really think about your shots and your theme and make sure everything fits together.
Thanks, I agree and will do since I'll be the only one filming and really take the director chair....hopefully that's a good thing haha.

For the last couple weeks I've been watching tons of music videos and shot wise I've learned a crap load so I hope too take that into the shoot. My biggest obstacle is setting up the camera correctly and of course...the lighting. Been doing a lot of reading in the HV30 section and a HV20/30 site about the camera though and will hopefully feel comfortable on your first date....maybe i'll get to first base?

The biggest difference between what I'm bout to shoot and this video...the one coming up is going to be fully planned out while other than the "story" shots, it was all improve. The band and I are getting together a couple times before the shoot to hash everything out and really try to be creative.
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 03:53 AM   #13
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cool, i can't wait to see your next video when it's done, I hope you post it here!

if you have any questions about camera settings, lighting, etc, dont be afraid to ask it here first. the more preparation the better! i know my director makes a shot list before each video, detailing where the camera will be located, which lens will be used, the iris setting, etc.. that stuff is still kinda over my head but i know it made a big difference on our last shoot... having a set schedule and a real plan really makes a difference.

and i also just wanna add that if you can find a set decorator it also makes a HUGE difference in the production value.... i dont think i could do another video without one after seeing what they did for our last video!
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