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Old December 2nd, 2009, 01:23 PM   #1
New Boot
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Desperate for Help! Focus Controller?

Hi, I'm trying to find a focus controller like this one: Manfrotto by Bogen Imaging | 521PFI Focus Remote Control that would work with my Sony HVR-A1J camera. Does anyone have any suggestions? I just bought the RM1BP Sony LANC Remote Controller with Zoom, Focus, and Record Start/Stop thinking that that side thing was a focus pull and not just a grip. I need something to pull focus, but I don't want to lose the Sony remote I just bought, so if there is anything that would work just for focus and let me plug in an additional lanc like the manfrotto 521 does for Panavision cameras, or if anyone has any idea how to mess with the Manfrotto one so it will do what I need, please let me know, as I am desparate!
Sheldon Steere is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 2nd, 2009, 01:32 PM   #2
New Boot
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Looking into it, it looks like Lanc compatibility is pretty universal, yet all the sites for the Manfrotto 521PFI says it only works on two cameras, why is that? Shouldn't it work on my camera as well? What is stopping it, the firmware?
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Old December 2nd, 2009, 04:40 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Hi Sheldon..............

OK, so now I'm confused.

You have the Sony Lanc, which has two very distinct focus buttons on it, so presumably it does, indeed, pull focus, especially on a Sony camera?

So why are you set on the Manfrotto 521PFI which is designed specifically for the command set of Panasonic cameras and not Sony?

What has the Manfrotto got which the Sony does not, apart from NOT working with Sony cameras?

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Old December 3rd, 2009, 02:42 AM   #4
New Boot
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Originally Posted by Sheldon Steere View Post
Looking into it, it looks like Lanc compatibility is pretty universal, yet all the sites for the Manfrotto 521PFI says it only works on two cameras, why is that? Shouldn't it work on my camera as well? What is stopping it, the firmware?

Panasonic has completely different control interface comparing to Sony LANC. One of the key differences is that with LANC you can control focus speed, while with Panasonic you control directly focus position. In order to make 521PFi like controller for LANC enabled camera one would have to change not only all internal electronics, but also controller mechanics. In the end with HVR-A1 we can use just one focusing speed - would not make much sense to control it with sophisticated 521PFi like remote. It would only make sense with new HVR-Z270, HVR-Z5, HVR-Z7 cameras, which enable new ways to control focus and iris.

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Old December 9th, 2009, 03:26 PM   #5
New Boot
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In response to Chris, the reason I am in need of something more complex is because I need some way to mark the focus for rack focuses. I want to be able to mark a beginning and an end so that I can pull focus accurately, however due to the ridiculousness of the A1's focusing, I can never do it, so I need something I can use to pull focus as a LANC, so that I can set that task up with the 1st AC, however just having 2 buttons is completely useless if I need to change focus quickly, so I was hoping there was some lanc controller or some way to hack the panasonic's version to make it work.

In response to Tomasz, I did some research and found out that little fact that they have different interfaces, which really annoys me. All I'm really looking for is a wheel-like focus, which would allow me to adjust the focus faster and slower as I need, or to switch between certain spots with a marked indicator of how far to go? Is this something even possible, I don't need all the functions of the panasonic controller, just the fact that it has a wheel that controls the focus instead of two measly buttons, or am I doomed to forever be unable to rack focus properly on the A1?
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Old December 9th, 2009, 04:58 PM   #6
Inner Circle
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Well, trying to "pull focus" with a servo lens is a bit like carrying water with a sieve, but if a wheel is what you want, the Canon ZR2000 might just be the answer.

Of course, what I cannot answer is whether the Sony camera will obey the Canon focus wheel.

Unless the Sony A1 has a focus preset a' la the Canon A1 (which I presume it hasn't) your only other option is a full manual lens with lockable focus stops, and there my knowledge of the Sony camera and it's options dissapears into a large hole.

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Old December 10th, 2009, 02:22 AM   #7
New Boot
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Originally Posted by Sheldon Steere View Post
....All I'm really looking for is a wheel-like focus, which would allow me to adjust the focus faster and slower as I need, or to switch between certain spots with a marked indicator of how far to go? Is this something even possible, I don't need all the functions of the panasonic controller, just the fact that it has a wheel that controls the focus instead of two measly buttons, or am I doomed to forever be unable to rack focus properly on the A1?
I am afraid it is not possible with A1 through LANC. If you need focus speed control with wheel like control you might think about Sony RM-1000BP and one of HVR-Z270, HVR-Z5, HVR-Z7 cameras. You must know, that you will still be unable to "mark focus" as LANC focus is relative system: you control focus speed (far/close), but not absolute focus position. If you need absolute system you have to go for Panasonic, or any camera with exchangeable Canon/Fujinon lenses equipped with zoom & focus servos.

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Old December 10th, 2009, 04:29 PM   #8
New Boot
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Damn... that's what I feared.

BTW, Chris, it looks like that wheel is for zoom speed, not focus.

Looks like my AC is going to get his own monitor and I'm going to have to Gerry-rig some sort of old school follow focus and a focus gear ring and have a really on point focus puller. :(
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