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Old September 10th, 2008, 07:33 AM   #4321
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Bump, items are still available.
I have a dream that one day canon will release a 35mm ef to xl adapter and I'll have iris control and a 35mm dof of all my ef lenses, and it will be awesome...
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Old September 10th, 2008, 09:02 AM   #4322
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Yeah, still available.
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Old September 10th, 2008, 09:29 AM   #4323
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Sorry to bring an old thread back from the dead, but was the Mack warranty transferable? I'm eying a camera that's on craigslist and the person selling it has a Mack Warranty. He bought the camera in March of 2007 so there should be 2 and a half years of warranty left. If the warranty is transferable, what's the best procedure to follow? (I shot the Mack Warranty people an email earlier today asking this, but haven't heard a reply back).
Current Audio Equipment: two AT822 mics, Sony MZ-RH1, and KE-110CCR. What else should I get for short films and recording stand-up comedy?
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Old September 10th, 2008, 09:30 AM   #4324
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(Note: I asked this same question in one more thread here: I figured the sellers and/or buyers in these sales would know better than anyone what happeend with this. )

Sorry to bring an old thread back from the dead, but was the Mack warranty transferable? I'm eying an XH-A1 that's on craigslist and the person selling it has a Mack Warranty. He bought the camera in March of 2007 so there should be 2 and a half years of warranty left. If the warranty is transferable, what's the best procedure to follow? (I shot the Mack Warranty people an email earlier today asking this, but haven't heard a reply back).
Current Audio Equipment: two AT822 mics, Sony MZ-RH1, and KE-110CCR. What else should I get for short films and recording stand-up comedy?
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Old September 10th, 2008, 10:20 AM   #4325
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From the Mack website:

"Is the Extended Service Contract transferable?
Yes!!! The best way to add value to any piece of equipment is to be able to offer the new owner extended coverage. Mack Camera Extended Service Contracts may be transferred to a new owner for $20.00 transfer fee.

How to Transfer Your Contract to a New Owner
1. Send a letter to Mack Camera with the name, address, and phone number of the new owner, the make and model of the equipment with the serial number, and the service contract number.
2. Include a copy of the bill of sale and a check for the $ 20.00 transfer fee.
3. Mail all of the above to the Mack Camera & Video Service, Inc., 200 Morris Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081."

I believe the warranty starts after the manufacturer's warranty ends, so if it is a 4 year warranty there should be 3 1/2 years left.
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Old September 10th, 2008, 10:46 AM   #4326
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Originally Posted by Lloyd Coleman View Post
From the Mack website:

"Is the Extended Service Contract transferable?
Yes!!! The best way to add value to any piece of equipment is to be able to offer the new owner extended coverage. Mack Camera Extended Service Contracts may be transferred to a new owner for $20.00 transfer fee.

How to Transfer Your Contract to a New Owner
1. Send a letter to Mack Camera with the name, address, and phone number of the new owner, the make and model of the equipment with the serial number, and the service contract number.
2. Include a copy of the bill of sale and a check for the $ 20.00 transfer fee.
3. Mail all of the above to the Mack Camera & Video Service, Inc., 200 Morris Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081."

I believe the warranty starts after the manufacturer's warranty ends, so if it is a 4 year warranty there should be 3 1/2 years left.
Ah, thanks for getting back to me with this Lloyd. This helps greatly, and now I'm leaning towards the craigslist seller for the used XH-A1 as opposed to a seller on ebay I had been talking to. The only one thing that's scaring me a little is that the Craigslist seller did originally make the purchase from back in the Spring of 2007. A google search on them reveals that they are a shady grey market reseller.

The seller has said though that he is aware of tristatecamera's reputation and at the time of the purchase, they were reputable. He said the Xh-A1 is perfectly fine and in my speakings with the seller, I am pretty confident in him.

Knowing that I can keep the Mack Warranty he already has should pretty much solve my worry - I hope.
Current Audio Equipment: two AT822 mics, Sony MZ-RH1, and KE-110CCR. What else should I get for short films and recording stand-up comedy?
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Old September 10th, 2008, 12:06 PM   #4327
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Kramer Audio/Video to Cat5 Boxes

Hi guys,

I ran into some design flaws (of my own making) during an install at my church, and unless I come up with a solution in the next day or two that uses what I have, these boxes will be for sale.

1 TP-121 (HD) Audio/XGA transmitter (cat5)

4 TP-122 (HD) Audio/XGA receivers (cat5)

3 TP-105 1-2 cat5 distribution amps

The problem I ran into is that the TP-105s do not transmit the audio - works fine for the video, but drops the audio. I discussed this with a Kramer sales rep before purchasing everything but unfortunately he missed that part of the puzzle, and after talking with them again at length today, they do not have DAs that send audio over cat5, just video.

All the boxes have been opened, but everything is basically like new except for one TP-122 that we screwed the power adapter on too tight or mis-threaded and can't get off. That same box may also not have the audio part working - we pulled it out while troubleshooting the audio but before we knew the TP-105s didn't send the audio. I do think we had it plugged in directly without the DA though, and still didn't get audio to that one, so it is suspect.

I do have all the original boxes and manuals, and everything was purchased new. Let me know if you're interested in any of the above.
Philip Gioja is offline  
Old September 10th, 2008, 12:54 PM   #4328
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RedRockMicro M2 Nikon Indie HD Bundle 35mm adapter

Lightly used Red Rock Micro M2 Indie Bundle for Nikon lenses (Fmount). Original owner. Fully functional. HD achromat lens is blemish free.

Indie HD Bundle Includes:
M2 Cinema Lens Adapter
Special M2 HD AChromatic Lens
15mm Rod Suppor System
Nikon SLR lens mount
full shim kit
1" 55mm spacer ring
hard mount kit (55mm coupler and 72mm->55mm step ring)

Pix here: Index of /Images/Gear/RedRockMicroM2

Everything is included for connection to the 72mm mount of the FX1/Z1.

Make an offer.
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Old September 10th, 2008, 01:09 PM   #4329
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Hi Corwin,
I actually still have the 3 650's.
I had decided to keep them but am open to changing my mind.
They are complete with barndoors and lamps and have very low usage.
Best regards,
Stephen Sherman
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Old September 10th, 2008, 01:17 PM   #4330
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Sony V1U, low hours, great accessories

I'm offering my trusty Sony V-1U with very low hours, last seen nationally on ESPN's Addidas Track Classic. Included is the Sony 2-station charger and 4 970 batteries (2 Sony, 2 clones) as well as the original small battery. Also included is a tripod handle mounted LANC controller (around $250) and a hood for the viewfinder (around $69).

The whole bundle can be had for an asking price of $2,800. Please e-mail or phone:

Tip McPartland
909 338-3160
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Old September 10th, 2008, 01:18 PM   #4331
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Originally Posted by Michael Chenoweth View Post
I know the Lenmar Canon batteries jam in the XHA1 - what brand are these and in what condition?

Any response to this question from Mike?
Current Audio Equipment: two AT822 mics, Sony MZ-RH1, and KE-110CCR. What else should I get for short films and recording stand-up comedy?
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Old September 10th, 2008, 01:23 PM   #4332
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I was wondering when the XH-A1 was purchased and where it was purchased from. I shot you an e-mail too.

Edit: I looked closer at the picture and saw the date of purchase was 6/29/2007. I was still wondering where it was purchased from.
Current Audio Equipment: two AT822 mics, Sony MZ-RH1, and KE-110CCR. What else should I get for short films and recording stand-up comedy?
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Old September 10th, 2008, 02:11 PM   #4333
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Lectrosonic 411 Wireless (block 24)

Less than 1 year old. Single 411 system on block 24.

UCR411A Receiver, UM400A Body Pack Transmitter and Sanken COS-11x Microphone with lectro connector.

$2400 USD.

Mics: KMR 82 i, NTG-1, MKH418S, MKH8040, SR77, QTC1, QTC40, SR30
Recorder: Zaxcom Deva 5.8 & MIX-12. Wireless: TRX900 stereo, Lectro 411
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Old September 10th, 2008, 02:23 PM   #4334
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reply to Shahryar

It was purchased from Zotz Digital in Portland, OR. Thanks for the question!
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Old September 10th, 2008, 02:28 PM   #4335
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email sent ref the mic.
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