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Old February 16th, 2007, 09:55 AM   #751
Still Motion
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Hi John,

Sent you an email. I would love to get a number so we can work out a price and payment method that works.

You can get my number through the forum if you click on my name and go to our website.

Patrick Moreau is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 11:23 AM   #752
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Might have used A1 in late May

Hi all -

I'm going to be shooting a documentary in Fiji in May, and I'm trying to convince the backers to invest in an A1 for the duration of the shoot.

Would anyone be interested in the camera once I return? If I can get a decent price for it, they're much more likely to pay for the camera.

We will be doing beach shoots, but I've done them before and will take very good care of the camera. We're using a changing bag for tape reloads on the beach, and the UV filter won't leave the camera.

I figure if I knock $500 off the purchase price, someone might be willing to bite.

What do you guys say? Again, it would be available in late May or early April.


Ryan Damm is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 11:45 AM   #753
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Originally Posted by John Inman
I may be willing to sell my A1. It is essentially new. I bought my A1 from B&H and it had a problem with manual focus so they replaced it with a new one. I have had it since Feb 7. I haven't even taken the manual out of its' wrapper.

It is really more camera than I need. I am retired and not using it for income.

I will entertain offers.
Sold! Thanks Patrick
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Old February 16th, 2007, 03:06 PM   #754
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Canon GL2 -1500., Super Extras-225, Great cond.

A back-up lightly used GL2, with extras that fit this GL2 like a glove, and any amateur can easily take advantage of. Learn to use these extras and you'll be a Pro. The GL2 with it's 3 CCD's is renoun for results in this price range.
The original box and everything that came in it is included in this sale.
Many accessories are unopened and unused.
Sale of this great camcorder due to moving up to HD and replaced it with a Canon XH-A1.

GL-2 can be purchased alone - 1,500.

EXTRAS-these cost us over 700. Purchase with GL-2 - 225.
Non Canon 2 spare batteries, 1 4 hour.
2 SONY WCS-999: compact, lightweight design receiver and transmitter mic. Operating time approximately 20 hours with Sony Alkaline battery. Sony rates the operating distance up to 150', but we found 20'-30' consistent and reliable. Frequency Response 100 - 15,000Hz. Two transmitters can be operated on one receiver. Operator can monitor the incoming audio with an enclosed earpiece. Two transmitters with mics allow an interviewer and interviewed w/o cumberson handheld or camera mounted mics.
Camera bag-customized for the GL2 and will carry afew extras.
Optech Strap - There are no better straps than these Optech neoprene.
Hahnel Zoom Light 35 Includes charger & rechargeable battery.
Hoya Circular Polarizer Whenever there's light this polarizer is on. About 75% of the time.
Tiffin Warm Soft Filter #2 Softening effect. Good on portraits.
Tiffin ProMist #2 Softening effect. Excellent on portraits & c/u faces.
Tiffen Neutral Density .6 In bright, bright sun a must.
Tiffen UV- Haze All around protective filter.
Tiffen Close Up Lens Set = +1, +2 & +4 For macro work a must. i.e. insects can be great fun.
GL-2 and accessories:

Note: Use it or lose it on batteries. These batteries didn't get much use, so don't count on long life.

Shipping/insurance charges of 20. will be added.

PayPal, echecks, checks, MO's, certified checks accepted. Standard checks must clear before shipping.
Allan J. Liu mailto:
SportingSpirit http://
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Old February 16th, 2007, 03:45 PM   #755
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Originally Posted by Ryan Damm
I figure if I knock $500 off the purchase price, someone might be willing to bite.

What do you guys say? Again, it would be available in late May or early April.
"late May or early April"?? That's quite an undefined period. 8-)
Do you mean late March?

I would be interested depending, of course, what the purchase price was that you're taking $500 off of. That's a bit undefined as well.
I mean if your purchase price was $4000 I probably wouldn't be interested.

Ken Grohs is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 04:10 PM   #756
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Yup, sold to me. Just liked to give a positive reference for Jay Stebbins in case he sells anything in the future; you can be assured he's straight up. Even sent the camera out without waiting for my money orders to arrive (going on my Ebay rating).
Eugene Kim is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 04:11 PM   #757
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For $650 shipped if anyone cares.
Jad Meouchy is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 04:18 PM   #758
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Originally Posted by Jay Stebbins
a thin water resistant bag from REI to keep dust and anything else off the camera. It lives in the bag regardless as to which case it is in.
Hi Jay, do you have the name or link to that bag? I'm curious about it. Thanks.
"Ultimately, the most extraordinary thing, in a frame, is a human being." - Martin Scorsese
Michael Wisniewski is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 06:26 PM   #759
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Opinions on

Ok we are looking at trading/selling our dv25 set up and go with Canopus lossless codecs... We've seen and seem to like there list of items online and can drive to the store in NY in a day... So I'm just trying to get an idea about the service there....Good/Bad

As of now we can't seperate the items "I work at a university" But are working on getting the Go ahead...If your wondering what we have here it is..

2- XL2's maybe 25 tapes total
1- mini-35 400 used 6 times
canon adapter... Nikon 35mm lens adapter

Camera's and mini-35 purchased from ZGC 18-24 months ago

2 FS-4 pro's

1 cinewave card and breakout cable for the mac---

What we are looking for are a few 2-3...2/3 inch dockable SD camera heads with lens Sony 637's or newer Hitachi's...

Anyway that's the scoop... please e-mail me if you are interested or leave messages here... Thanks Bunches
Craig Bellaire
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Old February 16th, 2007, 06:52 PM   #760
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not so sure about those guys..

I ordered a boom pole via ebay from their store, which at the time of ordering said they had 18 in stock..I never heard anything from them at all,so I started calling them to find out what was happening. I kept getting the run around on when it would ship because they had to wait for an order to come in from Rode.I kept getting various dates for shipping, none of which came to be..I left phone msgs and never got a response. Finally this week after numerous calls I got an answer that the product finally shipped. I am suppose to get it today. I ordered this on jan 22, and now its feb 16th...good thing I wasnt in a hurry for it. The main thing that upsets me is stating they had 18 in stock when ordering, so I would assume I would be one of the lucky 18, and the fact they were never good at returning calls...maybe you will have better luck..John
John Abbey is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 07:24 PM   #761
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HVR A1 for sale

Want to sell my A1, $1795 for everything, purchased new last August,extra batteries, extra sony stereo mic, sony wireless mic, sony light, 4 year extended warranty, perfect condition, no problem with camera, I need to take it up a notch to a V1
Hugh Mobley is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 10:38 PM   #762
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FS: Decklink HD - $250

Hey all,

I bought this Decklink HD card from someone here a couple months back for an uncompressed HD capture for a film project. Well, I decided to just shoot to tape for this, so I no longer need the card. In fact, I never even took it out from the box since I bought it.

If anyone is looking for a cheap HD-SDI capture card, here it is :)

It is the original Decklink HD and it uses a PCI-X connection. works with both Mac and PC. Let me know if interested. I'm looking for $250 + shipping and paypal fee, if applicable (an extra 2%).


Michael Galvan is offline  
Old February 16th, 2007, 11:01 PM   #763
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Craig, we refer all "where to buy" questions to our Sponsors. They make this site possible, so please consider them for all your purchases - you will find the full list here:

Thanks for your understanding.
Boyd Ostroff is offline  
Old February 17th, 2007, 03:48 AM   #764
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WTB: Brevis35 or SGPro

Anything considered! Please email or PM me.


James Collinson is offline  
Old February 17th, 2007, 09:47 AM   #765
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Dear Charles,

I sent you a private email.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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