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Old December 13th, 2007, 06:09 PM   #5596
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Thanks Juan. I hope you enjoy the 516.

BTW - the XL2 is sold.
Sony PMW-EX1R, Canon XL H1, XHG1, Panasonic GH2, Mac Pro 3.2 Quad running FCPS 3, FCPX, & Adobe Creative Cloud CC
Vence Vida is offline  
Old December 13th, 2007, 06:23 PM   #5597
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Yes, I think you're right about splitting up. I was just taking a shot in the dark to see if someone was looking for this exact rig.

The 416 is nice, but I'm actually thinking about getting something else, maybe a Sanken. The 416 runs a little hot in some environments and when I have to leave it on auto, voices fall into the crowd. The off-axis rejection is quite amazing though, the mic hears better than I do!

HD200 by JVC of course and I will jump on their 1/2 or 2/3 whenever it comes.
software engineer
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Old December 13th, 2007, 06:31 PM   #5598
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and would the right price be under $500??
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Old December 13th, 2007, 06:35 PM   #5599
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Fs: Pd170

I'm selling my DSR-PD170, it's only 1 year old, i've taken great care of it, only ever used sony tapes, it comes with 2 batteries(one 200min and one 480min), shotgun mic, a wide angle lens, telephoto lens, 2 lens hoods(regular and wide), the battery charger, 2 Filters(UV, Red), a Letus 35mm Adapter with Nikon bayonette(if you dont know what a letus 35mm is, go look it up, trust me you want it!), plus the hard shell case. and i still have the instruction book.
operation 12x10
drum 8x10
tape 4x10
threading 6x10

Reason for selling: I recently went back to school and I could use the money to pay for film stock for school projects.
It's a great camera and it deserves to be used.
the 35mm adapter alone was 350$USD and i'm tossing it in with everything else all for 2800 but if you just want the camera we'll talk.
Also, if you're outside of driving distance(Montreal + quebec) then you also pay the shipping.

It's still the best cam for lowlight!! anyone doing events or documentaries would(and does!) love this camera!

To see photos, check out this link:

Thanks for looking!

you can email me directly at (don't judge, it's an old band name!)

Last edited by Bryan Wilkat; December 13th, 2007 at 06:36 PM. Reason: added email address
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Old December 13th, 2007, 07:50 PM   #5600
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the cheapest decent deck you are going to get, even used with lots of hours, is going to be $750-$1000. Search eBay to get an idea on price.

Ash =o)
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Old December 13th, 2007, 08:34 PM   #5601
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item has been sold. Thanks
Kit Hannah is offline  
Old December 13th, 2007, 09:04 PM   #5602
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I have a deck that you might want....
To see a pictures go to:


Mini DV/VHS Deck
Super VHS ET Recording
DV Input/Output (ie.Link IEEE1394 compliant) with Remote

Price: $450

Marc Higa is offline  
Old December 13th, 2007, 09:36 PM   #5603
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Hi, I need to update this posting. I had hoped to get an estimate on repairs by now, but haven't been able to yet due to unforeseen responsibilities that have come up.

I'll know more hopefully tomorrow, but no guarantees; but in any case, the situation is basically this. The initial accident put me into panic mode, and I jumped the gun in putting my stuff up for sale. The costs may not be as bad as I had initially thought, but I don't know for sure yet. If it turns out the costs aren't too bad (i.e. I have to end up charging like $3000-$5000 to my credit card or something), then I'll keep the stuff.

Also, thus far only two people have shown interest in buying the entire package, and another preferred route for me would probably be to just sell the camera locally without the accessories (would probably take me one to three solid gigs to buy it or another camera again I'm guessing) if the above poster is in the L.A. area (I'm in Hollyweird).

Hope this clarifies things, and sorry for the runaround...but it's just one of those things when these kind of unforseen things happen.
Eugene Kim is offline  
Old December 14th, 2007, 08:15 AM   #5604
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WTB: Canon HV10

Hi all,

I am looking to get one of these cams to use as a capture deck for 24F tape footage from my XL-H1 and my friend's XH-A1. Anyone have one of these that they are looking to sell?

Let me know if you have one and are interested in selling and what your best price would be.


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Old December 14th, 2007, 09:30 AM   #5605
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ONLY ONE 8 GIG P2 CARD LEFT...P2 Store still available at good price.

PRICE Reduction

AJ-PCS060G 60 GB Portable Hard Drive Storage Device (P2 Store) for P2 Card contents . Mint with battery and power connect cable, and USB cable
$600.00 includes the shipping and insurance within USA only.
Payment PayPal
Pictures @


1 P2 8Gig cards perfect condition, with cases.
$300.00 each includes the shipping and insurance within USA only.
Payment PayPal
Pictures @

PM me.
Steve Cahill is offline  
Old December 14th, 2007, 09:42 AM   #5606
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Originally Posted by Ash Greyson View Post
the cheapest decent deck you are going to get, even used with lots of hours, is going to be $750-$1000. Search eBay to get an idea on price.

Ash =o)
I've been using my JVC DVS3U deck for a long time to do SD captures with no problems, and they go for substantially less than the prices you'd indicated (under $500).

Michael, check the auction site for JVC DVS3U or DVS2U decks. There's normally quite a few listed at very reasonable prices.
As long as the heads are in decent shape it'll work just fine. Firewire digital is firewire digital.

Ken Grohs is offline  
Old December 14th, 2007, 10:11 AM   #5607
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FS in UK - Phonic MR244 Mixer


I've bought a new desk so my trusty lil' Phonic desk has got to go. It's in good condition except the preamp on channel 11 has packed up. I have no idea how much the repair would be, I simply didn't use channel 11.

It's a 16 mono preamp input desk with 4 aux returns and some extra ins lying around, down to four busses and four outs. Each channel also has a dedicated direct output.

It also has the capability to mix Mono/Sum on the first two channels, never used it because I couldn't get my head around the theory of it all.

I'm sure a google search will tell you all about it, more than I can remember from the manual I'm sure.

It's yours for £150. Inc, PSU, rackmounting kit (if I can find it!). + p&p.

I will post pics this weekend at some point.
Dave Robinson is offline  
Old December 14th, 2007, 10:12 AM   #5608
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HDV Editing System for sale

Folks, I really need to sell this. It is not being used and I don't have room for it after I move. My wife and I will be living in a 31 foot travel trailer for the next year.

Anyone? Anyone?
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Old December 14th, 2007, 10:13 AM   #5609
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If you're patient you'll find a good deal. I just bought one for $500 from a DVinfo member. 50 hours on the head, practically new. So search here 1st. Usually better than any deal you'll find on the auction site. The last deck I bought there was complete junk.
Mark Bournes is offline  
Old December 14th, 2007, 11:15 AM   #5610
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Sounds Nice. Can I see pics? would love to see inside etc.


Bradley D Barber is offline  
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