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Old December 9th, 2007, 06:09 PM   #5521
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PRICE Reduced:

AJ-PCS060G 60 GB Portable Hard Drive Storage Device (P2 Store) for P2 Card contents . Mint with battery and power connect cable, and USB cable
$800.00 includes the shipping and insurance within USA only.
Payment PayPal
Pictures @

4- P2 8Gig cards perfect condition, with cases.
$400.00 each includes the shipping and insurance within USA only.
Payment PayPal
Pictures @

PM me.
Steve Cahill is offline  
Old December 9th, 2007, 06:12 PM   #5522
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Canon XH-A1 package

Well just crashed into a brick wall recently on the freeway after swerving to avoid a large unidentified object...problem, no collision insurance (stupid me, always assumed such things were included as I've never been one for details).

In any case, I'd like to sell a few things now to help recoup the inevitably depressing costs of auto body repair.

Thus, the A1 package I'm selling is as follows:

An A1 in great shape, with very little tape head usage, I've been using Fuji mini-dv tapes. HOWEVER, there is problem in that the built-in on-camera mic came loose (it's VERY easy to do) while I was screwing on my tripod plates. It's still attached, and it still functions perfectly without any problems whatsoever. I neatly taped it back with gaff tape, and it looks and works fine. It's not a problem if you already own the camera, just one of those annoying things when you try to sell the camera....

If you can get past this little quirk and want to take advantage of the savings, then this is the A1 for you.

Here's what's included:

1) The original cables, high-cap battery, single charger, and such.
2) Three additional high-capacity, BP-945 batteries (one of them the case is cracked, but it works fine) plus additional two-battery charger.
3) 2 top-notch 72mm screw-on filters: Hoya multi-coated UV filter, B+H Polarizer.
4) 72mm expo-disc: this super convenient cap white balance disc is very good for taking accurate white balance in mixed lighting conditions, just put the cap on, and white balance, very simple and effective add-on as an alternative to the traditional white sheet white balancing.
5) Studio 1 Productions, LANC remote control like this one:
The difference is that mine is the previous (and I think better) version which had the live LCD readout screen of your independent zoom speed settings. This is a great and very convenient remote unit. Also including a 25' LANC extension cord for it for jib use or whatever.
6) The after-market Sony eye-cup addition that makes using the intolerably uncomfortable stock A1 eye-cup more than tolerable...more like terrific.
7) Large Amvona camera gear back pack case, like the Porta-Brace ones, but in a far less obvious design if you ever travel since it's a neutral black color. This bag can hold a boom pole or a small tripod at its side. Has a back pocket for holding a laptop. It's got a ton of extra compartments and pockets inside and out. It's light yet still padded enough and structurally sound enough to protect your A1 and hold all your A1 accessories plus a few wireless systems if you want (lots of rearrangebale velcro compartments). It's perfect size for air-line carry-on luggage. It's very comfortable to wear on your back. All in all, I just LOVE this case. Of all the cases I've ever owned, this is my favorite by far and it'll be tough to part with (especially since I use it for audio stuff)...but oh well, gotta fix my car first for without I am toast.

Price: $2700 shipped by UPS ground.

I have 100% perfect buyer feedback on Ebay under "ravishingruwooba" if you're worried.

My paypal address is


P.S. I live in L.A. and would much rather sell this for cash locally if possible. Local cash price would be $2500.
Eugene Kim is offline  
Old December 9th, 2007, 07:11 PM   #5523
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Pm'd you Evan; & Chris sorry for the e-mail to you!!!
dreaming hobbyist + storyteller
Michael Y Wong is offline  
Old December 9th, 2007, 07:48 PM   #5524
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Willing to consider "reasonable" offers. Gonna stick it on an "auction" site tomorrow.....
Kit Hannah is offline  
Old December 9th, 2007, 07:50 PM   #5525
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FS in US: Sennheiser ME66/K6P combo with windscreen

I've upgraded to the Sennheiser MKH 416 so I'm selling my ME66 combo. Here are pics:

The mic is in excellent condition and has been carefully maintained. Not sure that I still have original packaging, but if that is really important I can try to find it.

$375 for Mic, Power module, and foam wind screen

Feel free to email me at peterdrichardson at mac dot com. Thanks!

Peter Richardson is offline  
Old December 9th, 2007, 08:02 PM   #5526
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FS in US: G-Raid Pro 1TB FW800 RAID 3 Hard drive

This is a really cool drive that unfortunately G-Tech no longer makes. You can read more about it here:

The big selling points for me on this drive (in addition to what you can read on the above thread)

1. G-Tech quality. Many of you are probably familiar with G-Tech drives. I swear by them and have never had one fail, as opposed to Lacie etc.

2. Hitachi drives. Goes to the above point -- G-Tech only uses the best drives, which is the foundation of a good RAID system.

3. FW800. G-Tech has a new product, but it's only esata and doesn't offer RAID functionality when plugged into a laptop. The great thing about this drive is that you can plug it right into your laptop, and it's screaming fast.

Here are pics of the drive I'm selling:

Everything goes for $1000, and buyer pays shipping. Thanks and feel free to email me at peterdrichardson at mac dot com with questions. Best,

Peter Richardson is offline  
Old December 9th, 2007, 09:29 PM   #5527
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How about $180 - anyone interested?

- Martin
Martin Pauly
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Old December 9th, 2007, 09:46 PM   #5528
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The above link to pics is broken. Here's the correct one:
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Old December 9th, 2007, 09:47 PM   #5529
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Don't buy from this guy. He is a huge scammer... And he murdered my brother! ;) ;) ;)

Honestly, Mike is probably the most trustworthy guy I know on this site. I have rented from him numerous times and we have worked together in the past. I vouch for him 100%.

BTW Mike, how is your Brevis working out?
Matthew Nayman is offline  
Old December 10th, 2007, 01:53 AM   #5530
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another bump...
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Old December 10th, 2007, 06:29 AM   #5531
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Price Reduced

The price has been reduced to $2350. I am also a PayPal verified member and I have a merchants account if you would like to use a credit card.


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Old December 10th, 2007, 08:04 AM   #5532
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Is this still available?

I sent you an email ...

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Old December 10th, 2007, 09:05 AM   #5533
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Canon XH A1


Yes this is still available, I have had numerous requests and responded by emails but no one seems to write me back and say they want it. Maybe my email isn't working correctly. Anyone who wants to purchase this can call my office toll free at 888-733-5246 and leave a message if no one answers and I will return your call ASAP. Thanks!

David Chilson is offline  
Old December 10th, 2007, 11:27 AM   #5534
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Firestore FS4 Pro HD 40gig $525

for sale. Has a few minor scratches but otherwise is in great shape. Ive been using this with my HD100 and it captures 30p HDV quicktime files natively, as well as regular DV in all flavors of 24p, 30p, and 60i natively. It can capture HDV as .m2t which usually goes straight into mpegstreamclip for conversion to the codec of your choice as well.

I do have pictures ready if anyone is interested.

It comes with all original documents, packaging, cords.

$525 shipped.

Last edited by Alan Ortiz; December 10th, 2007 at 06:33 PM.
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Old December 10th, 2007, 03:08 PM   #5535
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WTB: Older pro + studio type cameras & small broadcast switchers

Looking to buy 5-7 older cameras, such as JVC DV-500's, JVC KY-27 or 29's, Sony DXC or Panasonic AG Stuff. Not looking to spend a ton of money on them, but interested in purchasing them in good working condition for mobile flypack unit. You can post here or email me with what you have available and how much you are asking.

Also interested in the following items:
Grass Valley 100 & 110 Switchers
Echolab Switchers
Sony Switchers

Thanks in advance!
Kit Hannah is offline  
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