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Old January 28th, 2007, 09:33 PM   #436
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Hi Bryon,
Someone else has already asked to purchase the tripod and I'm waiting for them to get back to me to finish the deal. If they don't I'll let you know; however, I have to leave town in about 10 days and so I sort of need to sell it and ship it before then. BTW, I watched your "Salt" program - Great job! Are you guys airing that?

Alan, yes the price includes ground shipping.
Matthew Wilson is offline  
Old January 28th, 2007, 09:45 PM   #437
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I understand. I'll try and pull some funds together before then, because that is one great deal. I'll know something for sure tomorrow.

As far as the Salt company goes.... The entire series lasts six weeks and there is one devotion for every day of the week, save Sunday. It is meant to be a tool for shurches to help new converts understand the basis of our faith.

The first week is just merely an introduction, with each day highlighting key points of what the series is a bout. The Second Week deals with the Bible and how accurate it is and how we can be sure that it we can truly trust what it says. The third Week is on God and answerts questions like, "If god is good, then why do bad things happen...and if there are so many "gods", then how we do know ours is the right one to worship. The fourth week is on sin and salvation and answers questions like, If I'm basically a good person, then why do I need to be saved? The fifth week is on Jesus and answers questions like, "Is Jesus really man, Really God?" And "Why did Jesus have to Die?" The ALst week deals with the church and tithing and why we need to be a part of a local church.

I'm kind of taking it step by step. I've really been blessed to where I could afford to buy the equipment to shoot it. Plus, God really surrounded me with some great people to help pull it off. And Yes, that is the Future Mrs. Akerman.

We shot it in my parents garage. I did the whole set for about $500.00 thanks to Home Depot and my parents letting me borrow a couple of TV's! We shot it using a full XL1-s setup with the manual lens and viewfinder and a teleprompter, a xl1 with a wide angle and a small Sony.

I'm editing it all right now. Once it gets done, I'm going to try to market it to churches or find distribution.

It's been by far my biggest undertaking. I'm really excited about it, though!

I'm actually selling my 2 Canon's to make room for a HVX200, thats what i'm wanting the tripod for. I'll let you know if I can make the funds appear sooner.

By the way, here is some more of my work!

Take Care!!

Bryon <><
Commandment #11- "Thou shalt Render as thou goest."

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov. 1:7)
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Old January 28th, 2007, 10:26 PM   #438
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Sounds Good Bryon
That series sounds like an excellent idea and that it could be a real blessing for many people. Glad to see fine talent being used for the kingdom.
Matthew Wilson is offline  
Old January 28th, 2007, 10:26 PM   #439
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FS: 16x9 HDV7X1 0.7 Wide Angle Converter Lens

16x9 HDV7X1 0.7 Wide Angle Converter Lens for Sony HDRFX1, HVRZ1U, Panasonic DVX100B, Canon XL2 and H1 cameras...
I bought this from B&H several months ago and it is in Perfect condition; I have just started using the Wide Angle Canon Lens (the older 3x) and have no more need of this adapter.
I like wide shots - though in all honesty, this 16x9 looses it's sharpness towards the outer edges of the picture - you see this with HD. Nevertheless, I found it very useful.
It sells for 600$
I would ask 350$ for it
Here's a link to the 0.75 (which is the closest picture)The 0.75 sells for 800$

"The adapter is for 72mm thread and has a 98mm outer diameter accepting 95mm circular filters You are no longer limited to the range of your camcorder's built-in zoom lens. 16x9 HDV7X1 0.7X Wide Angle Converter offers a top-quality and cost-effective method of obtaining wider angle images with the Sony's HDR-FX1, HVR-Z1U, Panasonic DVX100B and Canon XL2 & H1 cameras. Key Features • High Quality Lens The HDV7X1 has been constructed with no sacrifice to quality, crafstmanship is meticulous in every detail. This top quality optical product employs three multi-coated optical glass elements to yield clean, high definition pictures. • Front Filter & Mattebox Compatible The Converter's 95mm front thread allows users to directly thread mount glass filters and other accessories. Plus, this optical accessory integrates beautifully with professional mattebox systems such as those from Alfred Chrosziel. • Works with Popular Camcorders A convenient 72mm screw-in rear thread facilitates quick and easy installation to the front of the Sony's HDR-FX1 lens and to other camcorders such as the Panasonic DVX100/A, and Canon XL1, XL2 & H1 cameras. • Adds 30% wider coverage • Full Zoom • Quick & easy installation • Three multi-coated glass elements"
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Old January 29th, 2007, 12:42 AM   #440
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Where can I go to get more info on the Salt Company?
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Old January 29th, 2007, 01:01 AM   #441
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7" LCD Monitor Hoodman

I have a brand new hoodman for a 7" LCD Monitor, no need for it. $25 Shipped takes it.
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Old January 29th, 2007, 01:19 AM   #442
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Uhh...there are SEVERAL people using the 700m with no issue. I dont use it to record much but it works fine with DVCproHD 720PN files. 1080 files choke unless the drive is pretty empty. HDV files record fine at any rez. It also works fine with monitoring, not sure what you are talking about, I used it TODAY with an HVX, no probs. It barely meets spec but it runs just fine. I have a Dell 700m w/ 2GHZ Pentium M with 2GB of ram, the Pentium Ms perform about 150% of non-Ms clock speed. That is to say, the 2ghz performs like a 3ghz in many apps.

ash =o)

edit... see this post from DVinfo
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Old January 29th, 2007, 03:47 AM   #443
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FS: Lowel Light Kit - Around 2000 watts

I am selling a Lowel light kit, that was used on one feature. Everything is in great condition! This is the DV Creator 44 kit. It comes with the following:

Rifa light (with softbox) -250w
Pro-light with barn doors - 250w
Omni light, with barn doors/scrim - 500w
Tota light with scrim and doors - 750/800w
power cables
extra tota bulb
sturdy hard case with handle!!

Very little wear, just a little bit of gaffer tape gunk on the barn doors of the pro light I could probably clean off if you need. The rifa light's bulb is burnt out, so I can get a replacement if you're not in an area where getting these kind of bulbs is easy. The price will just be slightly more.

Total price for package - $950 including Fedex shipping

I accept Paypal+2% or money order - Local pickup in Los Angeles availible!

Contact me -


-David Frank

Last edited by Dave Frank; January 29th, 2007 at 01:01 PM.
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Old January 29th, 2007, 08:38 AM   #444
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Ahh, I was looking at the wrong laptop. Well, maybe I should be considering a purchase :)
Ben Winter is offline  
Old January 29th, 2007, 09:29 AM   #445
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Might want to adjust that price, Dave. Check out the price from B&H Photo for a 'brand new' DV Creator 44 kit with all the bulbs.

Just an FYI,

Greg Boston is offline  
Old January 29th, 2007, 09:41 AM   #446
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I'm currently working on a web site for it, but until then, you can direct any questions to me at


Bryon <><
Commandment #11- "Thou shalt Render as thou goest."

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov. 1:7)
Bryon Akerman is offline  
Old January 29th, 2007, 10:04 AM   #447
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Rycote Softie

Email sent regarding Rycote Softie.
John Dewey is offline  
Old January 29th, 2007, 11:58 AM   #448
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WTB FCP,SoundtrackPro,motion,or DVD Studio Pro

Wanted: FCP,Soundtrack Pro,Motion or DVD Studio Pro that will qualify for upgrade to Universal version of Final Cut Studio.
John Lutz
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Old January 29th, 2007, 01:04 PM   #449
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It's not that one actually. It was originally over $1200 plus shipping and tax. The hard case I believe is one of the differences.
Dave Frank is offline  
Old January 29th, 2007, 01:37 PM   #450
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XL-2 For Sale

I need to sell my XL-2, it has less than 50 hrs on it w/all the items that come with the standard camera, plus an extra battrey and a Firestore-40.
My wife bought me new camera for Christmas.

I will provide pics to all interested parties.
I am located in Hurst , TX, I own the Segway dealership here in North Texas and the purchase can be made via CC through our Segway store, so you know who we are.

Price: $3500.00 free shipping within US.

Contact: David Ford
D/FW Segway
cell: 214-504-8905
Office: 817-284-9191
David Ford is offline  
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