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Old July 6th, 2007, 10:26 PM   #2941
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Looking for Panasonic DVX 100

Bumping to see if there are other dvx 100' for sale.
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Old July 7th, 2007, 06:20 AM   #2942
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WTB Vinten Vision 3

I'm looking to purchase a Vinten Vision 3 head. I'm open to head and legs or just the head, depending on the price.


Vence Vida
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Old July 7th, 2007, 11:08 AM   #2943
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One more bump.
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Old July 7th, 2007, 12:02 PM   #2944
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wtb dvx100a or b

Looking to purchase a dvx100 with less than 200 hours, must be in great condition. Im just getting started so I really need to stay within 1750.00 - 1850.00 for the camera. I may be able to do better than that however, thats pushing it for me. Willing to purchase now. Respond to this post or contact me @
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Old July 7th, 2007, 12:34 PM   #2945
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Eugene Kim, Rolls Mixer

Eugene: If you advertise items for sale at least have the courtesy to answer the prospective buyers e mails. I have sent 3 e mail messages to the address listed with your name on this forum. I wanted to buy the rolls MX422 mixer for the price you advertised.
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Old July 7th, 2007, 01:30 PM   #2946
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Robyne a few threads done Charles Papert is selling his 100a :)
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Old July 7th, 2007, 02:33 PM   #2947
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$325 shipped or off to eBay on Monday

ash =o)
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Old July 7th, 2007, 05:46 PM   #2948
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Sale complete, the mic arrived as expected - thanks Eugene!
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Old July 7th, 2007, 06:32 PM   #2949
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Originally Posted by Bill Wilson View Post
Eugene: If you advertise items for sale at least have the courtesy to answer the prospective buyers e mails. I have sent 3 e mail messages to the address listed with your name on this forum. I wanted to buy the rolls MX422 mixer for the price you advertised.
Hi, I'm sorry, but let's just say there was a "death in the family." Well, that's as close as I can say to how I feel right now, there were extenuating circumstances that hit me at that exact time, and now I have to get ready for a three week long project straight starting Monday.

That...and I apparently broke the mixer when I took it apart to recalibrate the meters. I must have pushed too hard or something on the three input gain knobs on the back when trying to close it back up quickly, as the capacitors powering three of them cracked, in other words, only channel 2 wouldn't work.

Sorry about all this, but obviously that coupled with everything else piling down on me at the same time...believe me, I'm normally more courteous than that.

I was going to try and fix the mixer first by myself by replacing the capacitors at an electronics part store, but then the stuff/world come crashing down overnight thing happened.

In any case, I don't think you'd want mine anymore for obvious reasons. I also wouldn't be able to ship it anymore either as I will be working from morning to virtually midnight everyday including weekends for the next three weeks.

This said, Rolls e-mailed me saying they would replace the capacitors for me and retune the calibration for me, for free as well, while they were at it. Their customer service is wonderful, and the thing's not even under warranty anymore.

As far as low-cost mixers go, the Rolls is very easy to use, and I would highly recommend it. However, for a very hot line level like with the A1, it doesn't quite output a high enough signal for efficient linking/optimal calibration (works very well though when you use the -30db output pad and the A1 in mic input mode, or with the A1's 20db pad)

On the other hand, it would mate very well out of the box with say something like the DVX in live level out I feel.

Also, you can buy the 21' breakaway cable for the Sound Devices 302 mixer on Ebay from Alchemy Audio, and it works perfectly with the Rolls MX-422 with a simple 1/8" female stereo to 1/4" stereo male adapter.

Another tip is that the master volume control fader on the front, should be set at about 3/4 of the way. Unity range is typically 1/2 to the 3/4 mark on fader knobs, and the manual recommends that you try to keep the master volume control set at the 1/2 mark for maximum variance and headroom. I have not found that to be the best practice most of the time with this mixer.

The course input gain knobs on the back (the things I apparently busted much to my chagrin *just* as I was about to sell it), kick in really strong towards the last 1/4th of their travel. The gain is tremendous and a great thing creating really "hot" microphone pickup for boom work, however, when you get to that 3/4 mark you add by far a much more noticeable increase in noise. The master volume pot, however, adds the least amount of noise overall, so keeping the course input trim knobs on the back at *just* below their 3/4 mark, and the master fader set at the 3/4 mark, and the individual channel faders (which generate noticeably more noise than the master fader) operating at around 1/2 to 60-65%, generally created the best signal to noise ratio for me with this mixer.

Hope this helps, and again sorry, about not getting back to you...but sometimes that's just how life is, things happen and things break, at the worst possible time.
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Old July 8th, 2007, 06:03 AM   #2950
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fs: anton bauer gold mount and adapter for canon xl1, xl2, xlh1

up for sale is an anton bauer qr-xl-1/2-c gold mount for the canon xl cameras. battery plate will mount to the ma100/200 on the xl1 or xl1s, or the accessory plate on the xl2 and xlh1. the gold mount has a power adapter that will convert battery power to 7.2v, so a single battery can power your camera, light, firestore, and most other camera accessories (with the appropriate cables). kit includes the gold mount, back plate, all screws, and documentation.

this is the discontinued version, essentially the same unit as the current one except in a slightly different form factor.

asking $85.00 shipped.
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Old July 8th, 2007, 06:18 AM   #2951
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fs: k-tek 3/8" threaded camera microphone ring adapter for canon & sony cams

left over from my xl2, this adapter fits into the mic mount available on some sony and all canon xl cameras (it's a wee bit too big for the mic mount on the xh cameras, but will work with a tight fit). it gives you the ability to screw on the k-tek kssm, or any compatible 3/8" shock mount, to your camera.

some pics from the k-tek site:

asking $15 shipped.
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Old July 8th, 2007, 11:59 AM   #2952
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If picked up in Los Angeles, $1900.
Charles Papert
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Old July 8th, 2007, 03:20 PM   #2953
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A couple of films that I did with the DVX, plus an article from the International Cinematographer's Guild magazine largely about another one that I shot with the DVX, for those interested:
Charles Papert
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Old July 8th, 2007, 07:19 PM   #2954
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Old July 8th, 2007, 07:53 PM   #2955
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FS: Cam-kote in Mossy oak Break -up

Cam-kote for sale in mossy oak camoflage
for info go to
this model will fit everything from a canon xl-1 to a sony dsr-300 series camera

75.00 shipped
pics upon request
any questions e-mail me or call me

Take a kid hunting or fishing and you won't have to hunt for him or her later on in life. The outdoors were created to enjoy not look at through a glass window.
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