Sony PXW-FS5 4K S35 Video Camera
Super35 4K E-Mount Camera from Sony. Very versatile camera with 2x XLR inputs and SDI out. Includes all original accessories plus extra large BPU60 battery and 2x 128GB SDXC cards. This is the Mk1 version. About 690 hours, and in good functional shape. Only major flaw to mention is a very small sun burn on the LCD that is only visible during dark backgrounds. You can see it in the close up picture, lower left.
$1650 shipped for the FS5. PayPal on me.
Please let me know any questions. I also have a second one going up for sale that has the RAW upgrade if you’re interested in that feature. Same package, condition and around 1300 hours. Price would be just a touch higher than this one.
Also have Metabones for sale, one regular MkIV and one Speed Booster EF to E.