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Old June 10th, 2012, 12:58 PM   #1171
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Sony EX3 and many extras at below market price

I just got a Canon C300 and my beloved EX3 and its accessories need to go to fund a Zacuto shoulder rig, EVF, and follow focus for it. I love this camera, and it has been through many high-end, corporate productions with me. There are 401 hours on the meter, so there's lots of life left in her.

The lens appears to be perfect to my eyes. There is minor cosmetic wear along one of the upper edges on the back, right side of the camera, and some miscellaneous scratches elsewhere, as you would expect. All the white lettering appears to be perfect. There is a small spot of dried super glue on the focus ring, and some small scratches on the bottom of the camera that I've had covered up for quite a long time now with a metal base plate I use (a base plate with the EX3 is essential). The lens remote port is a bit loose. I just discovered this, actually, and I suspect an AC got a bit overzealous while removing the Varizoom remote controller cable. I tested it and it works just fine. A bit of glue would secure it. The battery release button sticks, but has no effect on operation, and eventually unsticks once the battery has been in for a bit. None of these are issues, but I want to do a full disclosure. To the best of my knowledge, these minor things are the only imperfections with the camera.

I've never had any problems with it, whatsoever. To the best of my knowledge, everything works, but there are functions and ports I never use, or use only rarely.

The camera comes with the following accessories that were in the original kit:

8GB SxS card
1/2" lens adapter
Component cable
BPU-30 battery and charger
Lens hood, charger, and etc.

Additional things I'm selling with the system are:

Four Hoodman SxS adapters with three 16GB Hoodman RAW SDHC cards and one 32GB Hoodman RAW card (four adapters and four cards in all). I got these particular adapters and cards because they have a sterling reputation for reliability.
Strut Gunner GTC-3U, semi-hardened bag made specifically for the EX3. It fits in the overhead compartments of full-sized aircraft.
B+W UV filter, thin, multicoated, top-of-the-line
Kata rain jacket made for the EX3 (never used)
Two Sony BPU-60 batteries
One Swit W-8U62 battery with D-tap (brand new and never used)
DM-Accesories shoulder rig that includes:
-- Base plate (essential)
-- Shoulder cushion
-- Pivoting back plate with retaining clip
-- Two-battery mount (for putting the BPU-60 batteries in as counterweights and running the camera with their power)
-- Sennheiser wireless box (holds G2/G3 receiver)
Varizoom remote controller (record, last clip playback, and zoom control) with 10' extension for mounting on a jib or other remote operation
Vortex media field guide

I'm pricing this to sell, so I started by trying to determine a fair, market price using online auction sites. Based on what's actually sold recently (not what people are asking), the hours on those cameras, and looking at both EX1rs and EX3s that have sold, it appears to me that a fair market price for the camera, only (with the basic stuff that came with it) is around $5,500. Getting used prices on the accessories is more difficult, so I basically took the online prices for new equipment and took 50% of that unless there was better data. The total fair market price for the accessories would be around $1,500, bringing the total to $7,000.

My philosophy is to sell quickly instead of trying to wring out every penny, so I'll sell the total package for $6,000. If you want the camera only, I'll sell that for $5,200. I will NOT sell the accessories before I've sold the camera.

You can contact me by replying by email to stuart dot osteen at g mail dot com, or you can call three zero three - five one seven - two one eight two.

Look forward to hearing from you!
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Old June 10th, 2012, 02:10 PM   #1172
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PMW-EX1 Like new with firmware v1.20

Hi everyone,

I have for sale a very lightly used PMW-EX1 (not R) that was purchased for a project that was scrapped. I'd love to sell this for a reasonable price considering its condition. Only 7 hrs use. It was stored and very well taken care of.

You can see some photos of the unit here

1 x PMW-EX1 with firmware v1.20 and 7 hr use
4 x MXM SDHC ExpressCard adapters loaded with 16 GB SDHC ( should be able to under and over crank 1-60fps )
2 x Sony 8GB memory cards
1 x Sony BP-U30 battery
2 x Sony BP-U60 battery
1 x Sony Battery charger
1 x Sony Remote
1 x Original PMW-EX1 User Manual (not shown in photos)
1 x ExpressCard/34 to USB 2.0 adapter (not shown in photos)
1 x Sony shoulder strap
Various cables in kit (not shown in photos)

Prefer to sell locally in Montreal or Canada but I'm open to offers from CONUS also.

I'm looking for somewhere near $5000 CAD.

Ike Tamigian is offline  
Old June 11th, 2012, 06:48 AM   #1173
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Re: Set of 2 Cool Lights 600 with Softboxes

sent you an e-mail
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Old June 11th, 2012, 07:21 AM   #1174
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Re: Sigma 18-50mm F/2.8 (For GH2 or GH1)

Lens is sold.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 12:13 PM   #1175
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Complete Tiffen Ultracon set 4x4

For sale in MINT condition with original Tiffen pouches, a set of 5 varying strength Ultracon 4x4 filters!

Use these to reduce and average out the overall contrast of a scene to preserve the maximum dynamic range of the scene you are shooting.

The end result is that it gives you a more filmic look since with a "flatter" image you are able to record more scene information in your shadows which later in post you can adjust to re-introduce your scene contrast where you would like it. In essence, this is the same as shooting in the popular "flat" picture profile modes everyone raves about - except with a filter you are doing it in front of the glass instead of in-camera.

This innovation by Tiffen earned a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for this popular Motion Picture and TV filter.

- Works with surrounding ambient light
- Captures details lost in shadows
- Lowers contrast evenly throughout image
- No flare or halation
- Lets you "see" more

5 total strengths:


These cost $250 new each to buy. Buy all of them here for $750 including shipping to anywhere in North America with tracking number to your door.

No BS transaction and 100% feedback on ebay since 1999 on over 207 transactions.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 01:48 PM   #1176
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Re: Tota Lights, Some Digital Cameras and a SAMSON MIXPAD 4 (field mixer)

Totas have been sold.
Brilliant Champions | Gallery Hijinks
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Old June 11th, 2012, 05:50 PM   #1177
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Sony PVM-740 OLED 7.4" monitor

Selling my Sony PVM-740 7.4" OLED monitor. The image on this monitor is gorgeous...deep deep blacks, wonderful contrast and very wide colour gamut (colour space switchable between REC709, EBU, SMPTE-C, or native).

Takes HD-SDI, HDMI, and composite. Waveform, markers, image flip, audio levels, pixel-to-pixel, focus assist. Really a stunning image for critical image evaluation...take this out when you're shooting night exteriors and the clarity and shadow detail in the blacks will blow you away. I have used this monitor a lot with the Alexa and it's a nice match for the camera.

Monitor is in very good condition, well cared for, mainly used by myself and has relatively low hours, there is no user-accessible hour meter but I would estimate less than 350-400 total.

-monitor with my own side handle add-on
-original table tilt stand, never used (not shown)
-original Sony brick-type AC adapter (not shown; looks like a brick that slides into the V mount at the back and has a plug to go to the wall)
-dogbone-type articulating arm for camera mounting, with ball head and quick release platform/plate
-2x BNC cables (one is a thin spaghetti type)
-D-tap to 4-pin XLR power cable
-compact AC adapter with XLR end
-custom 5/8" spigot mount (with anti-twist index pin) for mounting monitor to a c-stand
-Pelican 1500 case with customized fabric-slipcovered foam insert

The Sony brick-type AC adapter is the only thing that does not fit in the Pelican case, so if you do not want it the shipping might be less.

$1950. (originally about $3900 for everything)

Contact me via at gmail dot com. Located in Toronto area. Will ship US/Canada at cost for insured, trackable service.
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Last edited by Kar Wai Ng; June 11th, 2012 at 05:51 PM. Reason: shipping info
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Old June 11th, 2012, 08:41 PM   #1178
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Re: Mint- Sony HVR-MRC1K

Is this still for sale?
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old June 11th, 2012, 10:14 PM   #1179
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Re: Sony FX1

Sony FX1 has been SOLD!
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Old June 12th, 2012, 09:46 AM   #1180
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Newtek Tricaster

Multi input / output vision & audio mixer (3 cameras - composite or S), PC or Mac computer input, onboard hard drive VCR play out, on-board caption generator with hundreds of templates, built in video editor, record to internal hard drive or composite / S video output for projector etc or even direct to web. Works in PAL or NTSC. This is an older model but will work perfectly in 16:9 or 4:3, complete with T bar switcher, keyboard, mouse, 16:9 computer monitor, 6" JVC video monitor (4:3 only), quick start manual, restore disks, carry case, Portabrace for video monitor, 2 x 10m S leads. Ideal for live events, role play, schools, Church, conferences etc. Demo and cash / collect - £950 - UK only (from near Gloucester / Hereford)
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Last edited by Dave Farrants; June 12th, 2012 at 10:24 AM.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 10:13 AM   #1181
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I will be selling both Sony's XDCAM PMW-EX3 cameras in the middle of July. Both cameras are in excellent condition. I have originally purchased both cameras from B&H. Everything is original, including original boxes that both cameras came with and everything else. Current number of hours on 1 camera 257 and the 2nd camera 223. If you are interested in both or one camera, please contact me at for complete information and photographs. I will provide all the details.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 10:31 AM   #1182
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Re: Sony NEX ZEISS 24mm 1.8 lens

sold on ebay. thanks
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Old June 12th, 2012, 11:37 AM   #1183
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Two (2) Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM & Accessories

I recently took a job in public safety and must ready to go to work on an short notice. I am not allow to have any other job so I am selling everything.

I purchased the two camcorders via TapeWorks Texas a little over a year ago. Both camcorders and accessories are in excellent shape, very well kept and always in a Pelican 1650 case. I had total of 4 weddings on them, anywhere between 15-22 hours of running time.

Here they are:
- Two (2) Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM (original box/everything that came in the box)
- Two (2) Sony HXR-FMU128 - Flash Memory Unit
- Four (4) 16GB Sandisk Extreme SDHC Class 10 Flash memory cards.
- Two (2) Extended Batteries - Sony NP-F970, (7.2 v, 6600mAh)
- One (1) Sony RM1BP Remote Commander connect to LANC port
- One (1) SHL-32W LCD Hood.

Asking for $8300

The Pelican 1650 case does not include on this deal but if you are local (VA, DC, MD) and want to purchase everything, the case can be yours for free.

I live in Springfield, VA 22152. Please contact me at

Here are the photos:
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Old June 12th, 2012, 11:46 AM   #1184
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Re: Two (2) Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM & Accessories

"It can only be attributable to human error... This sort of thing has cropped up before, and it has always been due to human error."
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Old June 12th, 2012, 11:47 AM   #1185
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Re: Sony NX5U

"It can only be attributable to human error... This sort of thing has cropped up before, and it has always been due to human error."
Adam Gold is offline  
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