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Old March 25th, 2002, 12:32 AM   #46
New Boot
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The camera as I said is the 200HE .I say it is the PAL version of the 210 because it has the manual audio control(the only difference betwen the 200 and the 210).As I understand in europe they had the 200E and later they released the 200HE instead of calling it a 210E. The lens is the fujinon wide angle lens as I state on my post. I think the europen version does not use the XL1 chips as it is said to have 480K pixels CCDs.The PAL XL1 has 320K pixels CCDs.Also the PAL version do not have the frame mode as the NTSC one more reson I think it is not the same chip of the XL1, which is actually good since the XL1 chip is low in pixels in my opinion.And when I had my XL1 and compared the two picturs on my monitors(shot at the same time and conditions) the 200HE looked way better.

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Old March 26th, 2002, 11:29 PM   #47
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If the monitor is still for sale, I'm interested. Please e-mail me.

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Old April 8th, 2002, 01:51 PM   #48
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For XL1 handheld support, check out
the MARzPAK at Though
not a true steadicam, when using the optional
stabilizer weight, you can get nice steady shots without
the huge expense of a "real" steadicam. Also, set up
is measured in seconds, not like trying to balance all
the other options. Cost is under $500, and the quality
is outstanding. Makes the XL1 a dream to shoot with.

Disclaimer, I do work for Marztech.

Check out pics on watchdog.
Jacques Mersereau
University of Michigan-Video Studio Manager
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Old April 8th, 2002, 03:11 PM   #49
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Fs: Jvc Gy-dv500

JVC GY-DV500 Unit
Fujinon S17x6.6BRM lens (non stock lens)
VF-P116u Viewfinder (high end viewfinder)
JVC Mic holder KA-A50U


Low head time (17 hours)

Excellent rig only used for 2 small projects
**No Power included**

I'll consider selling items seperately.

Give me an offer
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Old April 8th, 2002, 04:00 PM   #50
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JVC Page


Potential buyers might be interesting in the JVC site's description of this camera. It's an excellent camera.
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Old April 8th, 2002, 07:14 PM   #51
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Thanks, Jacques.

I've read about the MARzPAK and have seen the photos. It warrants a second look for sure.
John Locke
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Old April 9th, 2002, 03:49 PM   #52
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Thanks, Ken.

I guess I just assumed that everyone could check it for themselves. But a friendly link is MUCH MUCH better.

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Old April 10th, 2002, 10:59 AM   #53
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FS: Sony VX-1000

For Sale:
Sony VX1000, mint condition, less than 10 tapes on playback time.
Comes complete with Vanguard hard case, wide angle adapter, UV filter, remote control and two sony batteries.

I will guarantee that this is like new condition.
A great deal at $900.00/you pay shipping.
Bill Ravens is offline  
Old April 13th, 2002, 02:20 AM   #54
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Hi John

I have the Glidecam 3000 Pro, with the arm support and the BodyPod (fits around your chest for support w/ limited movement since it doesn't have a mechanical arm like the V-8). The shots I've gotten are amazingly smooth and tight. I got the glidecam 3000 w/ the arm support (which I understand was made for the XL1, and soon replaced by the 4000 model which doesn't come with the arm but comes with some uninoticable design improvements) which is why I got it.

Getting it to balance is the hardest part, but once you do there's amazing control over how much movement you can do. I plan to use it on a micro-budget feature I hope to start filming/taping by Fall, where there's lots of walking, running, and keeping up with characters who are in motion both in exterior and interior shots.

The XL1 is very heavy and I didn't notice it since I've used it 99% of the time on the tripod, up till now.

The 3000 Pro was purchased before me, originally for a car chase see a guy wanted to do, whereby he had the camera and support unit (Glidecam) being held outside the car. It was hard, but it worked for him in the end.

I plan to use it to tape/film two actors in a car, from the front of the car, by having my friend driving me (in the back of his truck) filming the front of the car the actors are in. I hope that made sense. :)

I do know that the glidecams are often times resellable (with a decent return on 70% of the money spent) which is always a good thing. And most folks who have them are pretty reasonable. I have a grudge actually with guys who buy equipment and then want to sell it used to someone else for just $50 less what they paid. Most used glidecams (at least out here in LA, CA) are hurt by this type of sellers.

I seriously looked into which unit would give me just a little under what I need, because I was afraid to buy more equipment than I need and not look at the project(s) I was working on realistically (as in whether or not they could pay me back in return for the out of pocket production costs I was making in equipment purchases). I think more and more that's the distinction between hobbyist/collector and not. Making this stuff pay off, either in finished projects or money. Hope my ranting and experience can help, even if just a little.


Christian Calson
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Old April 13th, 2002, 07:25 AM   #55
Capt. Quirk
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Maybe you could just make a list of these disreputable dealers as well. It might save a lot of time when someone new asks the same old question, " What is this place like? They have great prices on...".

I researched for the better part of a year for equipment, and then months for the best prices. It was only when I actually went to buy the equipment that their true colors came out. In the end, everything cost more than I had originally planned, and took longer to get. But at least I got what I ordered. I was lucky, I guess.

Just a thought...
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Old April 16th, 2002, 12:36 PM   #56
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WANTED: Sharpness Indicator Chart

Anyone out there that has an old Sharpness Indicator Chart they don't need anymore?

I'm not looking to spend an arm and a leg. But it would be nice to have one, even if it's slightly outdated.
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Old April 16th, 2002, 12:52 PM   #57
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Still for sale ?

PAL XL-1, DV Raptor, Premiere

Andrew Leigh is offline  
Old April 16th, 2002, 01:13 PM   #58
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Tell ZGC you need one for your Mini35 adapter tests, and that it's for the Watchdog, and they should send a new one right out to you on their dime. At least I think they will.

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Old April 16th, 2002, 01:16 PM   #59
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Okay, I'll try that Chris.

Admittedly, I won't be doing a truly scientific test but I'd would like to compare my GY-DV500 with the mini35 with Zeiss lenses.

And, Chris, DO YOU EVER SLEEP???? Or do you have the watchdog wired directly into your brain???

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Old April 17th, 2002, 02:50 PM   #60
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Reseller ratings

U should never buy anything from anyone until u check out this site:

It's a well known source of seller information & rating, but makes me wonder that some of u don't do their homework.
elusive_kudo is offline  
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