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Old March 7th, 2002, 12:45 PM   #31
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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Chris has some vendor references and photos on the Watchdog site. ( Click on the "Image Gallery" to see the CineTech rig.

Warning: Pricing on this gear is, ahem, heroic. The XL1 becomes the accessory <g>.
Lady X Films: A lady with a boring wardrobe...and a global mission.

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Old March 7th, 2002, 01:10 PM   #32
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<<The XL1 becomes the accessory>>

Wow, Ken! That says it all. I'm constantly amazed at how some of the "accessories" for DV are still in the "designed-for-film-when-only-the-rich-could-do-it" category. I mean...come on...$5,000+ for a Steadicam? They've been selling long enough, and have increased their sales over the years enough, to precipitate a drop in prices.

Anyone out there in the accessory manufacturing biz? Come up with a line of top quality accessories priced proportionally to the new DV camcorders...then sweep the market!
John Locke
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Old March 7th, 2002, 01:21 PM   #33
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Ken you hit the nail right on the head.

Indeed perhaps I should have phrased the question as:
I am seeking the following package: "AFFORDABLE" camera plate with rods with followfocus wheels (for 14x lens). I have been over the Watchdog site a million times and I have visited all of the links, I was hoping someone might be able to direct me somewhere I haven't been able to find.

Two metal rods, a slab of metal with some grooves in it and a piece of plastic with gears should not be this expensive!

Maybe someone is really handy and could make me one, or go into mass production- You'll make a mint!
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Old March 7th, 2002, 02:03 PM   #34
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I certainly agree with y'all that these film-style accessories are absolutely outrageously priced. I really don't think the manufacturers are making much margin from them, although many of these folks are building this junk in their basements. Folks like Chrosiel who have been making film accessories for many years have clearly priced their gear for the rental market. Certainly, you can't blame them for trying.

But, dammit, if Canon wants to be in the "nuveau film" business it had better get its MBA's beavering away with their little Excel spreadsheets to build a more supportive product line of whole-brained professional accesories for their cams. I mean, c'mon, Canon splashes Soderberg's homely mug across a 2-page add in this month's Videography to crow about how wonderful Canon's cams are...but you'll note that Sir Steve has nary an accessory on his cams. Why? Probably because he can't find the damn things without going to the Eastern European black market.

Canon can't build a decent matte box for its own lenses?
Canon can't build a precision follow-focus rig for its own lenses?
Canon can't build a 35mm adapter for its XL1s?
Canon can't even build a relatively quiet mic mount for the XL1s?

Certainly they could.

Lady X Films: A lady with a boring wardrobe...and a global mission.

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Old March 7th, 2002, 06:27 PM   #35
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Singed my eyebrows while reading that one, Ken...well said.

Canon...if you're perusing this board...listen to the man. Listen to the market. You'll be glad you did.
John Locke
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Old March 7th, 2002, 07:03 PM   #36
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All good points, gents.

There's no question that some of this gear is just basic design and manufacturing, such as the bridge plate and rods that a few companies make. If you went to a machinist and asked him to copy it, he could probably do it for about half the money--maybe--if you include anodizing, maybe 2/3 the price...and then there's your own time going back and forth to the machinist when something doesn't fit just right, etc. I've done it plenty of times over the years, and sometimes it's just not worth it!

And with follow focus, it's a bit more sophisticated than it looks. Getting a nice smooth feel on the knob requires some tight tolerances and top-notch design. On my last show I couldn't get my Chrosziel on rental because my assistant prefers the feel of the Arri unit, oh well! Sure, for the XL1 there's room for error and a lower-priced version should be developed, I agree. But given enough play/slop that would be inherent in such a version, it may end up being better just pulling from the lens itself.

It would be nice if Canon got involved and mass-marketed this stuff, but my sense is that they probably are content with selling a zillion cameras rather than a few hundred gizmos, and letting someone else make and sell the gizmos. And who's to say they would actually make them affordable--case in point, the black-and-white viewfinder which is quite lovely but nearly half the cost of the camera itself?
Charles Papert
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Old March 11th, 2002, 06:52 PM   #37
New Boot
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Looking for an XL1s

with LCD, wide angle and a filter set (and anything else that you might have). Wanted to see if someone here is planning on selling their package. Otherwise I will go and buy retail or try ebay.

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Old March 11th, 2002, 10:31 PM   #38
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If you try to get your XL1s gear on eBay -please- be very, very careful. There has been a rash of less-than-honest XL1s sellers over there during the past 6-8 months. At least one scam had someone basically offering the cams, taking prepayment and then never delivering the goods. I was nearly scammed by a (fortunately) honest but stupid kid with a stellar eBay rating history who (I learned later) thought he could buy the camera in Canada and sell it on eBay for a profit.

I really recommend going to a good, reputable dealer such as ZGC (one of our sponsors here) or B&H. You'll see that the legit eBay auctions really don't settle for much (if any) lower prices than you'll get at ZGC. If you really want the thrill of the eBay auction game only buy new equipment from a Canon dealer. Zotz Digital is a frequent XL1s seller over there and they can be trusted. (I bought my first XL1 from Brian at Zotz...he's a good guy.)

Good luck.
Lady X Films: A lady with a boring wardrobe...and a global mission.

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Old March 12th, 2002, 01:23 AM   #39
New Boot
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Thank you

Thank you for your advice.

I really appreciate it.

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Old March 13th, 2002, 12:57 PM   #40
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How much do you want for it? I am interested.
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Old March 13th, 2002, 04:09 PM   #41
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Canon Wide Angle Adapter

The Canon XL1 Wide Angle Adapter 0.6 X.....................U$S 240, with post.
You can see it in

Thank you for your question.

Old March 21st, 2002, 05:02 PM   #42
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New price

Land of Enchantment, New Mexico
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Old March 22nd, 2002, 06:04 AM   #43
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I'm interested in the monitor but am out of town until MOnday. I'll check with you then.

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Old March 23rd, 2002, 06:03 PM   #44
New Boot
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Posts: 5
PAL panasonic DVCPRO Digital filmmaker kit for sale!!


I’m selling a PAL DVCPRO digital filmmaker kit on ebay with no reserve.
I’m sure you already heard of PAL advantages over NTSC for digital film production! The PAL format gives you 100 more lines resolution, 20% better color and it runs at 25 frames per second ( NTSC is 30 fps). This is closer to film's 24 frames per second rate and PAL video can be transferred to film at a 1:1 ratio resulting in a better and smoother video to film transfer. With NTSC, the bigger frame rate difference causes motion artifacts problems that can be very noticeable. Because of it’s advantages independent filmmakers and cinematographers all over the world have been using PAL cameras to make their films on a low budget and with high quality image.

I’m selling this kit with no reserve!
Check it out if you’re interested. Here is the url:

Happy bidding!
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Old March 23rd, 2002, 08:54 PM   #45
Obstreperous Rex
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Howdy from Texas,

I had to read through his lengthy description on E-bay to find out exactly what this is. Basically this camera is listed as a DVCPRO 200HE. He states that this is the Euro-PAL version of the AJ-D210, which is Panny's pro DVCPro camcorder using three 1/3rd-inch CCD's and taking broadcast professional 1/3rd-inch lenses (be aware, not half-inch lenses). The included lens appears to be the rare Fuji 12x wide-angle. Hope this helps,

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