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Old July 14th, 2005, 04:55 PM   #1816
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1
Firestore 4 Pro

I bought a Firestore 4 Pro for my son but he doesn't want it. It is brand new and never used. I couldn't return it to Norman Camera where I bought it because I had cut the UPC code off the box to send in for a rebate prior to finding out that my son could not use the Firestore 4 Pro. I bought it for a thousand dollars. I would be willing to sell it for $650.00 if anyone is interested. You can email me at if interested. Thanks.
Beth Mills is offline  
Old July 14th, 2005, 05:11 PM   #1817
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IMO the BeachTek DXA-4P is the best value. It goes for about $150-160 new and you can get used ones anywhere from $80-$120. Shows up on eBay regularly. I actually bought mine used for $55. :-) Click the link for more details. It bolts to the bottom of the GL2 and becomes "like one unit". The BeachTek bottom then can be mounted to a standard tripod.

BeachTek is recommended by many members. It's rugged, gives you both line and mic input, and both 1/8-in minijack and XLR inputs. I've used one for a year now and never had a problem. Don't know of anyone that ever had a problem.

As for the mic, are you sure you need a shotgun? Shotgun mics do NOT generally work very well for interior recording. For that you are better off with a cardioid/hypercardioid mic. I have seen a number of good reports for using the AT3031 as a boom mic. It sells for about $170 at B&H (but I have seen it as low as $150 elsewhere), and seems to be excellent quality for the price. It often appears in the middle of recommendations for boom mics. Some other choices toward the lower end are, in order of price (low to high):
  1. rode NT3
  2. oktava MCO-12
  3. AT3031
  4. AKG CK93
If you really need a shotgun (for exterior shots), then a great value is the AT897 at about $280. Some people prefer the Senn ME66, which is a hot mic. See The Best Shotgun mic for $300-400 (ME66/AT897/other?) and Low Cost Shotgun Microphone Comparison for more info.

Finally, whether it be a shotgun or cardioid mic, you will need to use it on a boom rather than your camera for most situations. The mic should be within 18-24 inches of the speaker.

Pete Wilie is offline  
Old July 14th, 2005, 06:26 PM   #1818
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Do you have pictures of it? Will you accept Escrow?

I'm asking because it's your first post here and it looks like a scam (I'm not implying it is, but regardless, it does look like your typical eBay scam).

You'll have to provide a way to prove you actually have what you're selling I would think for anyone to be interested.
David Lach is offline  
Old July 14th, 2005, 06:58 PM   #1819
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it was apleasure doing business with you matt, i would recommend calling you first if you need audio advice or equipment

Take a kid hunting or fishing and you won't have to hunt for him or her later on in life. The outdoors were created to enjoy not look at through a glass window.
Torrey C. Harris is offline  
Old July 14th, 2005, 07:04 PM   #1820
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Mackie HR824 Studio Monitors

I have two matched-pair Mackie HR824 monitors for sale in excellent condition. These monitors are the most accurate on the market at this price point. I have to sell them because we are changing to a surround monitor system. Asking price is $1050 plus shipping. Email only to if interested
Dan Lahav is offline  
Old July 14th, 2005, 08:06 PM   #1821
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Hi guys, i'm sorry but the camera is sold. I've had it in here for awhile but no bite so i posted it in ebay and sold it. It was like brand new, i didn't even finish one 63 minute tape with it! If you guys still want an xl2, a friend of mine, Matt McDermitt has one and I think he's looking into selling his. I think he's going to shoot on film now. Just drop me an email and i'll ask him for you.

Thanks for looking

Sid Tran
FREE online photo classified ads.
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Old July 14th, 2005, 09:05 PM   #1822
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sorry to say, it is not.

onboard controls for contrast & brightness. it simply displays whatever signal is coming in on the RCA/video cable.

if you want more photos, anyone, just ask.

Matthew Eastwood is offline  
Old July 14th, 2005, 10:09 PM   #1823
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Thanks Torrey... I always want anybody that deals with me to be REALLY happy they did. I'm a little nuts like that...

I meant what I said too... the next time you need a special piece of gear you can look me up.
Matt Gettemeier is offline  
Old July 14th, 2005, 10:48 PM   #1824
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Originally Posted by Patrick Moreau
I really don't think so. The DVX is 72mm thread on the lens isn't it? The PD170/VX line is all 58mm so it should be too small. There may be an adapter that fits the MK11 onto larger or smaller cams though.

i may be interested in the mk2 lens, or the pd150 and the mk2 if the lens can fit with the pd150, becuase the bayo should be the same in the vx2000,vx2100,pd150 and pd170

email me at
Wilfred Vidal is offline  
Old July 14th, 2005, 11:35 PM   #1825
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FS : Panasonic DVX100A & Canon XL-2


I'm selling one of these two cameras. Each kit includes :

Panasonic DVX100A with accessories
2X 3 1/2hrs battery
Kata Rain Cover
Petrol Case
Panasonic head cleaner cassette unopened
8X Panasonic Master cassettes
Panasonic hood for LCD
Warranty from BH until january 2006
90 hours on drum, always used Panasonic cassettes
Perfect working order, Perfect shape
Paid $3955US+tax last year, asking $3300US or 4000$CAN

Canon XL-2 with accessories
Pelican Case
Warranty until january 2008
10 hours on head
Perfect shape, like new
Perfect working order
I still have the box
Paid 6 900$CAN selling for 5 500$CAN

Also selling :

Mixer Shure FP33 with Porta-Brace MXC-33, Mint cond.Like new, never used
Senheiser ME66 with powering module in perfect shape, never used
Windshield grey foam

Everything are in Quebec, Canada
Guillaume Tremblay is offline  
Old July 15th, 2005, 12:57 AM   #1826
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the MK11 will fit on the PD150. Let me get back to you on Sunday with full details and photos- sure you don't want a nice portabrace case in that package too? :)

Talk to you soon.
Patrick Moreau is offline  
Old July 15th, 2005, 08:44 AM   #1827
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The camera is sold.
George Loch is offline  
Old July 15th, 2005, 11:50 AM   #1828
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WTB Canon 3X Wide Angle Lens

Got a project coming up that i'll need a wide angle lens for

if you've got one you're willing to part with, drop me a line at or call me at 610-297-8227

Mike Rinkunas is offline  
Old July 15th, 2005, 02:08 PM   #1829
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Posts: 17

nah i dont need the portabrace..... you could take pictures of it though. i would like to see how it looks like because i dont know what a portabrace is to be honest. =)
Wilfred Vidal is offline  
Old July 15th, 2005, 03:12 PM   #1830
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I can send you pictures of everything on Sunday. The portabrace is basically a rather simple rugger case for the camera, it has many pockets to take extra audio equipment and such, and protects the equipment well.

Mine is very similar to this one

I will send you pictures if you can provide an email. You can email me directly through this board if you would like.
Patrick Moreau is offline  
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