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Old February 20th, 2006, 01:33 PM   #886
Inner Circle
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I'm not clear on what an 'adapter holder' adapts, or holds. Can you be a little more explicit?
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Old February 20th, 2006, 01:54 PM   #887
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Sold this yet?
James out------
Check out the Southern Winds Film Festival. Call for entries is now open!
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Old February 20th, 2006, 02:08 PM   #888
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I actually haven't put it up on ebay yet...I'm holding out for a few people still interested. I'm offering $1600 OBO.
Brian Bechard is offline  
Old February 20th, 2006, 03:19 PM   #889
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Hi, Bradley--

E-mailed you re your post. Thanks!
Al Atkinson-Sirois is offline  
Old February 20th, 2006, 03:31 PM   #890
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bumping up + if someone have lectrosonics 195d+um195 in good shape for trade iam interesting
or uh 400d( battplug) on blocks 25 or 26 only
Oleg Kaizerman is offline  
Old February 20th, 2006, 04:05 PM   #891
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G'day James.

I was wondering if you could post the dimentions of the camera.

I own an A1P, and i'm looking for cams to extend my bussiness, but I want something that looks bigger then an A1P.

Also, does it shoot tru 16:9? It looks like this cam is the SD equvelent of the A1...

Leo Pepingco is offline  
Old February 20th, 2006, 04:10 PM   #892
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Canon XL1s and plenty of accessories

This fall I got hired at a video firm so I find myself no longer working freelance, I figure I should try and sell my equipment before this spring.

I recently contacted Adorama to sell my equipment, I'm going to send it all to them, but I figure I could still see if anyone here would like to take a crack at it.

I would prefer to sell it as a system, but if there is something in this that catches your eye, don't be afraid to make an offer. A lot of this stuff works with the XL2 but please, do your own research on that matter.

Pictures to come tonight or tommorow.

For Sale

Canon XL1s (lets say a list of $2000)

Canon 1.6x Extender (List 359.95)

Century Precision Optics 0.6X Wide Angle Adapter Lens (list $ 349.95)
Canon XL1s

Canon 1.6x Extender (List 359.95)

Century Precision Optics 0.6X Wide Angle Adapter Lens (list $ 349.95)

Canon 16:1 Manual Servo Zoom Lens (List 1,299.95)

Canon CA-910 Compact AC Power Adapter (List 114.95)

Canon MA-200 Dual XLR Microphone Adapter and Shoulder Pad (list $ 324.00)

Canon FU-1000 Monochrome Viewfinder for XL-2 and XL-1 Camcorders (list $ 1,549.95)

Canon 3x Wide Zoom Lens for Canon XL-2 and XL-1 Camcorders (List $ 1,169.95)

Canon ZR-1000 Zoom Remote Control (List$ 175.99)

Canon VL-10LI On Camcorder Battery Video Light (List 63.99)

Canon EF Adapter XL (list around 500)

Also Included

An absolutely great sturdy hard shell pelican case foam cut for this camera and the 16x lens, wheels handle, a great case. Yes it shows some wear, but its a case

A hard shell case, about 2.5 foot by 2 foot by 6 inches, sturdy, no divisions, but very sturdy.

An old beat up Panasonic camera case, it comes with a ton of compartments, I use this to hold all my audio gear, the xlr shoulder adaptor, the 3x lens, sturdy, rubber edges, but very easy access

4 Batteries, various sizes, all Canon

The dual battery charger, I don't have it in my pack at the moment so i don't have the info for it.

3 filters, a UV filter, a diffusion filter and an ND filter.

The remote control

That little stock shoulder pad I never used.

A EV handheld microphone and 2 XLR cables, one about 20-30 foot long, another about 8 foot (just right for standing in front of the camera with)

I'm sure there is something else I'm forgetting.


Everything has been immaculately cared for, almost everything comes with its original box and documentation (other than the XL1s manual, which I lost, but you can get that online in PDF format easily)

The camera has been used, I have no idea how many hours, but the camera has been sent in regularly for service, the last time was this fall for alignment and cleaning. It has also been babied and buckled up in the backseat on trips.


Everything is for sale at 74% of market value, quoted at B&H or Adorama, as that's where I shop.

Currently adding up all the items listed everything would come to a list of 8609 at 70% that would be $6000 the batteries, the cases, and everything else under also included is gratis with the whole system.

Not included but available for sale:

A Libec tripod, non fluid head, but it gets the job done. Perfect for a still cam or a lighter camera, but by no means bad to use on the xl1s, its just nothing special.

Bogen Manfrotto Monopod, three stage aluminum, I think I paid about fifty for it.

Audio Technica wireless lav system, It mounts on the back of the cam. Really great sound for weddings, I use this for 80% of my audio, it picks up every voice near the person you have it on great.

Last edited by Josh Hibbard; February 20th, 2006 at 04:43 PM.
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Old February 20th, 2006, 04:35 PM   #893
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I'm interested in the 16x manual lens.
Email me with a price.
Thanks Mark
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Old February 20th, 2006, 05:21 PM   #894
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How many hours?? or post a photo of the use screen...

John Hartney
Elgin, Illinois USA
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Old February 20th, 2006, 05:31 PM   #895
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Ok....How about $400? Its an extra copy that I need to get off my hands!
Aanarav Sareen is offline  
Old February 20th, 2006, 05:42 PM   #896
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I'm interested in the ZR-1000 zoom control if you're willing to sell separate.
Aaron Ferguson is offline  
Old February 20th, 2006, 06:16 PM   #897
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Field Audio Mixer

For Sale: Field Audio Mixer by TW ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS Model LP4 (Location Production). I prefer this to Shure fp33 or 32A. It has very clean preamps and solid european design. The unit is designed for ENG/EFP and high quality sound mixing in motion picture or television film. I've upgraded to a Wendt X4 and have decided to sell my backup, which has seen little use lately. The mixer is in excellent condition and has been used and maintained by owner/operator engineers.

I bought this used from the original buyer who works cinema audio and used this mixer on several major American films. It has four channels in and one out. It was designed to be used with a NAGRA recorder (hence the single out), but it has been used with DAT and straight into a DV camera as well. The serial number on this is 0021 and it is one of the first this fine engineering group made:


High quality components went into this unit, like universal Neutrik connectors. It has a 1000k tone generator and can run on AA batteries, DC in, or AC, however I do not have the AC adpator, it is available through the above link, as well as several accessories like NP1 battery holder, BETA/DAT breakaway cable, etc.

It comes with the user manual, schematics, carry case and strap (similar to a portabrace in style)

I'll email photos and specs on request to jhart3 at hotmail dot com ....

$585 plus shipping and I prefer paypal.... If paid with credit card, add 4% ......

Thanks for looking at this ad
John Hartney
Elgin, Illinois USA
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Old February 20th, 2006, 07:40 PM   #898
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Interested in the VL10 as well as the EF adapter
Michael Salzlechner
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Old February 20th, 2006, 08:52 PM   #899
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2 DVX 100a Pal cameras plus accessories

I have two of these cameras. Bought both at same time from B&H. Used on one feature film
(5 weeks). Each in Panasonic hard case. 1 Century .6 adaptor and
1 Century 1.6 adaptor.

Matte boxes and follow focus units also available if anyone is interested.
Contact me at : < >

Make me an offer on one or both of the cameras.

Wayne Crawford
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Old February 20th, 2006, 09:00 PM   #900
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Have FX1 for sale

View thread.

I am selling an FX1 on the Video Information Board. It only has around 20 hours on it and according to my original receipt and the posting on sony, it is still in warranty. I have included the carrying case (extra) it's a porta-brace and an extra battery plus all of the included accessories including the original box.

It is in perfect condition and I am merely selling it because I have moved to a new company that is focused on application development not media production. I am asking $2,550 plus shipping for it,which is considerably less than what I paid just 9 months ago. I have had several offers, but sadly enough no follow through... and that can be frustrating, but I figure it goes with the territory.

Let me know if you are interested. I can email you pictures. PS my past company was and my current company is and I am based out of Austin, Texas.

Kim Rogers-Friesz
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