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Old September 23rd, 2006, 01:42 PM   #3616
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ALSO, will include an additional BVW-70 for parts for FREE. It doesn't have any of the boards in it, but does have all the heads, drums, power supply and most mechanical parts in excellent useable condition.
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Old September 23rd, 2006, 02:05 PM   #3617
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WTB: Looking for an XL2


I am looking to buy an XL2. I don't want to pay 3600$ for a new one, so I am looking for second hand here.

So if you want to go to HD and have an XL2 in good shape, please contact me.
Jean-Philippe Archibald -
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Old September 23rd, 2006, 02:33 PM   #3618
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Everything you need to start your own wedding business

I have been shooting wedding videos for the past 3 years. I am closing my business at the end of this month so I can move and get away from here. Everything that I have wil be as well described as I can do and is all in working order.

Sony VX-2000 & 900 minute battery - $1600 ( I bought it last year with 150 hours on it, I might have put another 50-75 on it. It was cleaned at a local shop right after I bought it. Has very minimal wear and still even has the stickers on it. Looks like it was just taken out of the box. The battery is 3 years old and holds a charge for around 600 minutes now.)

Sony VX- 2100 & 900 minute battery - $1800 (I bought this new in 2004, I would say there are around 150 hours on it. I have taken very good care of it over the years. The only thing wrong with it is at the back of the handle when near the eye piece is a cover around a button that has broken off. It still works fine and the button works fine just the cover around it is gone. It isn't very noticeable, I will get pictures up in the next few days. The battery is 3 years old and holds a charge for around 550 minutes)

Sennheiser EW 100 w/ omni directional lav - $200 (good condtion, works like new with no problems. Has 1/8" jack and XLR cables.)

Audio- Technica atm33a cardioid mic - $100 (good shape, comes with case and 6' XLR cable.)

Beachtek DXA-4 - throw me an offer I have no idea what these go for

Sony HVL-S3D video light - $20 ( runs off of the Sony hot shoe, gives a great amount of light for receptions without being distracting. It also hardly uses any battery when used. comes with two soft filters I have rigged to work with it.)

I will sell everything for $3700 obo and throw in all my accessories (extra battery charger, cleaning tape, a box of 5 new Panasonic DVM63MQ Master quality tapes.

I won't be selling this for another week or two so that will give me time to see who is interested and to get some pictures up of everything.
Jon French is offline  
Old September 23rd, 2006, 02:53 PM   #3619
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Sorry....I forgot to post that it is sold as Mike pointed out already. He obviously bought it!

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Old September 23rd, 2006, 03:54 PM   #3620
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Hi Jon,

Not sure if you are selling all items together or individually, if you are seperating
I would like more info on the Sennheiser EW 100 w/ omni directional lav. Exactly what is included, how many hours of use, etc.

George Bean is offline  
Old September 23rd, 2006, 05:33 PM   #3621
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Still have the Canon Xl1s package

Still have the Canon Xl1s package any takers??? Make me an offer
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Old September 23rd, 2006, 10:00 PM   #3622
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Hi Hunter, for whatever reason I didn't receive your e-mail but I would be happy to talk to you about the TA-100.

I am in New York City until the evening of Oct. 2 after that I will be back in LA so I would be available to meet up any time after that.

Jon Bickford, Trepany Films
San Pedro, CA
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Old September 24th, 2006, 12:37 AM   #3623
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Lowered to $725.
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Old September 24th, 2006, 06:01 AM   #3624
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Well I'm going to try to sell it all together first but if that doesn't work out then I will part it out. As far as hours of use it has been used for around 75 weddings so I would say 100 hours or so. It comes with a transmitter, receiver, two clips for cliping on to your pants, omnidirectional lav mic with a clip to put on to your shirt or jacket, a 1/8" line out cord, and a XLR line out cord.
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Old September 24th, 2006, 07:12 AM   #3625
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Hey man,

I am in Toronto and am debating selling my XL2 kit.

20X Lens
3X wide lens
2 BP 945 batts
CH 910 Battery adapter (dual charger)
Colour EVF

Bought new, it was about $7500 last year (for all), am considering doing the package for $4800 (Canadian) or $4400 American

AM willing to sell the XL2 Body, 20X lens and 3X lens for $4000 canadian (flat). Will not sell XL2, 20X, 3X seperatly unless I firm buyers in line for each individual piece.

Also, will not sell until the Canon XHA1 is released and I have purchased it (due to needing a camera to work!)
Matthew Nayman is offline  
Old September 24th, 2006, 07:16 AM   #3626
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Redrock PL Mount

Want to buy or rent a PL mount for M2 for production in January of 2007. Have access to some NICE Zeiss lenses (18mm 1.3, 24mm 1.3, 35mm 1.3, 5mm 1.3, 85mm 1.3, 11.5-220 2.8) and need the mount. Will buy new if need be, but would much perfer renting or buying used. Also willing to trade for some equipment and am willing to temporarily trade a Nikon Mount and a bunch of Nikon Lenses.

I will pay for all shipping, and am willing to pay a fair price for rental. Looking mainly in the Toronto,Montreal, New York area.

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Old September 24th, 2006, 08:35 AM   #3627
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Thank you for the offer Matthew. I sent you an email.
Jean-Philippe Archibald -
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Old September 24th, 2006, 12:42 PM   #3628
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Here is pictures of the Canon XL1s camera Package

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Old September 24th, 2006, 02:27 PM   #3629
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WTB: portable audio recorder

I'm looking for some sort of portable audio recorder with two channels of phantom powered XLR inputs that records onto some sort of solid state. A good example of a product like this would be the Marantz PMD660. If anyone's got something like this for sale, let me know.

Jad Meouchy is offline  
Old September 24th, 2006, 03:20 PM   #3630
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Hello all,

Okay, so I'm feeling a bit like I did 25 years ago when I was forced to sell some goofy product for some inane school fundraiser--the cold winds of disinterest.

New Price: $415
Brian J. Harris is offline  
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