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Old November 17th, 2002, 12:21 PM   #1
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Unanswered lighting posts from 2002 & 2003

Hiya, I'm interested in getting a Gossen STARLITE ALL-IN-ONE light METER


would seasoned pros out there consider this a good meter for DV shooting? I've found one with quite a good price, and it seems to have all the features I need

has anyone used one?
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Old January 14th, 2003, 02:47 PM   #2
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NRG battery belt and charger question

I have a PowerMax 12 volt belt and recently purchased a pair of used NRG Intellicharger 950 which NRG tells me will work with the belt.

Anyone out there have any experience they'd be willing to share with me about using these chargers. I have a 950-II and a 950-3.

Writing NRG an email hasn't resulted in any new information.

I'm curious how hot they should get and what the difference is between Quick charge and Mainenance (the default mode).
Mike Rehmus
Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel!
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Old February 10th, 2003, 08:58 AM   #3
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What Lights?

If you watched the Michael Jackson interview - what lights were being used in the last interview? Were those Cool Lits?
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Old February 15th, 2003, 03:46 PM   #4
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Barger Baglite GT-6

A reviewer over at www.digitalproducer.com gave a glowing (pardon the pun) about these lights. Anyone here familiar with them?

They sound like an excellent set to get since their power requirments are low enough to use standard home outlets even though they output up to 5K. They are relatively new to the scene.
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Old May 21st, 2003, 07:25 AM   #5
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eng homemade soft box

on my rentals i use a frezzi with a frezzi eng soft box...it works great on a dsr500 or jvc 500...at home i use two xl1, and an nrg varilux (10-100) light...i would like to attach a soft box, so i went to bh and bought a photoflex...It is a pain to install on an xl1, plus you need an extension, it truly does not work for me. first there the problem with the installation, it takes way to long, it's also not as stable as the frezzi one...since nrg does not make any soft boxes, i want to make my own...

i was thinking or picking up barns for the nrg and use clips to attach a soft box that way...or at least a soft screen

does anyone have any thoughts on this, ideas, has anyone tried this..??

as always thanks ahead of time
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Old May 25th, 2003, 11:39 PM   #6
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B&M lights--anyone heard of em?

Has anyone heard of this brand? B&H doesn't carry them, and I did net search which returned me a buttload of results about trucks for some reason.

If you've heard of 'em, good brand? Bad brand? Do they have a site?
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Old June 8th, 2003, 04:47 PM   #7
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Light up that podium

I just finished shooting a high school graduation. Unfortunately, the school officials didn't clear the layout through me before the printed the program :-)))

The podium was carfully situated to take full advantage of the morning sun as it poured over the speaker's shoulder. The surface of the podium was a time-worn dark brown plastic woodgrain. A negative light value of -500.

What I did was tape rough white art paper to the top of the podium to reflect light back into the speaker's face. It made a significant difference and allowed me to keep a blue sky and green trees in the background.

More than ever before, I'm finding more and more people will work to accommodate the special needs of video. Mainly, I suspect, because they are becoming familiar with the value of a well-done video.

I've even discoverd some groups comparing finished videos in the same manner as they also discuss the speed of their cars and the smarts of their dog/children/etc.
Mike Rehmus
Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel!
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Old June 19th, 2003, 09:51 AM   #8
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lighting kits for XL1

Looking for a good, basic, portable lighting kit to compliment my field package. Used or new...looking for good website suggestions. Relatively inexpensive.
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Old June 27th, 2003, 06:44 AM   #9
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Cheap/Used UK prices for Sachtler Reporter 100H with Battery Pack anyone?

I used this kit at Uni and found it to be quite a handy portable piece of kit.

Unfortunately, I have not seen the Sachtler Reporter 100H widely advertised online (only on the http://www.optexint.com/sales/light/...tm#Set%20100H4 website, but with no obvious price).

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a site where it might be available, or where an equivilent model might be found.

I was also wondering (perhaps more importantly) how much this kit sells for? New and/or Used?

I would usually rent lighting equipment as I need it, however having a portable general purpose light available whenever I need it is very tempting!!! (of course depending on the price).

If anyone can 'shed some light' (sorry about the pun) on this, I'd be very grateful.


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Old June 28th, 2003, 09:21 AM   #10
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B&M (Baldwell & McAllistar) lights

has anyone used these? I have their 650w fresnel, but I'm trying to decide if I should get a 200w fresnel, or hold out for an Arri 300w.
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Old July 25th, 2003, 09:21 AM   #11
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Good Lighting Resource

Found this site that has a slew of great tips on lighting and such. (Click on "Articles/Instruction" in the left menu).


A lot of great tips for low-budget lighting too, including a great article on a thirty-dollar lighting setup that looks pretty darn amazing.
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Old August 17th, 2003, 02:02 PM   #12
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Higher End Smith Victor Kit

Anyone have any experience with this Smith Victor kit? It's one of their higher end deals, not the cheap ones they make with the glorified work lights. This particular one seems like a great deal for a beginners 3 light kit...

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Old September 29th, 2003, 09:00 AM   #13
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Telescoping light bracket from hot shoe

I saw a walk-n-talk interview on TV today and they briefly showed the cameraman who was using an XL1. He had a telescoping bracket attached to the hot shoe that raised the light up quite a bit, then a diffuser on the light (looked like a Frezzi Mini-fill with a small softbox). Not long ago, I also saw a videographer on the sidelines at a football game that had a really high extender for the light.

Anyone know anything about these telescopic extenders? Brand names? Have any experience with them?
John Locke
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Old December 8th, 2003, 08:54 AM   #14
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Low Cost Lighting

In my obsessive/compulsive nature, I have come across yet another home made lighting technique that I would love to share. In one of my previous posts, I suggested the use of Home Depot/Lowes 300 watt clamp-on lights with the highly polished 11 inch reflectors supplemented with the Testrite clamp on Barn Doors (available at B & H Photo.Video). Much to my chagrin, I discovered that the supplied light clamps cannot hold the weight of the lights with the attached barn doors.


I figured it out. For cheaper that the price of a three light Smith Victor photoflood set, do the following:

1) Purchase three inexpensive light stands (about $25.00 each at B & H).
2) Purchase Light Stand Ball adapters (about $4.50 each at B & H).
3) Remove the supplied clamps with the clamp on lights and affix the lamps to the light stand ball adapters using the butterfly nut.

Voila! Three stand lights.
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Old December 11th, 2003, 06:29 PM   #15
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Going onboard

I have decided to gat a Sony onboard light for my vx2000.

I am looking at either the HVL-FDH3 or the HVL-S3D

Really dumb question first:

There will work on the VX, right?

The HVL-FDH3 seems to be the better unit. Does anyone out there own either of these?

Why ask me? I thought you were in charge!
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