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Old January 6th, 2006, 11:03 AM   #1
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Softbox Without Speedring?

I was surfing the web about a month ago and came across the site of a manufacturer that made a softbox with rod/s for mounting to the umbrella holder on the light stand, rather than to the lighting fixture via the good ol' speedring. It also seems that you could mount the softbox so that the fixture was inserted through the bottom, rather than the back and if you wanted further diffusion on say, a fresnel, you could turn the fresnel toward a reflector in the back of the softbox and spread the light some more.

I was really intrigued by this device, and since I have a set of Peppers, I thought two or three sizes without the need for multiple speedrings for each would give me some economical flexibility.

Unfortunately, I can't find the link that I had bookmarked. I'm sure that the company had a familiar name - not as familiar as Chimera or Westcott, but familiar. Anyone know what I'm referring to and have a link?
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Old January 6th, 2006, 11:38 AM   #2
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Perhaps... :-)

Lastolite Umbrella Box
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Old January 6th, 2006, 12:00 PM   #3
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No Bill, these were square or rectangular boxes and at first glance, looked just like a Chimera, Photoflex, et al. I really do like the look of the Lastolite EZBox, though.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 01:39 PM   #4
Hellgate Pictures, Inc.
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I'v seen that Jack but the problem I have with it is the same problem I have with any box, especially on the small fixtures you mention and that is the weight. These yokes and brakes are not designed for the weight. I can't tell you how many ARRI bakes I have had to repair because of it. I sometimes wonder if boxes in some situations really save more in terms of ability than a good piece of 216 either clipped on or in a frame in front. I always wished a company like photoflex made a light panel that was 12x12. I made a few out of small PVC that fold up in my kit and them make nice light boxes without the weight or the bulk.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 05:06 PM   #5
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Hey Walter, how ya doin"?

You may be looking for the same thing I am. The Westcott Apollo Mono would take care of this, if I can find out whether it will take hot lights. There's a Bogen umbrella fitting (or Westcott, or whomever) that fits the top of the stand. It takes the softbox and centers it's weight on the stand. On top of that fitting, is another stud for your Pepper, Lowel, Arri, whatever. The light fixture and the box never touch! I've been using diffusion on frames exclusively, but I thought these might do the trick, especially since you can use different lights without having to own a dedicated speedring for each.

Here's the setup using strobes, which should at least give you the idea:

I'm guessing you mean 12" x 12"? If so, I use this a lot.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 06:31 PM   #6
Hellgate Pictures, Inc.
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"I'm guessing you mean 12" x 12"? If so, I use this a lot."

Nice! Thanks I'll pick some up Sunday! Anyone want to meet at BH?
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Old January 6th, 2006, 06:39 PM   #7
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Well while you're there have a look at these, which I also use extensively. You can get it without the lobo, if you already have some. This one takes the standard 20 x 24" gel/diffusion sheets.

I'd meet up with you, but Princeton is an hour by train with a change in Newark and I don't feel like Newark on a Sunday!
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Old January 8th, 2006, 04:57 PM   #8
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There are two drawbacks to the open frame: 1- there is a lot of spill to deal with, 2- decreased efficiency since there are no sides to redirect the spill towards the front.

Not sure if you've seen the LCD, from Backstage, the same folks who make those great carts. I don't know their weight, but it may be worth a call to find out. I use a Mickey mole with the super cheap 2900 ring for the S and XS Chimeras. The larger Chimeras use Lowell Tota lights in the 9035 triple Tota ring. It comes with Heavy Duty 3710 Universal Griphead Adapter. Samller units can use the #3770 Universal Griphead Adapter attched to the ring. There are about four diferent Griphead adapters.

I like using Totas because you can use a variety of different wattage globes, they fold up very small in your kit, are light weight, direct most of the light forward, are mechanically and electrically simple and you don't have to worry about breaking fresnels. I haven't tried it, but I'll bet there's a way to mount two totas onto a speed ring. If you are using Quartz boxes, you don't have to worry about melting things.

Lately for talking head kinda stuff, 2'x4 bank Kinos are great and they don't draw much power.
Mark Sasahara
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