Anyone try the Kamerar Brightcast LED Flexible Panel Light Yet? at
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Old February 28th, 2017, 11:03 PM   #1
Inner Circle
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Anyone try the Kamerar Brightcast LED Flexible Panel Light Yet?

I just ordered one today, got a very nice price. I will be using this as a travel light matched with my 12" opening D-Fuse pop open softbox and for illuminating the interiors of cars for night shoots. Water proof, mud proof, dust proof, bi-color, high CRI, SMDs, seems to be a pretty sweet set up. Anyone try one yet?

Kamerar Brightcast Variable 15 Bi-Color Flexible LED Light | CheesyCam
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Old March 16th, 2017, 01:10 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Anyone try the Kamerar Brightcast LED Flexible Panel Light Yet?


I ordered one more Kamerar Brightcast, they are really pretty handy lights. I bought one panel that utilizes V-Mount batteries and then for travel, I bought one that uses Sony BP-U90 pattern batteries that the Sony FS7 uses. The U mount batteries will be much lighter to fly with than V-Mounts. Each panel and control unit weighs just 39oz, the lights are fairly bright and I don't notice much of the multiple shadows from the SMDs that my 5mm LED bulb based panels thrown onto subjects and the background.

Found that the UK importer, MTF, is selling extension cables from the D-Tap battery connection to the control unit and then a separate extension cable that goes from the control unit to the panel, allowing you to affix the super light and flexible panel to the headliner of a car or in a small, out of the alcove or under a cabinet. I spoke with Kamerar, the U.S retailer and they do not have the cables available so I am checking with MTF to see if they want to sell the cables to U.S. users.

I'll be using these two lights as a part of my travel kit for a two week documentary in South America, will report back how they hold up in the field.
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Old March 20th, 2017, 08:34 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: Anyone try the Kamerar Brightcast LED Flexible Panel Light Yet?


1. I used the two Kamerar Brightcast lights yesterday on a big green screen shoot. We utilized two of them, along with two Kinos to light up a 10x10' greenscreen. The Brightcasts kind of buried the output of the Kinos, pretty impressive.

2. Ordered two D-Tap extension cables that will us to located the battery to another location instead of fastened to the rear of the panel. Great for car shoots, etc.

3. Ordered two of the control until to panel extension cables from CVP - Broadcast & Professional Solutions in the UK. Not cheap, £124.00 for the two cables but well worth it to realize the full potential of these lights. Buy - BrightCast Bi-Colour Panel Extension Cable 2.5m (p/n BCEXBIC)

To me, these panels are the ultimate documentary, run and gun lights, team a pair of them with a couple of Nanguang CN-30F fresnels and you have a very small, light and powerful documentary lighting kit that can easily fit into a small and light backpack. The Manfrotto Nano 5001B light stands would fit in as well at only 2lbs each.
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Old March 21st, 2017, 08:20 PM   #4
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Re: Anyone try the Kamerar Brightcast LED Flexible Panel Light Yet?

How do you think they'd be for more relaxed sit down/talking head interviews? When punched through diffusion or their own softbox (if they make such a thing)? There are so many cheaper options now for LEDs around 1x1 size.
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Old March 23rd, 2017, 08:54 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: Anyone try the Kamerar Brightcast LED Flexible Panel Light Yet?

Originally Posted by Josh Bass View Post
How do you think they'd be for more relaxed sit down/talking head interviews? When punched through diffusion or their own softbox (if they make such a thing)? There are so many cheaper options now for LEDs around 1x1 size.
I may find out in two weeks, I am leaving for a shoot in South America. We have booked a gaffer, truck and actually quite a lot of HMIs and bigger grip stuff but we are bringing these for more location, impromptu work, as well as for run & gun out on the street. I also just found out I have to shoot some green screen down there too so I will probably use them again to light the green screen itself.

I am bringing the two Brightcast, my one large D-Fuse popup softbox and a 42" diffusion disc to key with. I see no reason why with some lighting skills you could not light a good looking interview with these. I've used the D-Fuse with my LS 1S and the only downside is they are relatively small compared to Chimera and the material they use doesn't really diffuse as much as I would like so I clip in some other diffusion to the inside. So if you are keying with the D-Fuse, it's not a large source and really soft, but still useful as long as you understand that it is not going to give that super soft, flattering light with a lot of wrap around the facial features. It's going to be flatter and harder because it's not deep enough. That's why I am bringing a 42" diffusion disc as key and I will use the D-Fuse for fill. I'd rather bring my Medium Chimera Quartz Pro but that takes a huge speed ring, I would have to have a C-stand to support it and the Brightcast doesn't have enough output to use it. You have to work within the limitations of your tools.
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