gels - what type and where to get them? at
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Old September 28th, 2005, 10:21 AM   #1
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gels - what type and where to get them?

I have a set of 4 lowels.
2 totas and 2 omnis

I really like bringing out my image with color gels but I dont know what type works the best. are there different brands that some last longer?

where can i get a set of 5/6 pages of diffusers + red+blue+yellow and green gels?

how much am i looking at spending?

also i need barn doors for my omnis where is a good place to get them?
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Old September 28th, 2005, 10:38 AM   #2
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A lot of theatrical supply or music/DJ stores should have them, either walk-in or online. I forget the exact size of the sheets, but the last ones I bought were about 20" x 24" for $7.50 each.

Check out if you want to see what's out there. I believe there's a place on their website where you can request a sample booklet of gels and diffusers.

Some have even suggested checking with theatres or large film companies as they sometimes toss old but still good gels.

'Don't know about barn doors -- anybody?
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Old September 28th, 2005, 01:41 PM   #3
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Actually, does anyone have a good mail order source for Rosco gels ?
I tried Light Trader, but they seemed to just ignore my order. All phone calls were routed into voice mail.

Here's a source for 20x24" sheets :
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Old September 29th, 2005, 08:08 AM   #4
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We like to recommend our sponsors at DVinfo, and B&H photo should have a good assortment of gels:

Here at the opera we use several vendors for theatrical supplies. You might check out:

Production Advantage
Rose Brand:
and BMI Supply:

Of course you may not get as quick a response as a regular customer that spends thousands of dollars however...
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Old September 29th, 2005, 06:44 PM   #5
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Initially, I checked BH photo for Rosco gels. By searching for "gel", "Rosco gel" and navigating through the lighting accessories, I wasn't able to find any gels for sale. The Rosco swatch books are for sale Tons of gel equipment, including my favorite, the gelly roll - used to store 20 or so gel. Ok. I see them. Rosco gels come up as Roscolux filters.
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Old September 29th, 2005, 10:36 PM   #6
Chimera Lighting
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Where do you live and..

You can look for

also I think Bogen still makes some gel packs that have a variety 12x12
which might be best to begin

Most others will be 24x24 sheets
Swatch book can be had at some dealers and I am sure the manufactures
Barbizon,bulbtronics, BH all used to have them in their stores.

Some people have preference on brand and there are some differnces however they are all good until you deciede you like a certain brand or type of gel.
There are all kind. Boyd I would think uses mostly the rosco color but there are rosco cine gel and gam makes accent gels for skin tone ect.

barndoors for lowel I would look used at BH or new or local depending where you are.
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Last edited by Richard Veil; September 29th, 2005 at 10:38 PM. Reason: forgot something
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Old September 30th, 2005, 08:39 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Gints Klimanis
The Rosco swatch books are for sale.
I got my books for free on the Rosco website. There's a link to the request form at the bottom of these pages:
There's no way for you to know if what I'm saying is true unless you know what the truth is, and there's no way for you to know what the truth is unless there is a truth that you can know. -- Frank Peretti
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Old October 1st, 2005, 12:24 AM   #8
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Yeah, I was joking about the Rosco swatch books being on sale. BH Photo "sells" them for $0.01 . A tip from this web site turned me on to the free swatch books. I used them to gel my camera flash and never thought I'd actually be buying larger gels. Well, now I'd like to fix up my high CRI flourescent lights that have a green spike, and even fix up my fish tank with some minus Green gels. Cool.
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Old October 1st, 2005, 07:16 AM   #9
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If you live nearby a college or university with a theatre program go and ask them if they have any scrap gels -- they almost always do. Even old "burnt" gels still work well for a lot of video applications. I got about a three year supply of gel from a local university that was happy to get rid of the stuff.
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Old October 1st, 2005, 04:31 PM   #10
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Lots of goodies here. This is the home page for Filmtools in Burbank. You will find a link to Lee gels here, but check out all the other items you never knew you needed. Look for their monthly specials.
GAM makes one of the best swatch books (called "jungle books" by those in the know) because their swatches are larger than other manufacturers, and can easily be held over the camera lens to "cheat" a white balance. For example, white balance while holding the 1/4 CTB swatch over the camera lens to warm up your picture. (Beware that this trick warms up everything in the picture. A light blue can turn brown with this adjustment. But its cheaper than buying Warm Cards.)
This is what is known as an "expendables" store, similar to Filmtools. Expendables are items you buy and usually use once, and then trash it, unless you are a low-budget filmmaker. Things like gaffers tape, C47s, lighting gels, trick line. Lots of gadgets on their home page, along with a link to lighting gels. They are part of Mole Richardson, and their used lighting gear might be a place to look for Lowel barn doors, which are not used with any other brand. Good luck finding just the barndoors. You could contact Lowel, I would think.

Wayne Orr, SOC
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