a couple 1x1 LED panels tested at DVinfo.net
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Old December 16th, 2011, 11:15 AM   #1
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a couple 1x1 LED panels tested

Hi all,

A lot of people are enthralled with the new era of LED lighting and, in the lower-end market segment, with the Asian knockoffs of pricey U.S. products. I've scanned a variety of reviews but have not found the kind of data or insight I seek as a DP. So, of course, I did some of my own testing...

I tested the Lightpanels 1×1 Superspot and Shantou Nanguang CN-600HS 1×1 panel. My goal with this test was to see how a $350 Chinese knock-off compares to the nearly $2000 U.S. offering and to compare both panels to a tungsten Lowel 250watt Pro-light serving as a reference.

Are LED 1×1 panels ready for prime-time?* Hmm… | Tall Tale Pictures . Blog


color: At daylight color balance, both 1×1 panels exhibit a green spike – the CN600HS considerable more so. Both panels have a huge spike when converted to tungsten balance with a full CTO gel. Neither of these panels should be converted to tungsten. Nor should these panels be used to model talent under critical conditions without serious time spent on balancing them. I believe they may serve well as edge-lights and set rakes but don’t use them as a they key-light on talent.

luminance: Both panels pack a punch (for an LED source) and compare favorably with the 250watt Lowel Pro-light on full flood. The Lightpanels comes in at 240fc @ 5ft on center. The Shantou delivers 120fc @ 5ft. Compare that to the Lowel Pro-light which delivers 100fc @ 5ft in flood and 510fc @ 5ft in spot.

beam: The Lightpanels offering may easily be called a spot with its 10degree beam. The CN600HS plays more like a flood with its 30degree beam. (I measured the beam angle as 50% of the foot-candle reading at center.)


Michael Morlan . cinematographer | local 600 operator
http://michael-morlan.net . http://talltalepictures.com
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Old December 16th, 2011, 01:30 PM   #2
Regular Crew
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 43
Re: a couple 1x1 LED panels tested

Thanks for testing this. I just bought one of these and noticed the green spike. Also they are not kind to flesh tones. I will add 1/2 minus green to correct the daylight temp. Because of your tests I will only use these for daylight setups.
Also I just tested some BlueMax 32w CFL- 93cri blubs - Kelvin: 5500 They handle flesh tones nicely.
Daniel Thornton is offline   Reply

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