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Old May 6th, 2009, 11:23 AM   #16
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We have extended the $25 discount for all DVinfo members.

The code is valid until 5/31/2009. Enter code: lpmp989019
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Old May 15th, 2009, 07:49 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Jim Andrada View Post
Anyone know which cable it would take to attach the Micro Pro to an A/B battery (PowerTap)

Just got my light this AM!
Jim, you would need a DTAP cable, unfortunately the DTAP (or XLR cable) for the MicroPro is not yet availble but I am glad to report that it is in the works. Sorry no ETA at this point. I will update the post when it becomes availble.
media monkey | Film & Video Tools

Last edited by Marius Scholtz; May 15th, 2009 at 08:25 AM.
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Old June 4th, 2009, 09:59 AM   #18
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I just received the micropro yesterday. Haven't had much time to play with it, but I have 2 questions.

Does it come with 2 or 3 filters? mine came with 2 but the box said 3. This leads me to question #2.

When you click on the dial so that it goes on, does it turn quite a bit before the lights even start to go on? it seems I have to turn the dial a good 1/3 of a turn or more (havne't measured) before the lights even start to come on dimly.

This mixed with the first question makes me think maybe this was a defect? I purchased it from B&H and maybe it was a return that was missing parts. I'll be calling up litepanels later, but can anyone who has it confirm this? thanks.
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Old June 4th, 2009, 10:23 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Eric Pasarin View Post
I just received the micropro yesterday. Haven't had much time to play with it, but I have 2 questions.

Does it come with 2 or 3 filters? mine came with 2 but the box said 3. This leads me to question #2.

When you click on the dial so that it goes on, does it turn quite a bit before the lights even start to go on? it seems I have to turn the dial a good 1/3 of a turn or more (havne't measured) before the lights even start to come on dimly.

This mixed with the first question makes me think maybe this was a defect? I purchased it from B&H and maybe it was a return that was missing parts. I'll be calling up litepanels later, but can anyone who has it confirm this? thanks.
The easiest thing might be to call Lite Panels. Here is there contact info:

On the dimming issue... after the light comes on, can you then dim down below the point where it initially comes on. Sometimes dimmers have to be turned past a point, then backed up. (Also, it seems dimmers vary in quality. Some are "tuned" to the light they are used with, while others have spots where a short movement can cause a big change. I don't know how the Lite Panels dimmers are expected to operate, but they should be able to answer you.)

And my experience with B&H is that if something is missing in the package, they take care of it efficiently. In my case, a coolux light, the package came from the factory with missing parts.
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Old June 4th, 2009, 11:07 AM   #20
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LitePanels did ship the initial batch minus one filter (should be the diffusion filter that is missing). There should absolutely be 3 filters.

We ordered in a bunch of them to send out to our customers that did not receive it.

I will gladly pop one in the mail for you (if you bought from us or not). email request to and include your address.

The knob is not a defect, I tested it over many units and confirmed it with LP. You should start seeing light at about the 65% mark (where the index mark on the knob meets the seam in the housing) of the dimmer and the full bright at 100%. It at first do not show any light and yes this is normal. I have tested this both with fresh batteries and the AC adapter.

I hope this helps.
media monkey | Film & Video Tools
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Old June 4th, 2009, 11:29 AM   #21
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Hello, thanks for your replies. That seems to be it. I guess it's not a defect after all. Just wanted to make sure as it was a big purchase. Thanks kindly for your offer to send out the filter. That's awesome. To be honest, I would have purchased from you guys, but you're in NJ. silly tax :( Though I will definitely recommend you to people.
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Old June 4th, 2009, 12:01 PM   #22
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Ditto on the "only two filters" and yes it was the diffusion filter that was missing. I got mine from B&H so maybe I should give them a call on it.

Also, I can confirm that you have to crank the dimmer qute a ways until you get "ignition".

So far I really like it. I find that I'm using it on my still camera quite a bit as it gives a much softer light than the flash without the hard shadows - very nice with metallic parts.
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