Which is the best Photoflex, Chimera, JTL or Lowel - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old December 27th, 2003, 07:24 PM   #16
Major Player
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Location: SF, Ca
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for gawd sakes quit debating

and just go out to a website and buy a kit for 500 to 900 dollars. Use it. Don't like it, sell it.
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Old November 21st, 2004, 03:02 PM   #17
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That's a question I get everyday, especially being in southern California and working with film students and independant DV film makers. We've been carrying the JTL line for about a year now and have had very good feedback on the everlight softbox kits from our customers. In the 500 watt range there is no advantage to spending double for photoflex because they don't have a double baffle for the 500 watt lights, whereas you get a double baffle in the 1000 watt lights with a larger softbox. In the under $500 price range the JTL Everlight softbox kits represent a good value because you can get 3 for about $450.00 with softboxes, stands, and carry case.

I'd also like to add that we've also taken on Britek which has 500, 1000, and 2000 watt lights which are clones of Arrai for about 1/3 the price and has beefy stands, cords and softboxes and are not fan cooled, so they're silent. We've had Britek for about 6 months and so far have also had good feedback. You can see the new Briteks and JTLs on our main page www.photography-lighting.com and they're arranged into kits that we package with softboxes and stands included. We are aiming at high value cheap lighting but must be quality too of couse.

Please email me if you have any questions or have feedback on the equipment or have found other brands and models that represent excellent value.
Eric Moyer
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Old November 21st, 2004, 06:53 PM   #18
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Personally, I love Lowel products, my Rifa-lite and DP-Lights can all be crammed in one large case and set up in a few minutes.

My large Lowel Rifa lite is really soft and really efficient. It's light weight too. The DP lights have translucent umbrellas that can be used to shine light through or bounce the light off of.

Lowel lights are very heavy duty and light weight. I would highly recommend them especially if you travel a lot or do location lighting and if quick setup are issues.

I didn't read all the posts in the thread so I may be just repeating what someone else has posted.

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Old November 22nd, 2004, 05:12 PM   #19
Chimera Lighting
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Well you have a great resourse here.
The Chimera 8000 and 8005 kits are a cannot go wrong if you have no softbox kit. Arri, Mole, Desisti, K5600 all use Chimera because it lasts. Not only that but we can fix old light banks because we make them in Boulder CO, USA.

Video Banks are more complex to make then strobe banks.

Chimera makes and backs up the best product on the market - Period.

Let me know what you think good or bad.

This is the Chimera forum.
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