230V telescopic halogen worklights in the UK at DVinfo.net
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Old March 8th, 2008, 03:22 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posts: 1,546
230V telescopic halogen worklights in the UK

Amazon, Argos, B&Q, Homebase, MachineMart and Wicks all seem to sell the same unit (give or take an on/off switch and the length of the cable) for more or less the same price (£24.99)

It's OK for bouncing off ceilings but not really tall enough at just on 2m to be worth fitting barndoors. I know I should be getting real lighting kit but has anyone found a UK source for a taller worklight at a similar price? There's a 110V one at Wicks and a few other places but the transformer is expensive and weighs a ton.
Colin McDonald is offline   Reply

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