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Photo for HD Video (D-SLR and others)
HD from Nikon D90, other still photo cams (except EOS 5D Mk. II, LUMIX GH1).

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Old December 10th, 2008, 05:16 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Daniel Thornton View Post
I noticed something about locking the AF . I could only get the AF-L to work in movie mode when I use the setting AF-L & AE-L together . When I use AF-L by itself it would reset when I pressed record. This was in Movie Mode – BS. Also if I had face detection enabled, the Side Focus button stop allowing changes between AF, Macro, Infinity, and MF.
Once you set Face Detection, it controls AE and AF based upon the faces. So "naturally" it turns off your ability to make other AF and AE settings.

The problem is unlike even the worst Sony manual -- none of the interactions are written in the manual. So YOU have to figure out what is "natural" by trial and error.

The great thing is the F1 shoots wonderful HD! The color is much better than the consumer AVCHD type camcorders which sell for the same price.
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Old December 10th, 2008, 05:36 PM   #62
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Casio F1

Here are some F1 camera tips for video:Feel free to correct any that might not be accurate.
1. Must turn off Face Detection for MF to work.
2. If you want to shoot 1/60 shutter, shoot in BS-Pet mode.
3. In low light shoot in SD instead of HD for another Fstop of light.
4. If AE-L and/or AF-L is not displayed in white on the LCD screen ( upper left corner) when recording , the AE-L and/or AF-L is not locked.
5. In the LCD screen, the settings must be in white for the camera to accept them.
6. Dynamic Range resets to 0 on camera start or change of BS mode, set this to +2 for best range.
7. Anti Shake resets to Auto on camera startup, reset this to Camera AS for handheld shots.
8.To adjust the metering of the shot, move to a lighter or darker area of the shot, then lock AE-L.

SD shoots 30i interlace
HD shoots 30p progressive
FHD shoots 60i interlaced

1. AF only
2. Default ISO 400 (can reset this to 100 – 1600 or auto)
3. Can lock AE and/or AF
4. Shutter changes
5. WB can be manually set

BS-Night Scene
1. AF, Macro, Infinity or MF (Face detection must be off)
2. Default ISO 100 (can reset this to 100 – 1600 or auto)
3. AE-L works
4. MF stays when zoom in then out.
5. Shutter changes
6. WB can be manually set
7. On start up, camera defaults to AF. Must use side focus button the change to MF

1. AF, Macro, Infinity or MF (Face detection must be off)
2. Default ISO 400 (can reset this to 100 – 1600 or auto)
3. Must be in MF to half push photo button to see settings
4. Shutter stays at 1/60 (if it changes to 1/80, set ISO to 100 to force 1/60)
5. Fstop changes
6. On start up, camera defaults to AF. Must use side focus button the change to MF
7. WB can be manually set

The sweet spot:
Shoot, BS-Night Scene or BS-Pet mode for manual control, adjust ISO to reduce video noise and use MF.
When you have plenty of light use HD, in low light use SD.
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Old December 10th, 2008, 05:57 PM   #63
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Great tips Daniel... thanks for that
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Old December 10th, 2008, 06:26 PM   #64
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Casio F1

I forgot one:
9. Set the CS Dial to the third setting. I don't have access to the manual right now or I would find what it is called. All these setting were with the CS Dial set to the one without red on it. If you change the CS Dial, it changes some internal settings. I haven't explored what changes when you change the CS Dial.
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Old December 10th, 2008, 09:03 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Daniel Thornton View Post
Here are some F1 camera tips for video:Feel free to correct any that might not be accurate.
These are for low-light (indoor) shooting it seems. Right?

If so, they do not translate to outdoor. For example, what you say is 1/60th may become 1/250th outdoors. Since high-speed motion is typically only a problem outside, the need is for 1/60th, not 1/250th.

The problem with BS modes is that Movie Mode does not use any copied modifications you make. Yes, you can change them after you choose one, but upon Power-up they revert to the original BS. And, many BS alter far more than you want modified -- like turning-on face detection, or the worst -- digital zoom.

Bottom-line, using the supplied BS modes can create as many problems as they solve for HD movie shooting.

Also, are you trying to use A or S modes with movies? You can set S and A but they have no affect when you shoot a movie.

PS 1: Do you have a "20" showing by AWB vertical list of controls when you shoot a movie?

PS 2: Do you find that once in a while a very dark movie is recorded? Trying a second time gets a perfect movie.
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Old December 10th, 2008, 09:14 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Daniel Thornton View Post
4. If AE-L and/or AF-L is not displayed in white on the LCD screen ( upper left corner) when recording , the AE-L and/or AF-L is not locked.

5. WB can be manually set

3. Must be in MF to half push photo button to see settings
Correct, if you need to zoom you can only use MF. And, you must set MF the correct way if you plan to zoom-IN. If you plan to zoom-OUT, backfocus needs to work perfectly. (Haven't checked.) Zooming always unlocks AE/AF Lock. That means AE remains enabled when you zoom thus possible fluctuations. Often not what one wants.

WB can always be manually set. Great!

#3 -- not sure what you mean.
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Last edited by Steve Mullen; December 10th, 2008 at 10:07 PM.
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Old December 10th, 2008, 10:46 PM   #67
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I knew you guys would love that camera.....unbelievably good video- just as good as the Canon HF100 but with more controls over parameters.......I wonder if Casio is working on a newer improved model!
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old December 11th, 2008, 02:38 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Steve Nunez View Post
I knew you guys would love that camera.....unbelievably good video- just as good as the Canon HF100 but with more controls over parameters.......I wonder if Casio is working on a newer improved model!
I'm sure glad you posted!

I did a book on the "highly rated" SR12 and I had to CC every shot to get accurate skin tone. The F1 is spot on every time. The SR12 had no 720p30 and yet that is the sweet-spot of editing and internet HD video. And, just in case you want to shoot 1080i60 -- you've got it too.

I'm going to CES since I live in Vegas and will be looking for a new model. Casio is very close to perfection. A few firmware tweeks or even a new set of BS Movie modes.

PS: The AGC seems to work as Limiter.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 03:11 AM   #69
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Thank's for the tip.

I have a question: the remote control seems to be unable in video mode? is there a tip to use it (start and stop video).


Gilles Debord
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Old December 11th, 2008, 06:42 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Gilles Debord View Post
Thank's for the tip.

I have a question: the remote control seems to be unable in video mode? is there a tip to use it (start and stop video).


I'll bet it only snaps stills. :(
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Old December 11th, 2008, 10:02 AM   #71
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F1 settings

My settings are for indoors or outdoors. I am now only using BS-Night Scene or BS-Pet.

I leave the Mode dial set to BS. I have tried the other settings and was not happy with any (A, S, M, or auto). Also I leave the CS dial on Single Shot. I do not change these dials.

I have set Face Detection to off. This setting remains off when I power the camera off/on.

I need to reset the Dynamic Range to +2 because the camera does not retain this setting.

I am only concerned with a few other settings. If I have a static shot, I will frame the shot, let the camera set the exposure and focus then lock AE-L and AF-L. If I use the zoom, it will unlock the AE-L and AF-L. I will let the camera adjust the focus and AE.

If I don’t want AE or focus hunting, I will use the side focus button to get MF, zoom in to set focus, lock the AE-L then reframe. Zooming in MF with the AE-L locked has not caused flicker or focus hunting.

When outside in BS-Pet mode, the camera will default to different shutter speeds. At this time I don’t care what shutter speed I use outside but I have noticed that if I manually set the ISO to 100 instead of auto (the default) the shutter changes to 1/60. I have not explored this in dept. It appears that the camera is using ISO 100 and 1/60 shutter but this would need to be verified.

PS 1: Do you have a "20" showing by AWB vertical list of controls when you shoot a movie?
Yes, I have never noticed that before and do not know what it is.

PS 2: Do you find that once in a while a very dark movie is recorded? Trying a second time gets a perfect movie
Yes, when I was making a lot of changes in the camera. Turning the camera off/on would reset the memory. Now I use only 2 BS modes so I don’t get this anymore.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 04:07 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Daniel Thornton View Post
PS 1: Do you have a "20" showing by AWB vertical list of controls when you shoot a movie?
Yes, I have never noticed that before and do not know what it is.

PS 2: Do you find that once in a while a very dark movie is recorded? Trying a second time gets a perfect movie
Yes, when I was making a lot of changes in the camera. Turning the camera off/on would reset the memory. Now I use only 2 BS modes so I don’t get this anymore.
I'm glad you've got the same issues. I can't think of what the "20" could mean. Have you applied the firmware update? I have not.

I also seem to get dark pix when shooting with the flash.
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Old December 12th, 2008, 08:16 AM   #73
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Casio F1

I have the latest firmware installed. The black flashing pixels in the LCD screen are areas that the camera sees as overexposed. This is the same as zibras strips that other cameras use.
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Old December 12th, 2008, 08:29 AM   #74
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Casio F1

Ok, I feel really stupid. I think I just figured out this camera and it’s simple. The light finally came on. Let’s see if I can explain it.

This camera is really two cameras in one. It is a picture taking camera and a video camera. I know this is simple but important. You can take pictures in the video part of the camera and you can take video in the picture part but don’t. If you do, your pictures or video will not look the best. If you are using the picture controls, only take pictures not video. Also when you have set the controls for video don’t take pictures. If you remember this, you will not get frustrated and want to sell the camera.
Ok, so you ask what are the picture controls and what are the video controls. I’ll divide them up for you.

The picture controls.
1. Shutter release, CS Dial, Mode Dial ( auto, A, S, Manual)
You can use these also for video but don’t .

The video controls
1. To start with set the CS Dial to Single (this is the video setting for this dial). It’s the only one without red markings on it. Next set the Mode Dial to BS (Best Shot)( optimized for video). Set these and then leave them there. Believe me, there are a number of other settings to adjust if you want to. If you move these two dials to any other setting you are getting into the picture taking part of the camera. It will take video but you may not like the results. Also set the Movie mode dial to SD (I haven’t tested all this with HD or HS yet). Use SD because I call it “what you see on the LCD screen is what you get”. If it’s dark on the LCD screen, your video will be dark. If it looks too bright it probably is.

2. Next remember, in BS mode there are some presets already configured for you. This was done so you would not have to drill down into the menu system and set them but if you want to, you can change most of them. They used names like Pet, Flower , Night Scene … ect. But let me explain that these BS-modes just manipulate menu and submenu items. When you choose one of these BS setting, it turns on or off certain menu/submenu items. If you want to see what they manipulate just drill into the Menu-Rec/Quality items or the LCD screen right side menu. They change these different menu settings to get different looks. I will list most of the items that can be changed at the end. Also when you turn off the camera or change BS-modes (this is important), all the settings reset back to default. So if you have a long shoot, make sure the camera Set Up- Auto Power Off setting is at its highest setting. Also make up your mind which BS mode you are going to use because if you change BS-mode you reset the camera to it default BS setting. This is really just an inconvenience because at any time you can drill down into the Menu/submenu and set these again to achieve the look you want. One other thing, they decided to hide a couple of settings ( Portrait refiner / noise filter). I am guessing at this because I have seen this setting listed on other Casio cameras. So I would think it would also be on the F1.

Ok, lets get started shooting video. First set the CS dial to Single, next set the Mode Dial to BS then power on the camera also don’t forget to set the camera to SD. You are now in the video part of the camera. Next push the SET button to select the BS mode you want. This is just a starting point. I like to use BS-Night Scene because it presets the Menu-REC-Face Detection to off. This lets me use the four different focus selections (AF, Macro, Infinity or MF). I can now change any number of Menu/ submenu items. Some are located on the right side of the LCD screen others are buried under the Menu –REC or Quality sections. If the item is in white you can change it. If it is grayed out you can’t. Half press the shutter button to see what ISO the camera is using. If the readout is in white you are good to go. If it is orange, the camera did not like some setting. Usually this is the amount of light you are trying to shoot in. The camera is very good about knowing what setting and how much light it needs. Change the amount of light or change the setting of the camera (BS-mode) use another BS-mode.

I like to change a few items right away. Here is a list of what I change.

Menu-Rec-AE/AF Lock > AE Lock (this lets me only lock AE because I like to zoom and shoot with MF)I don’t need to lock focus because I am shooting MF.

Menu-Rec-Ring Setup > Focus (this lets me use the focus ring to adjust MF)

Menu-Quality-Dymanic Range > +2 (I like the looks this gives the video)

Menu-Quality-Contrast > +2 (I like the looks this gives the video)

Menu-Quality-Saturation > +1 (I like the looks this gives the video)

Somethings to check: They should be off by default. If not change them.
Menu-Rec-Face Detection > OFF (If it is on the camera stays in AF and I want to shoot in MF)
Menu-Rec-Continous AF > OFF

Ok, we are in MF because I used the Focus button on the side of the camera to change the focus. Now, frame the shot, adjust focus , push the AE-L/AF-L button on the side of the camera to lock AE only and press REC. If AE-L is not in white in the upper left LCD corner, the AE is not locked. Stop recording and repush the side AE-L/AF-L button to lock it. Now start recording again.

Here is a list of the other settings that you can change in the Menu/submenu items:

Focus> AF, Macro, MF or Infinity (focus button on side of camera)
Metering> Multi, Centered Weighted or Spot (right side of LCD screen)
AF Area> Spot, Tracking, or Free (right side of LCD screen)
EV Shift> -2 to +2 (right side of LCD screen)
ISO> Auto, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 (right side of LCD screen)
White Balance> AWB, MWB, ...ect (right side of LCD screen)
Sharpness> -2 , -1, 0 , +1, +2 (Menu-Quality-Sharpness)
Contrast> -2 , -1, 0 , +1, +2 (Menu-Quality-Contrast)
Saturation> -2 , -1, 0 , +1, +2 (Menu-Quality-saturation)
Color Filter> B/W, Sepia, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Purple (Menu-Quality-Color Filter)
Color enhancement> Flesh tones (This is hidden. I believe it is used when you choose BS-Portrait or BS-Night portrait)
Portrait refiner/ noise filter> Off, +1, +2 (This is hidden. I believe it is used when you choose BS-Portrait or BS-Night portrait)
Dynamic range> Off, +1, +2 (Menu-Quality-Dynamic Range)
Anti shake> Off, Image AS, Camera AS, Auto (Menu-REC-Anti Shake)
Auto focus Assist Light> Off, On (Menu-REC-AF Assist)

All these settings can be manually changed for each shot if you wanted to. It would be nice if Casio would let me make my own Movie BS-mode. I could set up the camera just the way I wanted for a particular shot, then save it. I could recall the BS-mode and all my settings would remain. I think I would call it “Thornton’s BS” but until an upgrade to firmware or somebody shows me how to make a Movie BS, I’ll have to adjust the camera every time I start it up.
One last thing, I shoot 99.9% on a tripod.
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Old December 12th, 2008, 10:23 AM   #75
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Editing software

What editing software are you guys using?
Has anyone tried using Cineform?
Does anyone have a few test files I can download?


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