Teaser of what I've been doing at DVinfo.net
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Old May 16th, 2007, 12:15 PM   #1
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Teaser of what I've been doing

Hey all,
I just got back from Hawaii and put together this quickly to show some of the footage, H.264 so you'll need quicktime.


Here's a YouTube Version

This is product we are calling a "visual guidebook". marketing directly to visitors and potential visitors of the Big Island. It is a DVD guidebook, allowing the viewer to access clips for each of the Big Island parks.

It is because of this forum that I decided to use the HVX for this project. The color, format and overcrank funtions were what sold me. I've been very pleased so far, and look forward to using the camera more.


BTW Robert Lane's posting of various settings for nature shots was a huge help in dialing in this camera, I don't consider it completely dialed in yet, but each time I use it, I feel that I am getting closer to the look that I want. So THANK YOU Robert...
always learning

Last edited by Phillip Palacios; May 16th, 2007 at 02:38 PM. Reason: forgot to thank Robert Lane
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Old May 21st, 2007, 01:35 PM   #2
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no comments?

I was expecting some critiques at least with 150some views.
bad title maybe?
always learning
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Old May 21st, 2007, 05:16 PM   #3
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The HH shots of the glowing lava and the sea turtle were a tad shakey and evoke amateur video, and the shot of the cliffsides/ocean at :31 feels too brief and cuts to a very non-descript clip of a trail or a path. Seemed like a strange editing choice...also, I would be more judicious about your use of fades/cuts, a fade to black followed by a straight cut to a beach is jarring in this context.

Also, that R-L very slow pan on the beach at :34 jerks left, noticeably, during the fade.

Otherwise, the timelapse compositions are cool, even at regular speed.

You have some snippets of beautiful imagery here and there but I don't think the editing does a great job of selling the product (if that is the objective).
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Old May 22nd, 2007, 07:27 AM   #4
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Thanks Benjamin,
I am not a great editor, so I was hoping for some opinions.
Maybe shorter overall lenghth and hold the shots longer? less of the fast style. the jerk to the left at :34 is actually a time ramp, it probably looks really bad compressed, maybe just keep it constant speed.

I am going to have an editor working with me on this but he isnt available yet and I wanted to get somthing out there.

I really appreciate it!
always learning
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Old May 22nd, 2007, 08:04 AM   #5
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Philip I agree that shorter might be better, you could weed out some of the more visually taxing shots and leave in the really amazing ones.

The ramp effect you're using is one of those things that will only look great if it is used with real intention/purpose, otherwise it will look forced or accidental. The way you use it on the beach shot, in combination with a fade to black, it looks like you're concealing a spastic pan movement.

More shots of people wouldn't hurt in a video like this too. Good luck with it
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Old May 22nd, 2007, 08:21 PM   #6
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Hi Phillip,

Sorry I haven't responded sooner; I don't get much time for the forum these days but stop in whenever I get enough free time to warrant a visit.

Great cinematography; I haven't looked at this critically enough to say the edits don't work but from my perspective I think you've got a well-produced segment that has a similar look & feel to Discovery Channels promo spots for the "Planet Earth" project - and not sure I'd change anything.

I'm glad the custom scene file settings helped get you started; as I say it's not THE perfect look for everthing but a jump-off point to help get a more rich and natural output from the HVX - which you seem to have done nicely.

Great job, and hope the project goes well!!
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Old May 24th, 2007, 10:28 PM   #7
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I tend to agree with Benjamin, his analysis is pretty much exactly what I thought as well. Excellent footage and construction - just needs editing tweaking.

Originally Posted by Benjamin Hill View Post
Philip I agree that shorter might be better, you could weed out some of the more visually taxing shots and leave in the really amazing ones.

The ramp effect you're using is one of those things that will only look great if it is used with real intention/purpose, otherwise it will look forced or accidental. The way you use it on the beach shot, in combination with a fade to black, it looks like you're concealing a spastic pan movement.

More shots of people wouldn't hurt in a video like this too. Good luck with it
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Old May 25th, 2007, 07:02 AM   #8
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Thanks guys,
Robert, I am trying to emulate the look and feel of the planet earth spots, so it gives me hope when you say it kind of reminded you of it.

Benjamin and Peter, Thank you for pointing some things out. I think the quote " as the diameter of knowledge grows, so does the circumfrence (sp?) of the unkonwn."

as my signature says "always learning"

Thanks for the coments.
always learning
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