Here is some test footage I did with the HVX and Redrock M2 adapter. It's for a spec commercial I'm going to do in a week or two. I did it to see what kind of exposure problems I may have. And to see how the HVX handles the blacks. I put it in V mode instead of the D mode because that mode handles blacks a lot better. I used only one single halogen 2k( that blew during the shoot, damn cheap internet lights). I put up some black throw clothes I painted, in my garage. I used a simple flat skateboard dolly set up with 10 feet of pvc pipe. Also, to make the light stand out I fogged the place up using a simple fogger DJ's use. The lenses used were a 28mm lens and 75-150mm. Each with an exposure of 2.8 and 3.8 respectively. As you can see I don't need to time down the esposure much in post(I like doing it that way, better to have light than none at all). Heck I don't need to much of anything! I like the way the halogen glows yellow. I specifically didn't balance for it. I shot in 60fps and 24fps. The 60 tends to have little more noise than the 24. I'm not real sure why, I'm looking into it. Any feedback or comments are most welcome.
I also, included a picture of what the garage looked like during the shoot.
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