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Old July 18th, 2006, 09:59 PM   #1
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HVX montage- machines


Just posting a clip from a little video I shot at my dad's factory in NH. 5 minutes long.... Converted to Black and White with some diffusion and CC. A little impromptu shoot and edit. Feedback and comments are welcome.

I just love the B and W option with the camera. Looks glossy and low-noise. Please download (save as to HD)

Thanks all!

Justyn Rowe is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 18th, 2006, 10:17 PM   #2
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I liked it. Music was great. Did you do the music also ? Do you have other music like that ? How did you do the B&W ?

It would have been fun to integrate some of the HVX slo mo action, ala 'Koyaanisqatsi' with that score. . . .. . ..
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Old July 18th, 2006, 10:20 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Interesting how cool a factory can look from certain perspectives. Great job!!
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old July 18th, 2006, 10:39 PM   #4
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I like this a lot. I like the shot selection, the editing and the pacing. My only suggestion is I would have shot this on a tripod and a really good fluid head. This would have given the montage a "crisper" feel. Your handheld is actually very good and I commend you for that, but my personal preference is for most shots to be a tripod even though it is a pain to setup. I prefer handheld only for "reality" type situations.
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Old July 19th, 2006, 07:48 AM   #5
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Posts: 54
Thanks guys for the kind words.

Tim, you are exactly right about the tripod. I would have shot with mine on this but I didn't have it with me on the vacation. I have a big set of stick and it usually costs me to travel with it so I left it home. I do want to do another shoot at the factory this year.. with a tripod and hopefully a 35mm adapter and my light kit. I'd also like to bring up my jib and steadicam as well. I want to shoot another art piece there.. as well as a fight scene for a movie I'm doing. Ther'es a lot of stuff that I didn't get to show on the 2nd level of the machines and on top and I'd get to this with more time and my jib. It's good also that I can get in there since it's my dad's place. So, yep Tripod is definitely needed next time.

Vince, This isn't music that I made but it's something similar to what I wanted. I do make some ambient types of stuff myself but in this case I wanted something done and complete. It would take me all day to come up with a track for something like this... so I took the easy way out. Also, as war as the B&W, this is a tint filter in FCP. I also added some diffusion and bumped up the glow a bit. It looks stunning on an HD monitor.. and the B&W conversion really covers up any noise.. but on this there really wasn't much. I make sure to set the detail coring at the highest setting... and bump up the black pedestal as well. I also choise the darker... less noisy chroma setting.

Thanks again all. Love the constructive feedback. I will post something else this week which is totally different from this. I'm having fun shooting again. Makes it feel more like I'm shooting film and I get the "WOW" feeling every once in a while... hard to get that with DV anymore.
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