XDCAM vs. P2 article for magazine. at DVinfo.net
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Old May 26th, 2006, 05:33 PM   #1
New Boot
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XDCAM vs. P2 article for magazine.

XDCAM vs. P2 article for magazine.

I'm writing up an article entitled "XDCAM vs. P2" for a magazine.

I am carrying out a survey and would like unbiased opinions from both camps of Sony's XDCAM disc based system and Panasonic's P2 card based..

So if there are any P2 users here who are familiar (even vaguely) with Sony's XDCAM system, how about pointing out things that are better about P2 over XDCAM.

I'm gathering information from various places to put together a head-to-head contest between the two.

Thanks guys and girls
Steve Williams is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 27th, 2006, 03:58 PM   #2
Go Go Godzilla
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Hi Steve,

I believe the reason you're not getting swamped with feedback is because most of us here on the DVinfo.net site are either indie producers, hobbyists or people just getting started in the industry.

Technologically there may be some similarities between the 2 tapeless systems but since the lowest pricepoint for an XDCAM body I've seen is $16k, not to mention the higher media and peripheral cost, it's puts the XDCAM system way out of reach for those of us in this market.

I will say this: being a true ENG design, the closest relative to the XDCAM in the sub -$10k market is the JVC HD-100. Both systems use a manual focus, removable lens and are designed for shoulder-mounted operation when not on a pod or jib. Although the H1 uses Canon's proprietary lens mount, it too has an autofocus option which adds functionality that an ENG body cannot.

I'd post your feedback request in the HD-100 forum or, better yet directly with ENG houses and rental agencies.

Good luck with the article.
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Old May 27th, 2006, 04:41 PM   #3
New Boot
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Good point about ENG rental houses; I'll do that.
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