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Old May 15th, 2006, 09:16 PM   #1
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RedRock M2 feedback?

Since there isn't really a dedicated forum for the M2, I thought I'd post this here, where I do the rest of my info-trolling...<g>
For those of you who've actually purchased (or used) an M2, just how quiet is this thing? I do a lot of talking head interviews in fairly tight office/work environments (and hate the total inability to control DOF on the 1/3" chip) ...I'm concerned that a motor-driven, rapidly spinning imager would have a whine loud enough to be noticeable on audio. Comments??
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Old May 15th, 2006, 09:33 PM   #2
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The M2 is nearly silent. However, an on-camera mic would almost certainly pick up the slight whir of the motor in a quiet room. Feeding an external mic or running sound off-camera should eliminate the issue. That said, it really is a nice little kit.
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Old May 15th, 2006, 09:54 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Henry Cho
The M2 is nearly silent. However, an on-camera mic would almost certainly pick up the slight whir of the motor in a quiet room. Feeding an external mic or running sound off-camera should eliminate the issue. That said, it really is a nice little kit.
Thanks...yeah, I'm always running a lav and/or a shotgun on the person...never use the on-camera if it's quiet enough to not be picked up (even in a small, quiet room) 6-8 ft away from the mic, then it'll be fine.

Are you running it on AC power, or do they provide some kind of battery capability? (Do you know if it's 7.2 or 12 or 14.4 volts?)
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Old May 15th, 2006, 10:54 PM   #4
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with that audio setup, i don't think you should have any problems.

i'm currently running my m2 off a 9V battery (comes with the kit), which is still going strong after about 16 hours of start and stop operation over a couple of weeks. redrock claims a single 9V battery will allow for at least 24 hours of continuous operation. there is also a jack on the m2 for an optional 120v power adapter.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 02:34 AM   #5
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As Henry says the M2 is virually silent, bu an onboard mic would pick up the slight whir of the motor.

As for battery, the 9 volt is a pain to change so go external and strap this battery to the outside of the M2 with bungies.

It's rechargeable, and lasts for ages before it needs to be recharged. I haven't opened my M2 up in months.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 03:35 AM   #6
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Thanks for the battery link. I just got an M2 for my HVX200.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 05:58 AM   #7
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The sound of the motor is not a problem at all in my experience with my HVX & M2. One thing you should note though, and it's been my only unpleasant surprise with the HVX is that you can't "turn off" the on-board mic. Or at least I have not found a way or had anyone post how to. See this thread -

HVX - Sound from External Mic Only?

Barry replied to my question regarding turning off the on-board mic with "There is no way to disable the internal mic. The cam always records four channels, two from the XLRs and two from the internal mic."

I really don't like this, as I could turn off my XL2 on-board mic and felt like I had more control over fine tuning the sound while shooting. With the HVX you have to remove the on-board mic channels in post (if you want to remove them).

But REALLY, motor noise from the M2 is a non-issue and think you will find the HVX/M2 combo a complete joy!

Originally Posted by Will Hanlon
Thanks for the battery link. I just got an M2 for my HVX200.
Welcome to the club! Hopefully, you've already found the HVX200 forum on the Redrock site.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 11:38 AM   #8
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Thanks, everybody. Sounds like (excuse the pun) it's worth getting...the DOF issue is a killer.

Derek: I'd already seen the always-on ch. 3 & 4 thread. But thanks for reiterating it.

So... for those of you who've been using it: have you hit a higher shutter speed where the grain of the ground glass becomes visible? Clearly at some point it's going to show up... in the manipulation to hit a particular aperture for critical DOF, I'm assuming the shutter speed will come into play along with the ND filters (unless I use a combination of internal and external NDs...)

Can you get away with bumping the shutter up to, say, 1/250 or so without the GG showing?
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Old May 16th, 2006, 11:35 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Steve Shovlar
As Henry says the M2 is virually silent, bu an onboard mic would pick up the slight whir of the motor.

As for battery, the 9 volt is a pain to change so go external and strap this battery to the outside of the M2 with bungies.

It's rechargeable, and lasts for ages before it needs to be recharged. I haven't opened my M2 up in months.
Another good battery option
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Old May 19th, 2006, 08:56 AM   #10
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I shot an interview with Ray Bradbury using a DVX and the M2. Shotgun on boom on channel 1, G2 lav on channel 2. No motor noise.

Derek West-
You got four channels... If you were able to turn of the onboard mic, you'd be deleting those two extra channels in post anyway.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 10:45 PM   #11
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dang Jeff - I got to go over here to find out you are shooting bradbury interviews! when do we get to see this?!
Brian Valente
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Old May 25th, 2006, 10:59 PM   #12
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when I use the AC/DC 9v Adapter I got from red rock sometimes the Sound guy would here it if we where in a small room. so then I'd just use the internal 9v battery and it worked fine. used maybe 1 a week on the Feature just to make shure we didn't run out during a take.

we shot with the M2 and HVX-200 @ 1/1000 of a Shutter and never saw the ground Glass... as long as its speeding you won't see it.

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Old May 26th, 2006, 08:28 AM   #13
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which m2 package to get

Hey all,

I've been looking on the Redrock site and it seems as though they have many packages. Which package have people been buying? Which lenses seem to be the most successful, and I don't want to get into the canon v. nikon debate, but I've been an avid canon user for years, but I see on the M2 site that some canon lenses seem to have aperture issues. Also, is everyone using cinema lenses, or are you using 35mm still lenses? ANy issues with the upside down image recording?

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Old May 26th, 2006, 11:08 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Brian Valente
dang Jeff - I got to go over here to find out you are shooting bradbury interviews!
Gotta keep up with us Brian, we're Men On The Move! LOL
(I posted here because my registration request at your user forum never got processed...I've just re-submitted.)
Hoping mine will arrive today...
DP/Editor, Sputnik Pictures | Atlanta
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