New "Foxi" LANC Follow Focus... cool!! at
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Old April 6th, 2006, 03:34 AM   #1
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New "Foxi" LANC Follow Focus... cool!!

Aside from the lack of a connection for a whip/ speed crank, this looks like a sweet little unit. I really like the iris control too-- remindes me of the Preston FI+Z Unit...

Anyone played with this thing yet or is it too new?
Matt Irwin
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Old April 6th, 2006, 05:19 AM   #2
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initially i wasnt too impresed with BeBobs support when my Zoi died.. turned out to be an email issue on their part.. BUT THEN...
I kid yo unow, the customer service/support was astounding. The fact that im in another country didnt phase them one bit and aa replacement unit for the faulty one was prompty shipped out and recieved in less than a week.

Thats just the company in itself...

as for BeBob equipment, i can harp on about how their analoseous algorythms are far more accurate than the manfrotto Lancs

this thing is sure to be for any serous filmaker using this camra...
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Old April 12th, 2006, 01:11 PM   #3
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A friend of mine has one and I briefly looked at it a couple of days ago. It looks very well made and the feel is awesome...just the right amount of resistance to simulate what you would expect with a std FF. I didn't have time to try it out, but he assured me that it was spot on accurate and repeatable pull after pull.
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Old April 12th, 2006, 08:52 PM   #4
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It would be nice if it could accomodate a connection for a whip/ speed crank like Matt said, but this could be changed with a modification maybe... If there is enough plastic in the wheel, you can dremel it out and fit a proper slot for the focus attachment... I'll certainly will try this when I get mine.

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Old April 13th, 2006, 12:13 PM   #5
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I was looking at the unit recently and relized that it actually doesn't need a whip because it has a 4' LANC cord, which can be lengthened w/ a LANC extension cord. It would become like a wired FI+Z unit, minus the "Z."

As for the speed crank, I think you may be right, although the diameter of the wheel might be small enough for a focus puller to throw full range without having to do several turns. After all, the wheel only rotates, what, 280 degrees?
Matt Irwin
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Old May 8th, 2006, 06:03 PM   #6
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Follow-Up review

I figured I would wake this thread up since I just got a Foxi.
I've been playing around with this thing for an hour or so... man is it cool!

For those who are considering a purchase or rental:

- The focus ring has a fantastic feel. A very smooth fluid resistence makes it easy for very short adjustments.

- The iris slider is actually a belt with a knob attached. The belt is also exposed at both ends of the unit, acting like dials. There is considerable resistance- about four times that of the dial on the HVX body- so using the slider while handheld might rock the camera a bit if you're not careful.

- Both the focus and iris controls are COMPLETELY repeatable and calibrated. To check this, I set the focus and iris, powered down the camera, uplugged the Foxi, powered up the camera and threw the focus and iris off-mark. When I plugged the Foxi back in, the focus and iris in the camera popped right back to where they were! If desired, you could probably mark a permanant scale on ring and pull to that if necessary.

- Build and mount are both very solid.

- I dont feel that there is a need for a speed crank (that was a question I had earlier) because the throw from "macro" to infinity is only 270º on a 2.25" wheel.

I can't wait to test this thing out in the field! And btw, EVS just got a shipment in today and Randy told me they're selling like crazy.

Hope this helps,
Matt Irwin
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Old May 8th, 2006, 08:44 PM   #7
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I got a chance to play with this at NAB and I really liked the follow focus control. But the iris thing was almost useless it as it was so difficult to move. At the time I wondered if that particular unit had recieved to much abuse at the show and was broken. Is the iris tread/pulley thingy actually useable or not?
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Old May 8th, 2006, 11:40 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Gary L Childress
Is the iris tread/pulley thingy actually useable or not?
It's a bit weird, but it is useable. On rods, I find that using the exposed edges of the belt offers good control. Mounted on a tripod, I was able to do some smooth iris pulls. Hand-holding the Foxi (separate from the cam) is the only time I've actually used the slider knob with good results. It really just takes practice for both the focus and iris controls-- different feel. No regrets on the purchase though.

It would be nice to be able to switch manual iris control from the Foxi to the camera body, and not just between Foxi control and auto-iris.
Matt Irwin
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