New HVX user going to Russia. Workflow? at
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Old March 31st, 2006, 11:15 AM   #1
New Boot
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New HVX user going to Russia. Workflow?

The guy I work for is thinking of sending mr to Russia to shoot a bunch of doc footage. He dropped an HVX in my lap last night and told me to learn by today for a metting with investors. Problem is I have no P2 cards or storage (recording) devices for it.

As far a I can figure our workflow in Russia will look like this:

Two HVX cameras. Two Firestore drives for each camera. Three or four Lacie 1.6 Terabyte drives and a couple of Titanium Powerbook Mac laptops.

How much trouble might I get into here. I have been a pure DV child up till now. Do the Firestore drives connect easily to a larger external through a FW connection and a laptop? Does the firestore run on its own battery or draw power from the camera/computer. If its own, how long doe it last? How long does it take to download footage to a FW drive?

I'm sure there are a million things I haven't thought of simply because I've never used this camera in this type of workflow.

Thanks in advance.
Paul Whishaw is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 31st, 2006, 05:25 PM   #2
Go Go Godzilla
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First, many of the questions you're asking can be easily had by using the search function on this forum; to answer all your questions would be to regurgitate what is already posted here.

Second, you don't mention when you're supposed to be shooting your project but the HVX-compatible version of the Firestore isn't available yet and neither is the device you should be considering instead, the Cineporter.

There is a wealth of information on this forum why the Firestore is not going to be a user or workflow-friendly device for the HVX and I would highly recommend researching that information.

I would also recommend spending as much time playing with the camera and reading the instruction manual as you can; this is one of the most technically complex cameras out there, and certainly more complex than any of the HDV/DV cameras by far, mainly because of all the extra options relating to managing the P2 options and shooting modes.

It took me a solid 3 weeks of testing and shooting before I became comfortable enough to use the HVX for work; depending on your own level of technical expertise and self-teaching abilities I'd plan on a longer than normal learning curve in getting familiar with the HVX and all it's features.

Good luck with your gig.
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Old March 31st, 2006, 08:34 PM   #3
New Boot
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Thanks for the reply. I will use the search function as you suggest.

They plan on leaving on Wednesday and shooting that weekend. I don't understand why they don't have any P2 cards so I am going to try and rent some to play with.

These people have more money than common sense but it seems to be working for them as they just dropped for two of these cameras. It will be an interesting weekend filled with many panic sticken hours of media and technology nightmares.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 06:25 AM   #4
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P2 cards seem to be in short supply. I know of a couple people who have their HVX but no P2 cards. I rented an HVX from Abel Cine and they include 4 4GB cards with the camera. Not sure if they rent them w/o the camera but it might be worth a shot calling them up.

You can capture directly to FCP via firewire from the camera. But you'd be permanently tethered to the powerbook. But it does work well, I tested it yesterday afternoon. Just might be viable depending on what type of doc footage you're shooting.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 02:54 PM   #5
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Paul : I hope you speak some Russian els eyou are lost in that country since English will not do the job !!!
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Old April 2nd, 2006, 11:35 AM   #6
Go Go Godzilla
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B&H is showing stock of the 4GB cards, none of the 8GB however.

If you can't get any cards it would seem your only reliable method for capture is going to be a Powerbook. However, if you don't have any of those on-hand you'd better move fast. Apple only has stock of the 17" inch PB's now and you can still get factory-refurbished ones as well. But, stock is limited and the clock is ticking.

Lastly, make sure you take plenty of power-converters to get power to the camera, external drives, and whatever other electronics you'll be taking.
Robert Lane is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 2nd, 2006, 05:58 PM   #7
New Boot
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Hello Paul!

Greets from Russia ;)

You can buy P2 cards here, in Moscow - local Panny dealer site shows they have only 4Gb cards in stock for now, price is $1200. I can try to call them today and ask when 8G will come...

And what city you are coming to? Our country is pretty big ;)
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Old April 3rd, 2006, 07:48 PM   #8
New Boot
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Hey. What up.

I'm going to St. Petersburg. Maybe. Still working on the Visa. I have been told I will have a translator and a body gaurd. The subjects I am supposed to be shooting are a little sensative and all have many bodygaurds.

I'm hearing a lot of good things about St. Petes though. Supposed to be a really cool place.
Paul Whishaw is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 4th, 2006, 01:39 PM   #9
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Powerbook specs

Originally Posted by Robert Lane
If you can't get any cards it would seem your only reliable method for capture is going to be a Powerbook. However, if you don't have any of those on-hand you'd better move fast. Apple only has stock of the 17" inch PB's now and you can still get factory-refurbished ones as well. But, stock is limited and the clock is ticking.
I'm waiting on delivery of my new HVX200 and I'm thinking about a Powerbook now too, just something to get me through until the Cineporter becomes available. Looking at this post and your longer ones on Powerbook capture, Robert, I'm wondering whether your Powerbook has the 7200 RPM HD and if you would insist on that for clean capture through FCP (assuming also an external media drive connected to the FW800 port).
Thanks, I've really benefitted from your posts.
Doug Cabot is offline   Reply

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