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Panasonic P2HD / DVCPRO HD Camcorders
All AG-HPX and AJ-PX Series camcorders and P2 / P2HD hardware.

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Old January 10th, 2006, 01:23 PM   #1
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HVX & Windows: Who? How?

Hello all,

Would like to see workflows for this combo posted up also. As of now, we are commited to the Windows platform and definitely empathize (> sympathize!) with those posters who cannot afford to jetison hard bought Windows systems. Nor can we afford to wait indefinitely for a working Windows HD solution. So, to start this off, here's where we are:

HVX200 on order
AVID Express Pro 5.2.1
Pro Tools HD 7.0
Dual Xenon on Supermicro
SCSI stack for editing
JVC SD monitor (BM-H1300SU)
MOJO? (see below-this solution gets hi-Q SD while waiting/hoping for a spectacular annoucement from AVID!)

AVID is the NLE because of its relatively seamless interface to Pro Tools leading, of course, to the quandry about what to do with HD. (Note: seamless interface to PT a requirement!)

Note there is no MOJO; I won't bore you with the history of this setup. So the quandry is simple: get a MOJO and go SD using the JVC until something happens with AVID along the lines of FCP (i.e. a non-super-high-end HD solution) OR figure out how to purchase the Mac solution; hence, the suggestion for starting this data collection thread!
Jordell Jarnell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 12th, 2006, 04:35 AM   #2
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Maybe just not many people on windows who are as tied to Avid as you are.
I guess you should talk to your Avid dealer to hear what's up.

Premiere pro with Cineform software should work okay I guess.

Jay Dee is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 12th, 2006, 06:31 AM   #3
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I was glad to see you start this thread and was interested in seeing how many signed up, as I wanted to see how many total HVX users (Mac & PC) there might be and I also wanted to see the overall workflow of PC users. Not sure why nobody's posted. Maybe the workflow on a PC has too many unanswered questions at the moment?
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Old January 12th, 2006, 07:36 AM   #4
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The big problem is the lack of DV50 and DV100 codecs

Not sure what Panasonic's thinking is on this, but it's perplexing that this camera is being released with essentially no means of getting its footage into the thousands of NLEs out there on Windows.

It seems as though they're sitting back and letting every software vendor reinvent the wheel instead of just releasing an official Panasonic codec.

The lack of DV50 on Windows has been an annoyance for years, really. I asked Canopus a couple years ago why on earth they don't make an ADC-100-type device but with DV50 instead of crappy DV25, and the rep balked at the very idea and claimed it would be only a niche product and way too complicated to create the codec. What? It's DV, people. And it wouldn't be a niche product if people were informed. And seeing one NLE review after another using only DV footage to test, as if nobody sets their sights higher, is annoying too.

So far Panasonic doesn't seem to have an answer as to how 97 percent of the computing public is supposed to get this footage into their computers, except "buy a whole new NLE system, from either Avid, Matrox, or Canopus." Yeah, tell that to the Vegas and Premiere users who've been looking forward to this camera.

I'm not anti-Panasonic, but I think they've really dropped the ball on this codec issue.
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Old January 12th, 2006, 01:37 PM   #5
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97% of the computing public could care less about DVPRO/50, or even knows what it is, same goes for the HD shooters.
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Old January 20th, 2006, 04:22 PM   #6
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Additional Thoughts

Here is an additional possibility brought up by some research. Repeating part of the first post for ease,

HVX200 on order
AVID Express Pro 5.2.1
Pro Tools HD 7.0
Dual Xenon on Supermicro
SCSI stack for editing


After Effects
Black Magic’s Decklink HD card and HD link card

It appears that Windows XP/DVX200 users might be able to:

Edit in AVID
Export to AE
Do AE things AND monitor output using AE's support of the Decklink hardware.

If this is true, then the big remaining question is: what monitor to use that doesn't require mortgaging the house and selling the kids?


An added bonus to this approach is that the JVC SD monitor could also be used!

Comments, input welcome!
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Old January 20th, 2006, 05:35 PM   #7
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Two words: Canopus Edius. Ready for P2 MXF, right now.

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Chris Hurd is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 21st, 2006, 01:13 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
Two words: Canopus Edius. Ready for P2 MXF, right now.
Chris...question about Edius broadcast for you. I have been a Canopus user for years but jumped ship when they failed to support 24P in any of the software or hardware setups. Also...the lack of quality colors tools was drawback. I rely heavily on color curves to create the looks I want and being able to manipulate the RGB curves independently in the highlights, mids and lows is crucial. Edius 3 demo has the same color tools that have been in place since the DVstorm in 2000/2001. I see no improvement. If they support the P2/HVX format but fail to offer significant "features" then it seems like a lot of money for an "orphan" program. By orphan I mean it is not tied to another "suite" of programs such as Adobe AE, PS and encore or FCP suite. I can buy the whole Adobe suite or the Final CUt suite for only a bit more than EDIUS and have 3-4 programs that can encompass an entire workflow.

Anyway....to sum this all up....do you know if there are new color tools in edius broadcast and where can I get info on it other than the little bit on canopus.com ?
Marty Hudzik is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 21st, 2006, 03:31 PM   #9
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The current version of Edius, now at 3.61, has improved colour correction tools. Among the most significant are improvements to what is labelled as "white balance" in the effects pallette. To get a detailed look at what this includes you can look here:

This is a Camtasia tutorial on the use of this tool. Unfortunately it is in German, but I am sure you will understand what he is doing if you follow the on screen demo.

As you know Edius works in YUV but you can get on screen YUV and the corresponding RGB spot readings by using the vectorscope built into Edius. You should be able to try it out using the demo available on line. The demo is, I believe, DV only.
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Old January 21st, 2006, 08:51 PM   #10
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I'll be going HVX/Windows. My setup so far:

Alienware MJ-12 m7700 Laptop (on the Avid qualified systems list), 3.8GHz Pentium 4, 3GB DDR Memory, Nvidia Quadro FX Go 1400 (capable of 1900X1200), and two 80GB 7200RPM SATA hard drives. Not sure about external RAID setup, HD monitor, etc yet.

Avid Xpress Pro HD 5.2.2 (just downloaded today)

Panasonic AG-HVX200 (when it finally arrives)

I do know Avid supports MXF natively and that people have already been bringing MXF files directly from P2 cards into Avid without problem.

Not sure about the rest of the workflow/setup until the camera comes in...
Christopher Go is offline   Reply

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