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Old January 5th, 2006, 09:25 AM   #1
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HVX200 & Mac Combo - Who's Taking that Route?

I just wanted to see who's using a Mac/HVX (when it arrives) workflow. I've been using a Mac for a while now, and that's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to getting this camera. It seems that Kaku's been able shoot, edit & zip footage and distribute it in a manner that no Mac user has had a problem with downloading, editing, compressing then exporting. This impressive ease of use, along with the colors and overall look of the footage he's supplied is why I'm excited about getting the HVX.

How many other here are going to be using a Mac/HVX workflow?

Barry Green & Chris Hurd, if you buy a Mac, I'll personally send each of you a "Mighty Mouse." :)

Last edited by Guest; January 5th, 2006 at 10:42 AM.
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Old January 5th, 2006, 10:15 AM   #2
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I'm gonna use MAC and HVX. Count me in.
Now... it would be cool to have an "APPLE VERSION OF BARRY GREEN" in this forum who can have access to this camera, edit the footage with Final Cut and write a cool book about it.
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Old January 5th, 2006, 11:37 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Derek West
I just wanted to see who's using a Mac/HVX (when it arrives) workflow. I've been using a Mac for a while now, and that's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to getting this camera. It seems that Kaku's been able shoot, edit & zip footage and distribute it in a manner that no Mac user has had a problem with downloading, editing, compressing then exporting. This impressive ease of use, along with the colors and overall look of the footage he's supplied is why I'm excited about getting the HVX.

How many other here are going to be using a Mac/HVX workflow?

Barry Green & Chris Hurd, if you buy a Mac, I'll personally send each of you a "Mighty Mouse." :)

Heck, I just read a horrible review of the MIghty Mouse---Why not send them a nice 30" Apple Monitor---If you send me one, I'll buy a Mac! I can learn how to edit on it while en route to Hale-Bopp!
David Mintzer is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 5th, 2006, 11:44 AM   #4
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This is one of the major reasons I am going with the HVX-
The Canon seems superior in many ways
with the HVX everything goes into my laptop...the work flow is what I am all set up for already...already digitized
smaller, convenient
and with a 35mm adaptor it all still fits on my steadicam rig

cost = 6,200 with a p2 card
that's all I need for right now.

Now, please dont get me wrong, I would rather be streaming uncompressed HDV with a Canon, but
it is not the way I work, nor is it in my budget.
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Old January 5th, 2006, 11:48 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by David Mintzer
...while en route to Hale-Bopp!
Maybe I can just send you some Nike's... :)
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Old January 5th, 2006, 01:00 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Derek West
Maybe I can just send you some Nike's... :)
LOL----as long as they are good in zero gravity!
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Old January 5th, 2006, 01:24 PM   #7
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hmmm.... Better make it a pair of "AIR'S"

Now, back to earth.

So 4 people and that does not include Kaku and 3 or 4 other's I've seen in this forum that have mentioned they would be using the Mac/HVX combo in other threads (I'll leave it up to them on whether they want to post in this one). That's really good news so far.

If you have not seen it, there's a post in the DVXuser.com forum of someone using a Stedicam with a woman singing. It's remarkable. For your ease, here's a direct link to the thread - http://www.dvxuser.com/V3/showthread.php?t=42746.

I wouldn't say it's better or worse than Kaku's, it's just a different look - Which should be of no surprise with the million or so settings this camera offers. In my opinion, it looks like it could be the beginning of a professional music video that you'd see on any music channel (or in these forums, for that matter).
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Old January 5th, 2006, 02:01 PM   #8
Barry Wan Kenobi
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Originally Posted by Derek West
Barry Green & Chris Hurd, if you buy a Mac, I'll personally send each of you a "Mighty Mouse." :)
Well, I'm definitely going to get one, I'm just waiting for MWSF to make sure I don't get stuck with an EOL product. I might just go for a 1gb Mini to tide me over until I see how the other platforms shake out, or maybe I'll just jump for the dual. But I'd hate to plunk down for something today and then find out next week that the Mini is now a quad G5 for $800, y'know? :)

I figure that Apple has easily the most robust implementation so far, since they've had a 20-month head start. But I'm also looking at Edius Broadcast; having Thomson behind them now may empower them to make some inroads and I was impressed with their DV Expo demo and their level of integration.

Then there's DVFilm's RayLight, which sure seems promising...

But yes, I'll definitely pick up a Mac something-or-other, probably next week...
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Old January 5th, 2006, 02:18 PM   #9
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In my best Napoleon Dynamite voice -

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Old January 5th, 2006, 02:26 PM   #10
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It's suddenly got very, very cold here in Purgatory ... think it might freeze.
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Old January 5th, 2006, 06:47 PM   #11
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Picked up a Quad G5 on December 31st ... just in time for the write-off!
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Old January 5th, 2006, 06:59 PM   #12
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Quad & Tax Write-Off = win/win

Nice Bill - It will be interesting to see how rendering and editing will vary on the quad's and dual's. I've got a 6 month old dual 2.7 with 6 gig RAM and the GEForce 6800. It's handled Kaku's footage just fine, actually, better than fine, really handles it like DV. I have not noticed any differences in render times after adding effects from GenArts Sapphire. I'll probably mess around with a little more footage Friday and see how the DVCPro format works with Apple Motion files. The footage is even doing well on my 2 year old dual G5 2.0 and I'm able to work with the footage just as easily with it (I was really surprised about this).

From my experience so far the DVCProHD and DVCPro50 formats (supplied by Kaku) have been easy to handle. Thanks for joining in on the thread Bill.
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Old January 5th, 2006, 07:58 PM   #13
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Nice Bill - It will be interesting to see how rendering and editing will vary on the quad's and dual's. I've got a 6 month old dual 2.7 with 6 gig RAM and the GEForce 6800. It's handled Kaku's footage just fine, actually, better than fine, really handles it like DV. I have not noticed any differences in render times after adding effects from GenArts Sapphire. I'll probably mess around with a little more footage Friday and see how the DVCPro format works with Apple Motion files. The footage is even doing well on my 2 year old dual G5 2.0 and I'm able to work with the footage just as easily with it (I was really surprised about this).

From my experience so far the DVCProHD and DVCPro50 formats (supplied by Kaku) have been easy to handle. Thanks for joining in on the thread Bill.

Ditto; I also downloaded Kaku's footage in fcp, then to compresor,on to DVD and played it on my linkplayer, to my 65" HDTV. I was amazed how easy it was. I can't wait to say goodbye to 4:2:0
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Old January 5th, 2006, 08:17 PM   #14
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IntelMacs on the high end desktops might be 6 months or more away. On the other hand they may announce an IntelMac Laptop next weeks. If it's a PowerBook it might be your answer. You'll have a portable FCP edit system for the HVX and just maybe you'll be able to run Windows on it too.

What format did you convert it to using Compressor for the linkplayer? If it's the box I'm thinking of it can handle WMVHD (and JVC is now distributing it in the USA). I'm assuming you didn't create a SD DVD.
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Old January 5th, 2006, 08:43 PM   #15
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The final product is an HD DVD 1920x1080i. From fcp5 to compressor, I set it at: HD MPEG 2; changed extension in encoder box from mts to m2t, and chose multiplex audio. I burned the DVD in roxio toast 6.
You are right, it is the same player as used for the JVC. I would like to add that I have heared a lot of negativity about this player; I think it is because most folks don't understand it. Specifically, it is a firmware updateable player. The firmware updates are always important. The thing is that the player doesn't update to the latest update; you need to install all of them to get the latest update. IOdata just released a new update on Dec 27-05. It has further support for mpeg2, m2t, and ts.The update also allows the DVD drive to spin faster to deal with the 19mbs data rate.
Furthur, If you are thinking of going WMVHD, you might have an easier time by printing your edited footage back to the cam and then going to virtual dub to make a m2t
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