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Old January 5th, 2006, 09:10 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Lou Squitieri
Nice Bill - It will be interesting to see how rendering and editing will vary on the quad's and dual's.
Lou: It certainly will. FCP and Mac are a "brave new world" for me. I have 4 PC's and 1 Linux box in my network ... and now the G5. My systems guru tells me that they will all talk to each other. We'll see .... now all I have to do is learn FCP. I've got another 24" Dell LCD and a DeckLink MultiBridge Extreme ordered. Do you have any recommendations re external storage. I was looking at the G Raids?
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Old January 5th, 2006, 09:15 PM   #17
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I was wondering, since I have Flip4Mac Studio Pro I'd either be able to create a WMVHD or create an HD DVD muxed file.

BTW I'm hearing the first HD DVD player should be out in March at $500 and a higher model for $800 from Toshiba.

Didn't know the linkplayer could play an HD DVD file on a standard DVD.

Wonder when and how much first HD DVD burners will be. I'd prefer BluRay but the CES rumor mill is Sony will have a player this summer. Pioneer may be showing a BluRay burner but I haven't heard a price yet. Their player will supposedly be $1800.

You could crush the data rate to somewhere between 6-8Mbps with a WMVHD file and fit more on the linkplayer. Not sure what the quality loss would be though compared to the route you went.
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Old January 5th, 2006, 09:40 PM   #18
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G raid all-the-way. Mike curtis over at http://www.hdforindies.com/ just did a wonderful review on them about a week ago
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Old January 5th, 2006, 09:50 PM   #19
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What kind of computer do you have, and which software are you using? I'm curious, because I didn't have as good of luck that I would have hoped with WMVHD;and I'd like to pass some of that info on to you; and believe me, I have tried every option known with this player.
I quess WMVHD is ok, but once you start squeezing the data, you'll take a hit in quality.
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Old January 5th, 2006, 10:32 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by David Mintzer
Heck, I just read a horrible review of the MIghty Mouse---Why not send them a nice 30" Apple Monitor---If you send me one, I'll buy a Mac! I can learn how to edit on it while en route to Hale-Bopp!
Nah, buy them the new 30" Dell monitor that becomes available tomorrow. It has superior specs and is cheaper. Some may argue that the Apple monitor is better looking, but IMO I think Apple has taken their minimalist industrial approach a little too far.

I'm planning to order one of these as soon as I can. :) And it will work on my current PCs or on a Mac if I choose to go that route, so either way this is my new monitor.
- Jeff Kilgroe
- Applied Visual Technologies | DarkScience
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Old January 5th, 2006, 10:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman
Wonder when and how much first HD DVD burners will be. I'd prefer BluRay but the CES rumor mill is Sony will have a player this summer. Pioneer may be showing a BluRay burner but I haven't heard a price yet. Their player will supposedly be $1800.
Sony will release the PlayStation3 at < $500 in June/July and it will be a fully capable Blu-Ray player. They have also stated that Blu-Players and recorders will be priced to directly compete with HD-DVD.
- Jeff Kilgroe
- Applied Visual Technologies | DarkScience
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Old January 5th, 2006, 11:12 PM   #22
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Yes Jeff, i heard that too.

i'll have a stab and say whichever of the competing forces get the most players out there first will win this little battle.

I'd expect the recorders to take a huge nose dive not long after release -
recordable media ? Well, hell who knows -
here in NZ they've been damn near giving dual/double sided burners away - but media is a sad joke. Checked the other day - something around NZD14/disc - just bs. I asked the saleman, "How much for 50 ?"
He looked at me like I was from Mars (which isn't too far from the truth.)
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Old January 6th, 2006, 06:49 AM   #23
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So Far....

Thanks for posting.

So far, these are the DVinfo members that are going to be using the HVX200/Mac combo from what I can tell from the posts in this thread, in addition to what I've gathered reading other threads. (this list may grow as I continue to edit it as long as the edit feature is an option) -

Kaku Ito - we all know he's the first one that got it ;)
Derek West
Edwin Hernandez
John Benton
Barry Green
Bill Sepaniak
Lou Squitieri
Jeff Kilgroe
Paul Lohbauer
Rob Katz
Robert Lane
Marty Hudzik
Lee Faulkner

"Fence Sitting" - {pretty sure they like the HVX200 and/or Mac, but not quite 100% yet}
Rob McCardle

So far, these DVinfo members have posted, but I'm not sure if they are going to be using the combo or just posted to help give good answers to good questions that have come up -

David Mintzer
Craig Seeman
Rob McCardle

Bill, you asked an important question -
Originally Posted by Bill Sepaniak
...Do you have any recommendations re external storage. I was looking at the G Raids?
I've seen a few other members mention G Raids. I'm currently looking into them myself and will post if I get one and what my experiences are with it. You may also find the following interesting -

Steev Dinkin's storage ideas (as of 12/7/05):
Scroll down to question #14 and answer #15

I'm looking for the right balance in low cost and high reliablity/quality storage solutions. I made this thread, but it has not had too much activity. I may have not asked my question in the right way, or maybe just no one is sure yet. Regardless, you may find this to have a little info now (and more later) -

Lower cost storage ideas:
HVX200 - Non-RAID Lower Cost Storage Solutions

Last edited by Guest; January 6th, 2006 at 01:18 PM.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 07:54 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Derek West
Thanks for posting.

So far, these are the DVinfo members that are going to be using the HVX200/Mac combo from what I can tell in this thread in addition to what I've gathered reading other threads. (listed in order of posting) -

Derek West
Edwin Hernandez
John Benton
Barry Green
Lou Squitieri
Jeff Kilgroe

So far, these DVinfo members have posted, but I'm not sure if they are going to be using the combo or just posted to help answer good questions that have come up -

David Mintzer
Bill Sepaniak
Craig Seeman
Rob McCardle

Bill, you asked an important question -
I've seen a few other members mention G Raids. I'm currently looking into them myself and will post if I get one and what my experiences are with it. You may also find the following interesting -

Steev Dinkin's storage ideas (as of 12/7/05):
Scroll down to question #14 and answer #15

I'm looking for the right balance in low cost and high reliablity/quality storage solutions. I made this thread, but it has not had too much activity. I may have not asked my question in the right way, or maybe just no one is sure yet. Regardless, you may find this to have a little info now (and more later) -

Lower cost storage ideas:
HVX200 - Non-RAID Lower Cost Storage Solutions
Where is my name? (lol)
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Old January 6th, 2006, 07:56 AM   #25
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I was HOPING you would chime in, as I did not want to speak for {or post for} any one else. Kaku, you're the "Poster Boy" for the HVX... and Apple.

Last edited by Guest; January 6th, 2006 at 09:34 AM.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 08:13 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Derek West
I was HOPING you would chime in. You're the "Poster Boy" for the HVX... and Apple.
Didn't realize I had to chime in :).

I'm also connected with AJA, Huge, KATA, Manfrotto, G-tech and most importantly MOTU. If you have questions in these products, I can do research when I have time.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 09:24 AM   #27
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Hi All:

Add me to your HVX/Mac user list. I ordered my HVX with five 4 GB cards Dec 1st... who knows when I'll get it.

I have a Dual 2 GHz G5 with 4 GB RAM running FCP 5 Studio. I installed a 1 TB WiebeTech G5 Jam RAID in it to handle the HD material.

I also have a 1.67 GHz PowerBook w/2 GB RAM to take in the field.

Many thanks to Kaku Ito for all that great footage to play with...but I just have to know if the cell phone survived the fall from the pocket of the bike rider? (oh the sacrifices we make for our art!).
Paul Lohbauer
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Old January 6th, 2006, 09:56 AM   #28
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Since you have FCP and the HVX200 can you test and see if the firewire out of FCP will stream to the HVX and then output to HD via the component cables?
It should be a short simple test that can put to rest all of this theorizing if it will work or not. I find it hard to believe this hasn't been confirmed yet.

Thanks for all the clips!

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Old January 6th, 2006, 09:59 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Derek West
I'm not sure if they are going to be using the combo or just posted to help answer good questions that have come up - Bill Sepaniak
Derek: I definitely have an order placed for an HVX 200. That is the reason I decided to go with the G5 & FCP.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 10:13 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Marty Hudzik

Since you have FCP and the HVX200 can you test and see if the firewire out of FCP will stream to the HVX and then output to HD via the component cables?
It should be a short simple test that can put to rest all of this theorizing if it will work or not. I find it hard to believe this hasn't been confirmed yet.

Thanks for all the clips!


The nature of P2 operation is not allowing to do that I think. HVX200's firewire connection does not allow DVCPRO HD codec to go through as stream inspite of being able to copy (transfer) data.
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