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Old January 5th, 2006, 05:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Randy Donato
(but not about my Texas Boys playing some fellows near where you live):)
Don't start none won't be none!!! *CHEESE*

Shannon W. Rawls ~ Motion Picture Producer & huge advocate of Digital Acquisition.
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Old January 24th, 2006, 10:32 PM   #17
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Finaly I got an answer....Edius Broadcast is perfectly able to import and edit all flavors of the HVX200 including 1080p of any kind.Tested with a cam and thank you Shannon but I was right. Monitor output via the Nx is over 60 though(which makes sense).
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Old January 25th, 2006, 01:11 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Randy Donato
Monitor output via the Nx is over 60 though(which makes sense).
"over 60"?

Wonder if you can convert DVCPRO-HD to the Canopus codec as you can HDV. And, if there is any advantage to doing so.

If this new Broadcast Pack includes 24fps 720p HDV and 24fps 1080 HDV (which I suspect it does) support, it looks like Canopus has a universal HD solution as it now works very well with 720p30 HDV -- even on a laptop.
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Old January 25th, 2006, 02:27 AM   #19
Barry Wan Kenobi
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Broadcast does support HDV 720/24p -- they were demoing it at DV Expo using the footage that Charles and Nate and I shot with the mini35. Don't know about 24F, although I would be surprised if it didn't work.

As far as the codec, Canopus has two: CanopusHD, and CanopusHQ. "HD" was their first, and is basically their own implementation of DVCPRO-HD. They apparently engineered it independent of Panasonic, off of the SMPTE spec, and called it CanopusHD. Then they came out with CanopusHQ, which is 10-bit (I think). So I would expect that yes you could transcode to CanopusHQ, but you should also be perfectly supported to leave it in its native form.
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Old January 25th, 2006, 08:41 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Barry Green
Broadcast does support HDV 720/24p -- they were demoing it at DV Expo using the footage that Charles and Nate and I shot with the mini35. Don't know about 24F, although I would be surprised if it didn't work.

According to the little info they release about it, it appears that even Edius Pro 3.6 supports the Canon 24F now. Their newest update to 3.6 says it supports JVC and Panasonic HDV 24FPS. This is a free upgrade to edius 3.5.

It seems like you really only need to buy Edius Broadcast for P2 and DVCPRO-HD support. Canopus seems to be really on top of things again. Now if they would just give me a professional set of color tools like every other non linear editor out there I'd be feeling pretty good about buying this!
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Old January 25th, 2006, 09:59 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Randy Donato
Finaly I got an answer....Edius Broadcast is perfectly able to import and edit all flavors of the HVX200 including 1080p of any kind.Tested with a cam and thank you Shannon but I was right. Monitor output via the Nx is over 60 though(which makes sense).
LOL I never said Broadcast couldn't do anything. How you gon' come back "20 Days Later" hollerin' you right? Where can I buy a copy of Edius Broadcast Randy? Oh...that's right....IT'S NOT OUT YET. Well heck Randy, if we're going to talk about software that isn't available yet.....then, well, SONY VEGAS 8.0d can do it too. want to be right and me be wrong? ok, I'm wrong...I'm totally wrong. You are right Randy. How's that? Friends?

Shannon W. Rawls ~ Motion Picture Producer & huge advocate of Digital Acquisition.
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Old January 25th, 2006, 10:09 AM   #22
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I thought the same thing too Shannon.

But based on your logic (tongue in cheek) we might as well say that the Edius (and every other coming NLE) supports the HVX300 also! By the time the HVX200 actually gets to it's core users almost all of the Software may darn well support it!

The other odd thing that I am seeing is that with every cutting edge camera I have bought I had to wait for NLE support. With the HVX there legitimately is a chance the software will support it before the camera arrives to most of us. Which is just weird. Normally I have my camera and I am playing with it and wishing for software to catch up. In this case we just can't get the camera! A weird turn of events. I mean.....Barry may actually be shipping his HVX book before any real quantity of cameras have shipped. I'm sure most of us anticipated having the camera and just waiting for the HVX book and DVD so we could really delve into it. Now we are all hoping for it so we can actually see some footage from the camera and maybe...just maybe that will hold us over until we get the HVX in our grubby little hands! Maybe.
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Old January 25th, 2006, 11:03 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by John M Burkhart
To remove the pulldown in FCP (v5.04):

1) select the clips in the bin you want to remove the pulldown from.

That's it!

(you will now notice in the vid rate section of the bin, the frame rate has changed from 29.97 to 24)
Actually, I think you would use the "remove advanced pulldown options" I would assume the Reverse Telecine would work on footage that has proper 3:2 pulldown. If the 1080 footage works just like in the DVX, the footage should have the Advanced Pulldown Pattern of 3:2:2:3 in it.

Just my theory, I don't have my HVX yet :(
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Old January 26th, 2006, 08:58 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Shannon Rawls
How's that? Friends?

Absolutely and that was never in fact at NAB I am going to convert you to Edius. 4.0 will be out by then and some big feature gaps like multicam and nested sequences will be closed(along with some other cool stuff). You of all people will love Edius since it is a Real-Time machine and render and wait is an foreign concept for most tasks and the full frame full resolution monitor out is plain beautiful with on the vaporware point which is a good point for about one week,they are being shipped from Japan and mine will be on my machine this week. They are taking orders right now if anyone is interested. Thomson Valley just bought Canopus and have done a very smart thing....they are giving them a lot of cash for development but letting them do their thing which is NLEs. This combo is going to be a winner for both broadcast and professional editing. Keep your eye on it.
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Old January 28th, 2006, 08:50 AM   #25
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Edius Broadcast is shipping right now and much to my surgrin the the upgrade version will not be available for 2 weeks...but the full version can be had
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