Yet another note about forum policy...
I just yanked a thread out of this forum, that I hope to never see here again. One more time I have to explain to some people, THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL MESSAGE BOARD. If you want to rant and rail about tools you don't own, if you want to talk trash about gear you've chosen not to buy, THEN DON'T POST HERE.
This is a usability forum. This is about how to leverage digital video technology for all kinds of digital media content creation. I'm not interested in your opinions, epinions, who sucks, who rules, or any of that childish nonsense. If you can't get your head around the folly of superlatives, if you can't dig yourself out of this silly linear trap of "what's best" and "what's worst," then I really don't want to hear from you. Go post somewhere else. Keep that kind of garbage off my boards. I really don't want to start locking up accounts. Thanks in advance,