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Panasonic P2HD / DVCPRO HD Camcorders
All AG-HPX and AJ-PX Series camcorders and P2 / P2HD hardware.

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Old June 2nd, 2009, 07:51 PM   #46
Go Go Godzilla
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I think it's important to point out a few similarities that P2 shares with it's sibling flash memory, CF cards. Most would say that it's nearest neighbor is the SD card because P2 media is built around SDHC modules however, a standalone SD or SDHC card doesn't use standing-posts for it's connectivity but rather flat-side connectors, which by the way is NOT considered to have a long service life and is in fact a consumer-grade connector.

As someone who's always been a quick adopter of new technology I drooled at the prospect of dropping 35mm film canisters for CF-memory flash media when shooting stills. Believe it or not I still have one of the very first mass-produced pro DSLR's produced by Canon (the 1D) and it's had it's internal post connections gone through literally tens of thousands of insert/remove cycles with standard CF media. Never once has there been a failure related to it's CF media connections.

P2 uses the same style of physical connectivity (albeit with a larger post-panel) which is one of the main reasons why my company was one of the first adopters of P2 technology for commercial purposes; I KNEW that connector-type would stand up to as much use as I or my crew could dish out.

I often talk with the west-coast repair facility for Panny and to date they've never had a service call related to card connectivity - with exception to those who abuse the card slots by slamming in the cards like they were slamming a door shut.

As for required firmware to have the cameras become compatible with newer, faster media that has been the case ever since the "R" series 16GB cards were announced. Consider it a bonus that the entire P2 system allows for such user-upgradability rather than expensive trips to the repair shop just to keep working.

Honestly I've never understood why so many choose to fuss over these minor details. The entire P2 system including the physical media has proven itself beyond expectations both by my production company and others who've adopted it and remains the most robust, user-friendly and well thought-out system offered by any manufacturer. Not since the days of D2 or D5 has any company produced such a well-rounded product line.

Get the cards, get the firmware updates and use it like there's no tomorrow - just don't "spank" your cards home and you'll be rewarded with literally years of reliable "take it to the bank" service. If you need to spank something I know this chick in LA... (big laughs).
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 06:21 PM   #47
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: New York, NY
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I would love to get the cards and the firmware update but they are not all being delivered or ready for my camera yet. Not sure I want to buy cards and then wait for a firmware update to se get the same functionality I expect with the older cards
Daniel Epstein is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 5th, 2009, 06:19 PM   #48
Sponsor: Abel CineTech
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Originally Posted by Jan Crittenden Livingston View Post
This is the part you had me chasing after, as on your blog it sounded like it was in all VFR modes and cameras and it is not. And even better it isn't the more common side of the VFR use, more people do overcrank vs. undercrank. Good news is that it is a quick fix and that fix isn't that far away.

Best regards,

Thanks for the correction. I've updated the blog as well. We have E-Series cards in stock now by the way. So give us a call if you are interested.
Andy Shipsides -Camera Technology Specialist
AbelCineTech, New York - Visit our Blog -
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