Problem: capturing audio at 47995.5 Hz - hvx202 at
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Old April 25th, 2008, 06:38 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 6
Problem: capturing audio at 47995.5 Hz - hvx202

Hi All

Can anyone please shed some light on this problem, and suggest solutions?

I am using a Panasonic hvx202 (PAL version), shooting in SD to MiniDV.

I am using Final Cut Pro 3.0.2 (yes, old I know, but there are reasons)
And Mac 10.3.9

In these instances I am capturing from the camera ( yes, I know thats not recommended 'cause of wear and tear).

Without any particular pattern, every so often a clip will capture audio at 47995.5 Hz instead of 48Khz.

FCP naturally doesnt like this. So far, the only solution has been to recapture, which usually works on first attempt (note this will be a single capture, that otherwise I am doing a batch capture of several clips).

The tape heads have done 400 hrs of work so far. Yep, I've cleaned them. I had a dust problem on a shoot: one clean on location fixed the dust, one back in the studio after shooting another five tapes. No record problems since - with about 12 more hours shot since then.)

Also, FCP says some clips have been captured at 3.7 MB/sec rather than 3.6MB/sec. The audio is correct at 48Khz, and so FCP is quite happy about it. But.. why?? what does it mean?

The audio issue is the main one as the captured clips are useless and must be done again.

These problems has only very recently come up.

But why is this so?

Any ideas?

Bill Brown is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 25th, 2008, 06:59 PM   #2
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Just a cursory thought, given the symptoms, is that your tape transport is starting to have excessive variation in tape speed. The capstan and pinch roller are responsible for constant speed and pinch rollers do wear out with age.

This sounds like a problem that will only become worse. Cleaning will likely not help at this point. I'd send it in to Panny for a basic overhaul and alignment.

Greg Boston is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 13th, 2008, 06:14 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 6
Thanks Greg.

Sorry about the late response to you.

I was hoping that wouldnt be the issue after so few hours of use, and so soon after the warranty expired! . But you may well be right.


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