Is there a reasonable alternative to V-Log? at
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Panasonic LUMIX S / G / GF / GH / GX Series
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Old June 8th, 2023, 09:49 PM   #1
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Is there a reasonable alternative to V-Log?

I shoot with a GH-6. I have tried several times recording using V-Log to stop my highlights from blowing out especially in dappled light--a tree with dark bark and reflections on the leaves, for example. Unfortunately, the GH-6 requires contrast to be able to focus properly, either in auto or manual, and V-Log seriously reduces the contrast as seen in the viewfinder. I get a lot of soft shots.

I understand that I can't get the same dynamic range with non-V-Log formats, but does any come close? Like 709? Cine D? Cine V?
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Old July 11th, 2023, 05:24 PM   #2
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Re: Is there a reasonable alternative to V-Log?

Originally Posted by Steve Siegel View Post
I shoot with a GH-6. I have tried several times recording using V-Log to stop my highlights from blowing out especially in dappled light--a tree with dark bark and reflections on the leaves, for example. Unfortunately, the GH-6 requires contrast to be able to focus properly, either in auto or manual, and V-Log seriously reduces the contrast as seen in the viewfinder. I get a lot of soft shots.

I understand that I can't get the same dynamic range with non-V-Log formats, but does any come close? Like 709? Cine D? Cine V?
I used to shoot with CINE-D on my GH5 which went some way to increasing the headroom, but eventually bought the V-log-l upgrade which is far better than any of the 'styles' on offer. As you say, focussing can be an issue so the remedy is to run preset fixed focus or full manual. I am thinking of moving to an S5ll which fixes the focus issue properly with a new phase focus setup. There are rumours that having impressed the market so well with the full-frame model, that there might be a GH6 ll with it as well.
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Old July 12th, 2023, 03:56 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: Is there a reasonable alternative to V-Log?

The issue with all panasonic GH but also S line models is the almost useless peaking, I"ve seen a lot of "reviews" from these camera's and no-one ever mentions how bad the peaking is. Even my jvc gy ls300 I once owned had a crappy lcd screen and viewfinder but it's peaking was as good as my external monitor that I now have to use whenever I need to be 100% sure my focus is spot on, I never missed focus with that camera. There is a lot you can fix in post but soft focus is not one of them and just that critical feature gets the least attention. I never use vlog but I thought there was a way to load a preset so you can see on your screen how it eventually will look like in post with a basic colorcorrection? Not sure if that will help with focusing, a external monitor however with a larger screen should.
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Old July 12th, 2023, 07:53 AM   #4
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Re: Is there a reasonable alternative to V-Log?

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
The issue with all panasonic GH but also S line models is the almost useless peaking, I"ve seen a lot of "reviews" from these camera's and no-one ever mentions how bad the peaking is. Even my jvc gy ls300 I once owned had a crappy lcd screen and viewfinder but it's peaking was as good as my external monitor that I now have to use whenever I need to be 100% sure my focus is spot on, I never missed focus with that camera. There is a lot you can fix in post but soft focus is not one of them and just that critical feature gets the least attention. I never use vlog but I thought there was a way to load a preset so you can see on your screen how it eventually will look like in post with a basic colorcorrection? Not sure if that will help with focusing, a external monitor however with a larger screen should.
I use a NinjaV sometimes which is better than the flip screen on the GH5, and I usually have the reversing LUT which 'de-logs' the video to Rec709. I can also use the camera's reversing LUT but tend not to because I might forget it when switching from internal recording to NinjaV.

Last edited by Steve Game; July 12th, 2023 at 04:11 PM.
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Old July 12th, 2023, 01:21 PM   #5
Vortex Media
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Re: Is there a reasonable alternative to V-Log?

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
The issue with all panasonic GH but also S line models is the almost useless peaking,
I don't know anything about the GH cameras, but peaking on my S1H is more than good enough for accurate focusing once it's been configured properly. No complaints. However, I do prefer using different settings for HD than I use for 4K. Personally, I can't imagine letting the decision of whether or not use V-LOG be predicated on focusing. That is a HUGE workflow shift in post just for one little thing. And adding an external monitor or recorder is a non-starter for me.

My advice is to experiment with the peaking controls until you find the right combination that works for you.
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Old July 14th, 2023, 06:32 AM   #6
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Re: Is there a reasonable alternative to V-Log?

You can set the LCD with VLog to rec709 conversion so the LCD will look the same whatever picture profile you use. Peaking is fine for me on my GH6 choose the colour for the subject of course. I use VLog all the time as I find with both my GH cameras I can get the red's to be truer colour than any other profile.
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