New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95 at
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Old June 21st, 2015, 05:59 AM   #1
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New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

Just thought I'd share this with you guys. Event videographers such as myself have the most money to spend on gear right about this time of year, so smart decisions must be made!

Personally I'm very tempted by the 8mm. Would use it a lot at wedding receptions in low light and I'm sure it would produce a much cleaner image than the 12-35 f/2.8. However, it's just $100 cheaper than the Voigtlander, which is REALLY annoying. A lens that I now see in stock for the first time, by the way.

For me it's a tough decision between these two. I would buy the Voigtlander just so that I would never fear low light again, but at the same time an ultra-wide lens that's also FAST is a very, very nice thing to have.
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Old June 21st, 2015, 02:42 PM   #2
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

I'm not sure why you're comparing the 8mm fisheye to the 12-35mm. A fisheye is an effect lens to be used sparingly, not a go-to wide angle lens. Plus, the ability to zoom with the 12-35 outweighs the low light capability of the fisheye.
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Old June 21st, 2015, 03:31 PM   #3
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

The Nokton has the advantage that is has a declicked irisring but the focus is all manual, the Olympus has the advantage that it has autofocus but iris adjustments cannot be made smoothly.

The oly 7-14 is the most versatile lens but it will cause issues at very dark venues, if I had to choose I would pick the Nokton.
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Old June 21st, 2015, 05:55 PM   #4
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

Originally Posted by Patrick Janka View Post
I'm not sure why you're comparing the 8mm fisheye to the 12-35mm. A fisheye is an effect lens to be used sparingly, not a go-to wide angle lens. Plus, the ability to zoom with the 12-35 outweighs the low light capability of the fisheye.
Because of 3 reasons:

1. The distortion can be somewhat fixed in post.

2. Filming in 4k reduces the distorsion (larger crop factor).

3. While filming people dancing at receptions (and therefore moving via a stabilizer) you can get away with some amount of distortion. I have a friend who's done this with a 14mm on a 5D Mk2 and has never received one complaint from his clients. The Olympus would be the equivalent of 16mm to which you apply the lens distortion effect in Premiere to make it look more "natural" - I think it will look more than reasonable. Yes, the 7-14mm will look better but right now I find myself needing to be at ISO 2500 or 3200 in some venues with the 12-35mm because of its f/2.8, so I consider this extra "de-fishing" work to be worth it if my footage looks cleaner.

And 4: I agree with Noa, that Voigtlander, even with the lack of AF, is just a very hard thing to turn down right now. I'm waiting for Youtube videos showcasing it.
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Old June 22nd, 2015, 10:16 AM   #5
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

Do you use an on camera LED? I use the 12-35mm at a lot of events (weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, birthdays, concerts, clubs, private parties, etc.) and I use a $30 LED (Neewer CN-160) that allows me to keep my ISO usually at 800 or less, with 1000 generally being my max. The trade off with a lower aperture is a shallower dof, which can be a pain with lots of moving subjects in a live atmosphere, unless that's the look you're going for, but if you can't miss key moments due to focus, it's better to be closed down a bit. I'd prefer to get it right during production, not fix it in post with distortion correction. It makes editing a boar. I myself am strongly considering the upcoming Olympus 7-14mm f/2.8.
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Old June 22nd, 2015, 01:17 PM   #6
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

I do but only inside dark churches and when the bride gets stolen. I have given up using an on-camera light for about 2 years now, ever since I got the GH3. I really, really disliked the reactions it provokes in people, anywhere from embarrassment to squinted eyes (even when set on minimum power). It makes them very much aware that they are being filmed and causes weird / unnatural behavior which I don't like.

You are also right, of course, doing anything extra in post when you can avoid it is not ideal. That being said, because you can do that in post I really consider that lens to be versatile. If you want to get something funky, you film in 1080p, if you want something more natural you film in 4k (18mm equivalent, still wide enough) and "help" it in post if needed.

Hell, I'd buy all 3 lenses if money wasn't an issue. But sadly it is. At least you guys can ask for over $2k / wedding, here it's at around $450 for 1 guy with a DSLR. And yet we get even higher gear prices than you in the US. Good ol' Eastern Europe.
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Old June 24th, 2015, 01:32 AM   #7
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

Comparison here of sigma 17-50mm with speedbooster

Run & Gun Lens Shootout: Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 - Suggestion of Motion
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Old June 25th, 2015, 03:00 AM   #8
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

I have ordered the Voightlander - On that I can mount a variable ND filter - It cannot be done on the Olympus -7-17 without a matte box - unfortunately!
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Old June 29th, 2015, 05:18 AM   #9
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

Bo, PLEASE upload some footage once you get the lens! Especially footage taken at night at f/0.95 please :D
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Old June 29th, 2015, 07:28 AM   #10
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

Are you afraid f0.95 is not fast enough? :) The only thing that might be an issue if you use panasonic lenses as well, not sure about that but I do recall my samyang lenses had a different "look" then my panasonic and olympus lenses, once I started mixing those you could see the difference.
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Old June 29th, 2015, 07:42 AM   #11
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

Nooo, I just want to see what the bokeh looks like. I saw a clip taken with the 17.5mm f/0.95 and to me it looked a bit weird. Watch the shot at 0:59:

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Old July 12th, 2015, 02:46 PM   #12
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

Well, here are a few shots with the Voigtlander:

and same video at 3:43. that warp stabilizer doesn't help. my 2 cents? "not bad". sadly, just "not bad". not sure if it's worth the thousand bucks yet. waiting to see more footage, perhaps downscaled 4k and with at least one human being in it for crying out loud.

EDIT: here we go, this is better:

bokeh still looks a bit weird if you ask me *sigh* it's a bit of a letdown compared to the 25mm and 42.5mm variants. let me know what you guys think.
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Old July 12th, 2015, 03:35 PM   #13
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

It doesn't say at what f-stop this video was shot while using those 3 different lenses so then it's hard to judge the bokeh. I don't see anything wrong with the image though.
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Old September 9th, 2015, 07:24 PM   #14
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

I bit the bullet and ordered the 7-14mm. Should arrive on Friday. Will get back to you.
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Old September 9th, 2015, 10:56 PM   #15
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Re: New lens talk: Olympus 7-14mm 2.8, Olympus 8mm 1.8 and Voigtlander 10.5mm 0.95

I ordered the 7-14 today, as well.
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