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Panasonic LUMIX S / G / GF / GH / GX Series
4K and AVCHD on a Full Frame or Micro Four Thirds system with interchangeable lenses.

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Old October 19th, 2012, 12:29 PM   #1
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Lens question for the group

Hi, everyone! I recently picked up a GH2 and have been having a ball with it--both still and motion! My question is that among my other gear, I have a Canon XL2--you know, the one with that wicked 20X **removable** lens. I was wondering if that lens could be adapted to work with the GH2? I was considering selling the Canon, but that glass is so glorious (like all Canon lenses!), that if I can use it, I'd rather do that than sell it and probably get less than a grand for the complete camcorder.

Any thoughts?

Thanks a bunch, gang!

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Old October 19th, 2012, 12:48 PM   #2
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Re: Lens question for the group

Simple answer, no you can't.. It's designed for a much smaller sensor.. Even if you use ETC mode the image circle of the lens is too small to cover the sensor. (A 1/2" mount lens should work though)..
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Old October 19th, 2012, 05:51 PM   #3
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Re: Lens question for the group

Yes, you're probably right, Sander. XL2's sensors are 1/3". Oh well...I guess I'll probably just go ahead and sell the XL2 and get myself one of those killer new (fast!) lenses that just came out for the GH2. Thanks for the feedback!

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Old October 19th, 2012, 11:24 PM   #4
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Re: Lens question for the group

The Lumix 20mm f1.7 is a nice "fast" lens. I consider it "wide normal" in coverage and it's pretty affordable. $359.95 at B&H. It's often my "walkaround" lens.

Another is the Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 25mm f1.4. The same "nomal" perspective we used to get with the 50mm that came with a lot of our film cameras a few decades ago. $539 at B&H.

I have both the above and am very pleased with their performance. Also the Lumix 14mm f2.5 for a pretty fast wide angle. And the Olympus 45mm f1.8

Excellent lenses all. For something with pretty good "reach", check out the Lumix 45-200mm
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Old October 20th, 2012, 08:12 AM   #5
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Re: Lens question for the group

Originally Posted by Bruce Foreman View Post
The Lumix 20mm f1.7 is a nice "fast" lens. I consider it "wide normal" in coverage and it's pretty affordable. $359.95 at B&H. It's often my "walkaround" lens.

Another is the Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 25mm f1.4. The same "nomal" perspective we used to get with the 50mm that came with a lot of our film cameras a few decades ago. $539 at B&H.

I have both the above and am very pleased with their performance. Also the Lumix 14mm f2.5 for a pretty fast wide angle. And the Olympus 45mm f1.8

Excellent lenses all. For something with pretty good "reach", check out the Lumix 45-200mm
Bruce, I agree. That Lumix 20mm 1.7 is a dandy lens. Got mine a few weeks ago. I took it on a trip and it was about the only lens I used.
I've also got the 45-200, which is good lens for the price.
Saving some money for the 100-300mm...for a little more reach.

To the OP, you can do what I did and pick up several Canon FD lens, (all under $100) and a decent adapter, which is a very useful, yet inexpensive way to go...
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Old October 21st, 2012, 07:10 PM   #6
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Re: Lens question for the group

My vote for a walking around lens would be the 14-140. Not very fast though.

If you don't have to have auto functions, the Canon Nifty 50 at a hundred bucks and an adapter is hard to beat.
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Old October 21st, 2012, 09:44 PM   #7
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Re: Lens question for the group

Another vote for the 14-140. Despite the limited f-stop range, the more I use the other Lumix zoom lenses the more I like this one. The X-Vario 45-175 isn't bad and is mostly parfocal.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old October 23rd, 2012, 11:16 AM   #8
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Re: Lens question for the group

Really helpful information guys.
I looking for one more glass. I debate between the Voigtlander Nokton 25mm f/0.95 or Voigtlander Nokton 17.5mm f/0.95 or the Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12mm f/2.0
Right now I have a 14-140 mm and the Panasonic 20 mm f1.7.
I know the Voigtlanders are manual focus lenses, but I'm not sure if the Olympus work with Auto on my GH2.
The Olympus is really wide, the Voigtlanders are about the same as my Pani 20mm f1.7, but way better in low light. If I choose one of the Voigtlander, I'll sell the Pani.
Or, just stick with the Olympus for wide shoot?
I don't know if I need that wide. May just go with the Voigtlander for the amazing low light performance.
One thing for sure: I can't afford both the Voigtlander and the Olympus.
Any thoughts?
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Old October 24th, 2012, 05:26 AM   #9
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Re: Lens question for the group

12mm F/2.0 autofocus works perfectly with the GH2. It is my favorite lens.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 08:48 AM   #10
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Re: Lens question for the group

I bought the 12-35mm f2,8 Lumix. Pricey and not as long as the 14-140, but I really like it so far! I haven't used my 20mm pancake nearly as much since I got the 12-35mm.
Dave Mercer is offline   Reply

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