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Panasonic LUMIX S / G / GF / GH / GX Series
4K and AVCHD on a Full Frame or Micro Four Thirds system with interchangeable lenses.

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Old December 31st, 2011, 10:11 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Nigel Barker View Post
The XHA1 does shoot 24p or rather it shoots 24pf which is 24p inside 60i wrapper. Likewise the it shoots 30pf or rather 30f. The XA10 also shoots 24pf & 30pf. Finally the GH2 with the new 1.1 firmware will also shoot 30p in a 60i wrapper. Your editor will do the right thing with progressive footage in an interlaced wrapper. So you can in fact shoot 24p or 30p with all of your cameras.

Yes, I think you are correct. I will get a chance tomorrow to shoot a short clip on all 3 cams, put it in CS5 and check it out. 30P has been good to me...except if one wants smooth slow-mo. Im sure I will wind up getting another XA10 though.

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Old December 31st, 2011, 02:20 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Jeff Harper View Post
Jeff, here's the XA10 GH2 sample for you. The cams don't match perfectly, but they're pretty close. The 12mm is the low shot from down front. It's on a tiny tripod.

Jennifer Scholl is Wed at Blessed Sacrament Church on Vimeo
Jeff Harper. Was wondering, did you use auto focus during this event? Reason I ask is I see some out of focus shots slowly become in focus.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 03:12 PM   #63
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We get 25P in a wrapper after the 1.1 udate here and its great imo, happy new year.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 05:34 PM   #64
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Which shots? That was my second wedding using the camera, it was pretty rough looking from a technical point of view, but the look of the footage, I thought, was nice.

I remember the shot of the groom was out of focus and came into focus, but I don't remember if it was auto or not. I go back and forth from auto to manual a fair bit. I love that feature of the button on the side of the screen.

The footage of the girls dancing that was so badly out of focus, that was me handheld with a GH2, and using that stinky 20mm which I no longer care for. I think one shot of the girls was the XA10, and another was the 12mm from off in the corner.

If I had been using the 12mm or the 25mm one push of the shutter and I would've been in focus instantly. That 20mm gave me fits trying to focus that night.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 05:40 PM   #65
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Ok, to be more specific, on the GH2s, I never use continuous auto focus, I keep that turned off. I set focus on a fixed objects for the stationary cameras using the shutter button and leave it alone till it needs changed.

So aisle shots were shot using a fixed focus, and the Canon was probably in auto focus, and I probably used the touch screen thingy to focus on his face, but I'm honestly not sure.
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Old January 1st, 2012, 10:56 AM   #66
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Unboxing the XA10 today...

One disappointment... the battery has to be charged in the external battery charger supplied.
Th paint finish feels like sandpaper....maybe that's on purpose for better grip...minor annoyance.

Im hoping there's a battery charger available..hate to keep the cam out just to charge batteries. Will check BH for charger.

dual charger on of canon not so supply one least the cheap outlet charger.

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Old January 1st, 2012, 04:35 PM   #67
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Playing with my XA10 and GH2 today....

I think using 2 XA10s and one GH2 will work for me and wife at weddings. During the ceremony we can cover back and front with the XA10s, and use the GH2 for wide shot.
At reception I will let her shoot with XA10 while I run and gun with the GH2 with 25mm 1.4 set on shutter priority...or even full manual. (been playing with the 25mm f 1.4... video and stills look great)

I think the best mode for me with the GH2- is 30P HBR, Vibrant CC, and S-mode. I can keep shutter speed on 60fps if I set 3200 ISO limit. The cinema mode on the XA10 can be set to 30PF, and with the color set to Vivid both cams match nicely. I can always drop the color in post if its to cartoon-ish.

anyway...trying to learn both cams is confusing, but ya'll just let me ramble on...I will figure it all out soon. haha

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Old January 1st, 2012, 06:16 PM   #68
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The XHA1 and GH2 match up nicely in any mode. I filmed a club's new years event last night in 30p on both cameras. Generally when I'm using both cams for weddings or other events I shoot 'em both in 24p. I always match the footage in post with color correction and it comes out great. All this matching wrapped/unwrapped frame rate talk is nonsense. I do it all the time with no problems.

Also, for the first time I decided to put automatic gain control on as a test with my XHA1 filming the band. The stage lights kept changing, band members walked into and out of the lights, and the camera tried to keep up. Not worth it. This is why I almost always shoot everything fully manual.
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Old January 1st, 2012, 07:46 PM   #69
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Yeah Patrick...
I think we both use Adobe CS5. I think some other NLEs do have more problems mixing.

Im keeping my XHA1 to use for some events where I will need the 20x zoom. But I really like the XA-10 package. The video looks great and I really like the small bigger than my GH2. I think 2 XA10s and my GH2 will fit in my old XHA1 case. : ? )

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Old January 2nd, 2012, 07:31 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Patrick Janka View Post
The XHA1 and GH2 match up nicely in any mode. I filmed a club's new years event last night in 30p on both cameras. Generally when I'm using both cams for weddings or other events I shoot 'em both in 24p. I always match the footage in post with color correction and it comes out great. All this matching wrapped/unwrapped frame rate talk is nonsense. I do it all the time with no problems.

Also, for the first time I decided to put automatic gain control on as a test with my XHA1 filming the band. The stage lights kept changing, band members walked into and out of the lights, and the camera tried to keep up. Not worth it. This is why I almost always shoot everything fully manual.
I hear AGC for me either on the A1
I do, depending on event, set 3 diff gains on the manual gain switch..normally 0,3db,6db. That way you can cover 3 diff light situations without using AGC with just a flip of the switch. But WB is a problem with colored lights...another job for post work.
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Old January 2nd, 2012, 07:38 AM   #71
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As a novice...diving into weddings this season, Im interested in knowing what you feel is a good AUDIO "near-failsafe" setup. I will have two XA-10s and at least one, maybe 2 GH2s to shoot weddings.

Ive always been on pins and needles using my Azden UHF unit..its never failed, but it's scary especially during the ceremony. It uses 6 or 8 AA batteries, and only one has to fail to spell disaster.

Any advice capturing audio will be greatly appreciated.

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Old January 2nd, 2012, 09:36 AM   #72
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Jeff, I can't imagine anyone would be thrilled much with the XHA1 after using the XA10. Patrick seems happy, I guess, but I wasn't this past year. I edited several cheapo weddings I sent guys out with XHA1s and the GH1, and the XHA1 look pretty bad to me. Low light performance was so poor I absolutely couldn't believe it. The weddings where I send out a crew using Z1s, FX1s and the GH1 were somewhat better, but not by much.

XHA1 has never been famous for lowlight performance, and I suspect when you start using these cameras and mixing them in a lowlight envioronment, you'll freak out. Of course, if you're not picky I guess it's not a big deal. I can guaran-damn-tee you I will never send an XHA1 or Z1 out on a job again.

I've got a friend/competitor who's been using the XHA1 since he bought it new years ago. He borrowed my XA10 awhile back and he's been trying to dump his camera desperately ever since, he hates shooting with it anymore, can't say as I blame him.
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Old January 2nd, 2012, 09:40 AM   #73
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Patrick, I'd like to see some of your wedding work where you're mixing the XHA1, do you have anything posted? Do you lower the exposure on the GH2 to help it match up in the dark, what do you do, just darken it in post?

I bet next to your 0.95 lens it would be touch to use the XHA1 in a dark reception hall, am I right?
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Old January 2nd, 2012, 10:11 PM   #74
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Jeff, I don't have any wedding footage online right now, I apologize. Here are a couple of comedy promos I did for some local comics, though:

Mike & Jiggy Comedy Promo - YouTube

Preacher: Stand-Up Comedy Demo - YouTube

The colors aren't perfectly matched, but close enough. The colors in the first video are a bit too oversaturated. The colors look more normal and even in the second one. All the wide shots of the stage in both videos were done with the XHA1. Everything else was the GH2. I don't lower the exposure on the GH2 at all. I shoot everything as I would normally. As far as a dark banquet hall I just use an on camera light. I have the Canon VL-10Li and a Comer 1800 gen2. All the audience shots outside of the club in that first video used the Canon light because I left the battery for my Comer at home.
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 01:39 AM   #75
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Jeff & Patrick...

There's no doubt the XHA1 is a great just needs more light than the GH2 or XA10.
Ive seen feature "indie" films shot exclusively with the A1 that look has to have good lighting.
I just think the XHA1 is /was targeted toward the indie narrative film market, rather than the wedding video shooter. The XHA1 is far more sophisticated than the allows a shooter to "totally design" the look he wants for the film. Great audio too.

just sayin : O )
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