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Old July 25th, 2011, 09:58 PM   #1
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Canon FD lenses on GH2

I am considering buying a Canon 50mm f1.2 fd lens but I have a question. Are the glassless adapters for using fd lenses on the GH2 suitable? I have read that on some cameras such as the 5D MkII that the glassless adapters for fd lenses will not allow focus to infinity. Is that also true with the GH2? If so, can anyone recommend a good adapter that will allow the full focus range?

What about this one? It is glassless and is described as focusing to infinity.
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Old July 26th, 2011, 12:43 AM   #2
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

They're fine on the GH2. The issue with the 5D and other SLRs is to do with distance behind the lens and mirror position - if the back of the lens is close enough to the sensor to allow infinity focus, it interferes with the movement of the mirror.

No mirror on the GH2 = no problem. I have several FD lenses (had them for decades) and they all work fine.

The adapters vary a little in quality of construction. I don't know the one you're looking at
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Old July 26th, 2011, 11:14 AM   #3
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Edit: I made comments about the 50mm F/1.2 that were wrong, at least if you're talking the 50mm F/1.2L so I removed them.

I have the hand-made one from Poland that is supposed to be the "best", it is not, and I have another one that cost $200 or something, and it is just OK. Rainbow might be fine, I have no idea, looks fine, but who knows. I think I havea total of 5 FD adapters and the Polish one is the troublesome one out of all of them, but I forget why, it just sits and collects dust.

The focus to infinity is not a big thing, it bit inconvenient, but I work around it fine.
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Last edited by Jeff Harper; July 27th, 2011 at 06:11 AM.
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Old July 26th, 2011, 12:22 PM   #4
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

I have a cheap one from Ebay for about 25-30 euros. Works fine!
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Old July 26th, 2011, 09:23 PM   #5
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

generally infinity focus on the old manual 35mm glass is hit a bit before infinity focus when adapted so don't expect to be able to rack to the stops and be good to go. you're going to want to stop just short of the physical stops.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 10:35 AM   #6
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Jim, did you get your FD 50mm F/1.2? How's it working out for you? I have an older 50mm F/1.4 and am considering a new lens, either the 50 or 55mm F/1.2.

The 50mm F/1.2s come in several versions and I'm trying to sort them out, would love to hear how yours is working for you.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 04:54 PM   #7
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Jeff, a question for you, you say you would like to get a f1.2 lens but isn’t the depth of field so small at that f stop that it would be useless for your type of work?
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Old August 17th, 2011, 05:42 PM   #8
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Hi Norm. The reason I'm considering a F/1.2 is not because it's F/1.2 so much, but because I'm unhappy with my chrome-nose FD 50mm F/1.4. I want to replace it with something more contrasty, and the SSC F/1.4 &r F/1.2 would be slightly better in that department, or so I've read.

I am looking at the F/1.2 simply because I can, not so much that I need F/1.2. F/1.4 is really quite sufficient for me. I have an older model of 50mm that is truly a very nice lens, but I only recently learned some things I do not like about it might be related to the version it is.

To what degree the issues I've experienced have to do with my lack of knowledge of how to properly shoot with the lens vs issues the lens itself may have, remain to be seen. If I end up with the same issues with the new lens, then I'll know the problem is with me, not the lens.

Regarding the DOF, I would likely run the lens at the smallest aperture I could for a greater depth of field. I would likely only run wide when using the lens at a wedding reception from a distant corner for a wide shot for a long shot of the dance floor. In that case the DOF is less an issue because the distance from my subject would be sufficient to keep things on the dance floor in focus.

After visiting ebay today, I have decided I'll probably go with a newer model F/1.4 anyway. At $150 for a mint F/1.4 vs $600 or so for an F/1.2mm, $350 would be money wasted that would go a long way toward other gear. That minimal .2 gets you bragging rights, but that's about all. The size and weight of the F/1.2 is too much also, as it comes in at about 16 oz or so, and is relatively huge. I barely can fit what I have in my camera case as it is.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 06:49 PM   #9
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

FYI, If you get any of the Canon FDn (FD new/1980's series with the green text labeling) lenses they automatically have the S.S.C. coating even though it's not written on them. I have a FDn 50mm f/1.4 and a FDn 100mm f/2.8. The FDn series goes for just a little bit more than the regular FD on eBay, but after doing research I think they're better overall.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 06:53 PM   #10
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Patrick you are right, according to what I've learned in my research, thanks for confirming this. The FDn seems to be the way to go. My old chrome nosed lens is fine most of the time, but at $150 for a newer (better) one, what the heck?
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Old August 17th, 2011, 07:12 PM   #11
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Originally Posted by Jeff Harper View Post
Jim, did you get your FD 50mm F/1.2? How's it working out for you? I have an older 50mm F/1.4 and am considering a new lens, either the 50 or 55mm F/1.2.

The 50mm F/1.2s come in several versions and I'm trying to sort them out, would love to hear how yours is working for you.
I bid on a F 1.2 on eBay but lost the bid at the last minute. What is considered to be a good price for the 1.2,and 1.4?
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Old August 18th, 2011, 03:02 AM   #12
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Originally Posted by Jim Snow View Post
I bid on a F 1.2 on eBay but lost the bid at the last minute. What is considered to be a good price for the 1.2,and 1.4?
Can't speak for the 1.2, but I got a 1.4 for $80 plus shipping, and I wouldn't go a lot higher than that. They're pricier than they were, simply because they've become quite fashionable for M43
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Old August 18th, 2011, 05:56 AM   #13
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Jim with the F/1.4 it depends on the version as to the price. A mint FDn such as Patrick recommends goes for around $150, sometimes less sometimes a tad more.

The older versions such as I have go for less like Nick's price of $80, I've seen them for under $50. The F/1.2 goes for around $500, sometimes less. When mint they can go for $650.
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Old June 7th, 2012, 11:34 AM   #14
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

Purchased a GH2 w/ 14-42 lens about a month ago and have used it as a back cam on some shoots. I have it set to shoot at 720p 60 for video and in decent light it looks pretty good. I found a couple of old FD Canon lenses (50mm f1:4 - at least that's what I think it says) that I was going to try to use w/ an adapter that i have. When i tried these out they look okay in good light, but to focus is narrow. Yesterday I received a canon 200mm f2.8 prime lens that I want to try. My question is what GH2 settings (other than disable shoot with lens) are best to shoot w/ this type lens?
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Old June 13th, 2012, 05:15 AM   #15
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Re: Canon FD lenses on GH2

I have Canon FD 55mm 1.2 chrome nose which produces beautiful images on AF102.
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