Originally Posted by Dave Mercer
Right you are my friend. Apologies for the misquote.
By the way, with my HDV camera (Sony A1E) I found underexposing by one or two stops generally gave the best image (a bit more saturation). Any opinions on whether this holds true for the GH1?
I can't say for the GH1. I know I tend to underexpose about 2/3 of a stop on my T2i for best results. Exposing a bit under seems the way to go with these codecs. They really fall apart in the highlights.
DVX100, PMW-EX1, Canon 550D, FigRig, Dell Octocore, Avid MC4/5, MB Looks, RedCineX, Matrox MX02 mini, GTech RAID, Edirol R-4, Senn. G2 Evo, Countryman, Moles and Lowels.