Originally Posted by Peter Gjevre
While a bit unfair, critics tend to associate 60p with 60i and consequently with bad lighting and soap opera or reality tv quality dialogue.
Perhaps the reason I feel that 24p isn't the issues is because having lived in Japan and also seeing many Korean HD productions -- all of which were shot at 60i -- everything else was done as though it were an expensive film. I had no problem getting addicted to Korean and Japanese contemporary and historical drama. I have to wonder how many of those who "believe" in 24p have lived for long periods in other cultures who have different media expectations and experiences. The USA in terms of video and movies is no longer the center of the universe.
Perhaps this is why the Japanese don't always see the need to meet "our" video needs and tend to ignore Europe. Asia is where the action is. Camcorders for China -- now that's a business.
And, even in the USA -- the advent of 120Hz/240Hz/480Hz HDTVs with frame interpretation means that 24p will be 24p only in theaters. And, in Region 50, TV's have been 100Hz for a decade -- so folks don't really see 25fps.
PS: with hours upon hours of HD movies available on cable, plus VUDU and BD -- is there really any reason to go to a multiplex using a video projector unless you are dating? I've got my own projector. Any movie in a theater will be on both BD and HBO in year or so. What's the hurry to see something I've already read?