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Panasonic LUMIX LX / FZ / ZS Series
4K and AVCHD via compact point & shoot "bridge" cameras.

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Old July 22nd, 2015, 05:04 AM   #76
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
Thanks Roger

I'm a bit used to having my shutter, aperture and ISO displayed on the screen and you cannot have the first two if you are in Creative Video Mode but you can switch ISO to manual which is quite nice! I'm not really trying to make "wedding films" anyway so it's not a big deal ... I'm just trying to figure out what the shutter drops down to in very low light ? I would suspect it wouldn't go down any lower than 1/25th surely but will find out at my first wedding of the season in 2 weeks time.

Your input after the weekend would be greatly appreciated

Think I have your answer Chris :-) Put the camera into creative video mode, select the menus and then go to the video camera menu. At the bottom of page 1 you will find EXPOSURE MODE which you should set to manual. If you then come out of the menus you will find that the settings remain displayed on screen while you are filming and you can change them with the thumb wheel while filming, both aperture and shutter.

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Old July 22nd, 2015, 08:47 AM   #77
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

Thanks Roger

I'll give it a whirl in the morning when I have some decent light! At 11pm at night all I have is my dingy office light so the shutter stays firmly on 1/50th

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Old July 25th, 2015, 09:30 PM   #78
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

Hi Guys

For any of you that are using a tripod or monopod already know that once you put the tripod quick release plate on the camera you cannot open the battery door so you have no access to the card or battery!! I made these simple plates out of some scrap aluminium flat bar (4mm thick) in a "T" shape which solves the problem once and for all!! The skinny bit mounts onto the camera body where you would normally attach the tripod plate with a tripod screw and your QR plate then mounts further forward under the lens where it is out of the way of the battery door ... I can leave my camera on a tripod now and I'm able to change batteries or cards without having to remove anything

I have posted the measurements on the Panasonic forum but had to put it under the GH4 category if anyone needs the dimensions?? I have them on both cameras and it's so easy now to change batteries or cards without having to even take the camera off the tripod!!!

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Old July 27th, 2015, 06:33 AM   #79
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

That's a useful tripod plate fix Chris, although I mount mine on a double plate with a knurled knob below, so can remove it for handheld or battery change with a quick thumb and forefinger twist.

Yesterday was my first proper wedding shoot with the FZ1000 and I decided to give it a good test in some areas. It was a joint video and photography package at a hotel venue, with Claire covering the Bride's preps in her room, photo and video, plus most of the video of the day. I concentrated on the main photography and the B video cam for ceremony and speeches.

As it was a pretty low budget laid back wedding, I decided to chuck the FZ1000 in at the deep end with the photography, having already got very comfortable with it. The hotel was fairly low light throughout and although the grounds are good for photography, it was non stop rain for the entire day with a slight break as the light was weakening between 8.15 and 8.45pm.

On the photography side, it might surprise some to know that I ended up taking all of the formal and informal pics with the FZ1000 using mainly manual settings, but with lots of the casuals on the IA+ setting. When working quickly around the room and with table shots, I found that on IA+ the camera immediately recognised my speed light and minor adjustments to the flash were all I needed to compensate for distance and spread. In areas where the light in the room was less dim, the camera managed well with no flash.

The ceremony was reasonably well lit and I was asked to use no flash or shutter noise. I put the camera on silent mode and it did exactly that, totally silent! So much so that the registrar said that she wouldn't have minded if I took one or two photographs. I actually took about 100 during the ceremony. The camera was set for IA+ during the close up shots as the couple's faces were in shadow with a lighter room behind them. The camera gave a setting of ISO 1600 F3.4 to F4.2 and shutter speeds of 1/25 to 1/30th, with the occasional use of exposure compensation override. The OIS was on and I am pleased with the results. For the signing shots, I left IA+ on as the results were good and added the speed light, which reset the camera to ISO125 F3.2 and 1/1600 shutter, AWB was very accurate.

After the ceremony, we cleared a space for group shots and set up a pair of light stands with white umbrella reflectors and high efficiency bulbs to give an overall constant light level and no flash. The camera was set at ISO200, F2.8, 1/60th shutter. There was only about 15ft of working depth, and the lens gave a wide enough angle to get a width of 15-18 people in shot, which was plenty for the groups. Some close up head and shoulder shots I tried with a higher ISO640, F3.8 and 1/80th just for comparison and all look sharp. I have only had a quick look in camera so far, but will get a better idea when I download later today.

The rain stopped for a while although it was very dull, so we managed to get som outside pics, which I shot on P mode, ISO125, F2.8 to F4, shutter 1/125 to 1/400th depending on zoom range. Indoor evening shots were a wide mixture of flash and dull room light, with some experimenting with partially candle lit and again a mix of manual and AI+

I also took various video clips throughout the day and also took some stills while taking video, just to see what quality was possible. None of the video clips were taken using creative video mode, as I was primarily doing stills and wanted to be able to take them instantly. This meant that the sub video button was used, with whatever settings the camera was set up. When on IA+ mode, the video on the sub button at first glance looks very useable even in low light. Once I start processing things I will upload some shots.

Overall conclusion so far is that my expectations are exceeded for photography, giving me the confidence to shoot just about all of their stills on the camera in less than ideal circumstances, but with consummate ease and speed, and to a standard that I know they will be delighted with. I also love that I can switch instantly from stills to video on our joint package and take stills while videoing if suddenly needed. I'm not suggesting that it would replace full frame multi lens DSLRs for top end photographic shoots, but for the joint package that we offer and a lot of medium price work I am sure it will do a great job, I now can't wait to try it on a bright sunny wedding at a picturesque venue.


Last edited by Roger Gunkel; July 27th, 2015 at 06:35 AM. Reason: typos
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Old July 27th, 2015, 07:28 AM   #80
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

Thanks Roger

Thanks a great summary. Now, a stills question? My Nikons have a sb600 speedlight on them and the main reason is you get not only TTL but also TTL BL which basically looks at the subject and allows just enough flash for the subject without trying to light the background so you don't get the background beautifully lit and the subject over exposed . What speed light are you using on the FZ1000 and does it have that sorta mode??

We also do an open photobooth which has a black backdrop curtain so normal flash also tries to expose for the dark background but this TTL BL mode doesn't!! Something like that is essential for stills for me!!

Thanks again

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Old July 27th, 2015, 10:03 AM   #81
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

Nothing sophisticated about my flash Chris, just a Yonglu 560Mk111, I just set up the camera settings I want and match the flash to it. I could probably spend a lot more money on a flash and have it automated, but don't have any problem setting it up quickly.

I also ordered my second FZ1000 today, this time from the Dutch company who have it back in stock. It's £30 more than my other one from HK, but is from a large reputable company and will be here by the end of the week. We will now be able to film stills and video at the same time without compromising either, and of course Claire will have her own one for solo work. She loved using it for preps stills yesterday.

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Old July 27th, 2015, 02:18 PM   #82
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

Glad to see that your discovering the versatility of this little gem of a camera Roger. I shot a video at a game farm last week in 4k, the client wanted stills as well. As I know him well, he provides pheasant poults for my own shoot, I told him that I would grab frames from the video, for his stills. He was delighted with both the video and even more so, with the stills. The FZ1000 is going on many more shoots with me in the future
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Old August 3rd, 2015, 04:01 PM   #83
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

Claire and I have a wedding on Thursday this week which a joint video and photography package. It will be the first one since the second FZ1000 arrived, so we intend to explore the photography and video capabilities in much more depth, as it is a straight forward civil ceremony with Bride's preps first. We will parallel all the video with an FZ1000 and usual video cam so we have a safety backup while we are gaining confidence with the new cams.

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Old August 3rd, 2015, 06:08 PM   #84
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Re: My FZ1000 has arrived at last.

Hey Roger

Thanks that will be interesting! We have our first wedding of the season this coming Sunday after our Winter break so obviously I'll be using the FZ1000's for video but Nikons for photography. I'm still pondering on whether to shoot this first season wedding in 4K or just 1080 but we do have a rehearsal in 2 days at the Church so I might do a bit of 4K and HD at that to help me decide before the actual shoot on Sunday.

I have the same variable ND's as Colin for each camera but my first genuine outdoor wedding is only the 6th September but at this time of the year it's still a bit wet or overcast so the filters might not come into use before we get the really bright days. We are still technically in the tail end of Winter.

Let me know your comments after Thursday's wedding and some technical details would also be nice!

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