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Panasonic LUMIX LX / FZ / ZS Series
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Old June 30th, 2015, 06:13 AM   #136
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

@George, I suppose it depends on what you consider local, I don't consider 140 miles journey as local and I don't see saving £100 on an item at the price of the FZ1000 as being minimal no matter how many weddings I have. A big saving is exactly that. I do buy equipment in the UK if I consider import savings marginal, and both my FZ200 cameras were bought from Wex Photographic in Norwich as there wasn't a lot of price difference, but they weren't interested in offering any discount to me as a regular customer. I have also never had any problem with buying abroad apart from the odd delays on occasion.

As regards using other cameras, I frequently use an FZ200 alongside the other cameras and have got some excellent video footage and stills. If in doubt, try it for less important shots and judge the results alongside other footage.

You mentioned travelling back to the UK with a couple of the cameras from France, what would be the diffence in servicing, to me buying in HK, can't you use your friendly local UK supplier? ( Sorry a bit tongue in cheek there)

@ Chris, I'm calm about it because it is probably a simple packing error, there is no immediate urgency and they have been on the ball with timing and communication, both via email from HK and Phone with UK customer support. They have sent confirmation that the wrong camera will be picked up by parcel force and as it is their mistake there will be no returns or carriage charge.

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Old June 30th, 2015, 06:44 AM   #137
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Hi Roger.

The footage from my wife's FZ 100 is ok but I find it fiddly to us. I'm use to shoulder mounted video cameras, though now mostly used on tripods (I no longer do weddings having retired from them a couple of years ago). I now only shoot the occasional business videos at working sites in England from a base in my home town so I would only ever need to call on my long term supplier (H Preston) for help whilst I'm there. I don't shoot anything in France as it's not as straight forward to run a part-time video business here as it is in UK.

Having shot video on a variety of equipment for over 30 years, starting with U-matic in 1985. I have had possibly more than a fair share of equipment problems (even with new cameras) so I do value the understanding of a good supplier who is use to dealing with customers like myself who, when things go wrong need a quick solution. I have a list of occasions when they have got me out of a bad equipment situation: from dead battery charger to jammed tape mechanism and faulty viewfinder.

By the way the supplier is over 70 miles from my UK home but I never considered that a barrier even at a cost for fuel as I often traveled that distance and more for a job. When I know just what I need the phone and nextday delivery is the easiest way (they always check the content of the package).
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Old June 30th, 2015, 07:15 AM   #138
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Like you George, I have been filming for over 30 years, also from U-matic onwards and have used various suppliers and maintenance companies over the years. Things change though, the Internet makes the whole world instantly accessible and unlike 30 years ago, there is much more freedom of choice and less requirement to be shackled to one supplier. The other difference of course is that good quality equipment is much more affordable and I am able to have backup cameras, batteries, memory etc and little need for reliance on main dealers and service departments.

This all means that I can buy cameras from whoever offers me the best deal knowing that there is far less requirement for maintenance and servicing than in earlier years. I can well remember having a Hi Band U-matic recorder gong down in the middle of an important edit and having to wait 2 weeks to get it collected, fixed and returned by a main dealer at a cost greater than I could buy a replacement PC from my local PC builder today within 24 hours.

As regards a main UK supplier always checking the package, not my experience I'm afraid. I recently ordered some new rubber surrounds for my favourite Senheiser headphones, from a major professional supplier, only to receive ones for a totally different make and type. Apparently there was a mix up in packaging!

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Old June 30th, 2015, 07:26 AM   #139
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

I think the days of using one supplier have long since bitten the dust. We live in a more global enterprising World now, where Companies from different continents compete with each other. I've no problem sourcing equipment from multiple companies from different countries.

Furthermore, buying from a UK based company doesn't guarantee quicker delivery or even a good service. A few years back I ordered 3 items from companies in Scotland, Belgium and Hong Kong. The HK item arrived within 5 days, the Belgium item within 6 and Scotland took 11 days.
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Old June 30th, 2015, 07:32 AM   #140
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Touché. We all have our stories and experiences to support our choices.
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Old June 30th, 2015, 07:44 AM   #141
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Hi Roger

Sorry to change the subject but I have requested eBay to return this mixer ... Maybe I have the wrong idea but as far as I am concerned I want one mic to feed into the left channel (with a level control) and the other mic to feed into the right channel (with a level control) This unit sends the output from each mic to both left and right which is useless to me ..if you unplug mic one the output from mic 2 is recorded on both the left and the right channels which is useless to me !!

How do you envisage a mixer into a stereo camera input to work .. I really cannot see any point of mixing the mics together and then sending both combined signals to both left and right channels. If a mic goes faulty or is picking up hum/bad signal I need to be able to discard that channel in my NLE and with this setup if mic 2 goes faulty or has hum it will combine with mic one and ruin that too.

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Old June 30th, 2015, 08:04 AM   #142
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Chris that Tascam unit also has onboard stereo mics which you could use had you no other option - that does seem a strange thing for your unit to do - pretty inflexible!
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Old June 30th, 2015, 08:25 AM   #143
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Hi Chris,
Looking at the mixer again, it seems to be a two input mono mixer, but it says the output can be split to two separate outputs presumably pallel mono outputs rather than stereo in and out. That would mean that the input mixing is mono whereas you need two totally independant input paths and two independent outputs. Really you want a stereo mixer with a stereo output, then you can pan the two inputs left and right .

I also noticed on their website that they don't post to the UK.

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Old June 30th, 2015, 06:04 PM   #144
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Thanks Roger

Actually that mixer splits the output so you can send one output signal to the camera (still both channels) and another to your Iphone (again left and right are mixed) What their so called "fancy" mixer is really doing can be done with just two resistors. I have a feeling the Beachtek unit also mixes the two incoming signals and places the mixed signal on the left and right tracks not individually but mixed.

I think a very simple passive circuit might just work here ... send mic 1 into a potentiometer and then feed the signal into the camera's left channel and do the same with the second mic input ... each goes to just ONE channel in the camera so if one mic picks up garbage it's not mixed with the other mic signal.

Thanks also Pete for your comments ..the Tascam is a nice unit and built in recording too!!
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Old July 1st, 2015, 02:17 AM   #145
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
Thanks Roger

Actually that mixer splits the output so you can send one output signal to the camera (still both channels) and another to your Iphone (again left and right are mixed) What their so called "fancy" mixer is really doing can be done with just two resistors. I have a feeling the Beachtek unit also mixes the two incoming signals and places the mixed signal on the left and right tracks not individually but mixed.

I think a very simple passive circuit might just work here ... send mic 1 into a potentiometer and then feed the signal into the camera's left channel and do the same with the second mic input ... each goes to just ONE channel in the camera so if one mic picks up garbage it's not mixed with the other mic signal.

Thanks also Pete for your comments ..the Tascam is a nice unit and built in recording too!!
My feelings exactly Chris, all you need is two straight ins and outs with probably a 10k pot in each line for a simple passive two mic system and a very basic pre amp on both lines if you wanted it active. You could even parallel both outputs to a third stereo output with a switchable socket that only parallels them when you want to mix both together and plug a lead into the socket.

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Old July 1st, 2015, 02:53 AM   #146
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

My circuit exactly but without the "combine" switch ..This just sends mic 1 to the right channel and mic2 to the left channel and the 10K pots give you some attenuation control in case one mic is getting input from a loud source like a PA system ... At full volume the 10K resistance should give you unity gain as this a passive circuit. It works just as I want it to with a handful of cheap components .. I'll drop the controls into a little plastic box with graduated knobs now and it will look OK.

I realised that I don't need a headphone jack either as one exists on both receivers!! Plus the camera also has a level display.

All I need to do is to get the ebay shop to accept the return of the unit that never worked!!!
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Old July 1st, 2015, 03:46 AM   #147
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

That's exactly how I see it Chris, so good luck returning the mixer and post a pic when you have built your own:-)

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Old July 1st, 2015, 04:38 AM   #148
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Thanks Roger

If you make your own and want to have a switch across the left and right outputs to feed both mics into the camera mixed you will just have to also add a 47K resistor from each pot wiper (centre terminal) to each output so they mix correctly!

I have a shoot in the morning here and my electronics shop is on the way back so I'll pick up the hardware tomorrow and assemble it!

Has the incorrectly dispatched G5 left for Hong Kong yet?? I shot a bit of fun footage of wifey watering the garden at 100fps and the slomo is really good! You will love it!!

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Old July 1st, 2015, 04:52 AM   #149
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Hi Chris,

Good tip on the 47k resistors, I'll pick up some bits when I go near the Maplin store a few miles away.

The G5 was picked up by Parcelforce at 9.30 this morning with a pre-paid label and is being returned to the UK warehouse rather than HK. They told me this morning that when it arrives, probably tomorrow morning, the FZ1000 will be sent immediately, also presumably from HK so probably end of next week now.

If it arrives by then, I will consider that they have corrected their mistake with no extra charge involved which will be fair enough. The UK phone support has also been very efficient with no endless hanging on hold. The longest wait I have had has been 45 secs. So back to waiting again to try out these things you keep telling me about.

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Old July 1st, 2015, 06:20 AM   #150
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Re: Anyone using the FZ1000 for weddings?

Great Roger

That's a relief they have their act together!

Here is a teaser done in 4K with the FZ1000 (I doubt whether the drone had the camera on it though) The IQ and colour is stunning ..even though it's on YouTube it looks amazing on my 23" monitor in full screen!

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