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Old March 16th, 2011, 01:01 AM   #61
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

Originally Posted by Ian Newland View Post
In Sony Vegas, no need to set undersampling to .5, leave at 1 and just select disable resample in clip properties.
I just stumbled upon something interesting with this. I was was authoring a multicam live music performance in DVDArchitect (Blue Ray Disc), and noticed that when previewing the disc ("Best" quality setting) the footage from the 2 canon 30p cameras looked fine, while the tm700 60p shots had interlacing artifacts (viewed on the computer screen). I'm not sure if the "Best" setting simulates an interlaced display or what, but the other quality modes did not show the artifacts. Going back into vegas, i noticed that the tm700 clips had resample disabled, but no undersampling. When I switched to undersample .5 (30fps) and re-rendered, the artifacts in DVDA disc preview disappeared. So this tells me there is a difference between the two. Disable resample keeps the two frames from blending when rendering to a progressive format, but when rendering to an interlaced format, it doesn't keep vegas from pulling half the fields from every frame. If want to render out 30p in a 60i container, then you need to undersample so vegas only has 30 frames per second to pull from and therefore will pull the two fields from the same progressive frame.
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Old March 19th, 2011, 09:49 AM   #62
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Panasonic TM900 and Steadicam Merlin - Test Video

Had a spare couple of hours today to try my Panasonic TM900 out on my Steadicam Merlin - using some settings I quickly derived last night (indoors). It's a lovely Spring day here in England with very low wind (3-5 MPH according to the BBC Weather website) so I though, go for it! However, even that light breeze was enough to make this ultralight set-up difficult to manage!

Next test I'll be using more weights as I think it needs a lot more self inertia - it was impossible to walk with it smoothly (something I can do very well now with my Canon 7D on the Merlin). See all the notes on the YouTube Video Info page and at the end of the video for full details of the TM900 and Merlin settings I tried in this first, very quick Steadicam test.

YouTube - Steadicam Merlin & Panasonic TM900 (1st Test)

By the way I screwed up a few things on the the opening shot - which is why it's got the title all over it!
Andy K Wilkinson -
Cambridge (UK) Corporate Video Production
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Old March 19th, 2011, 11:11 AM   #63
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Panasonic TM900 - Large Battery

Just had this e-mail from the shop that's supplying me here in the UK with one of the new type large batteries for the TM900.

"Apologies for the delay, we have had confirmation that the item you ordered is arriving with us on Monday and will be dispatched shortly after"
Andy K Wilkinson -
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Old March 19th, 2011, 12:55 PM   #64
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

I have also been enjoying the TM900, and have gone beyond "testing" to use in the field.

Here are two examples, both downloadable, both using 108060p, fixed 1/60th shutter, manual audio, and no transcoding:

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Old March 20th, 2011, 08:52 PM   #65
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

Here is one more downloadable video. This uses a lot of zooming and panning, as is relevant for action sports. Also, Intelligent zoom is used at times, so that some shots are 700mm (equivalent). Harsh light conditions, -1 exposure and ND filter, 1/60th shutter, 108060p.

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Old March 23rd, 2011, 06:45 AM   #66
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Panasonic TM900 - Big Battery

My big battery has just arrived from the Bristol area camera shop that I bought it from (£89 plus £10 next day postage here in the UK). Big is a relative term as, like the camera, it's still tiny!

It is a genuine Panasonic VW-VBN260E-K, made in China. Some quick pictures of it on the little baby below showing the viewfinder in both positions.

Need to fully charge it now before first use and then we'll get an idea of just how long it'll keep the TM900 going (although I have to say I've been pretty impressed so far with the TM900's longevity even with the little supplied battery). As with the smaller battery it is a very slightly loose fit (and I mean very - I'm being picky here) rather than a snug tight fit that I would prefer but I guess that's just the way they designed them. It looks like its drooping slightly in my picture - but that's just the wide angle effect on the old Sony P100 that I took these quick close up snaps on. By the way, the zebra pattern marks you can see, e.g. on the little batteries shiny plastic part, are simply the reflection from my oak table!!!

Use of the viewfinder is still going to be OK (certainly no worse than normal for anyone like me who wears glasses!)
Attached Thumbnails
The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread-tm900bigbatviewfindin.jpg   The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread-tm900bigbatviewfindout.jpg  

Andy K Wilkinson -
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Old March 23rd, 2011, 11:32 AM   #67
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

Hi Andy

Thanks for the update, should run and run on that battery.

Are Panasonic doing the separate chargers yet? The only snag with a bigger battery is it ties up the camcorder longer charging.


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Old March 23rd, 2011, 01:17 PM   #68
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Panasonic TM900 Battery Charger

Hi Phil,

Not seen any for sale yet here in the UK despite a bit of Googling recently. I gather its going to be expensive so I may just get yet another big battery (if I feel I need it once I've seen just how long this one lasts).

Typically, I'm able to plan ahead and get kit ready to go/all batteries fully charged up before my booked corporate shoots (remember, this TM900 is really only a B/C cam to my main gear anyway)....although I must say I seem to be getting busier and busier so my desire to get a Panasonic battery charger might change soon, regardless of cost, especially now I'm seeing what lovely images this thing captures! I should be able to easily charge up both these batteries during the evening (and if needs be overnight) on the cam for days when I have back to back shooting. In many situations I'll be able to use mains power too so, I think on balance, I'd say that right now I'm in no big hurry to get the charger.

Let us know if you find a UK supplier soon though.
Andy K Wilkinson -
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Old March 23rd, 2011, 06:49 PM   #69
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

1. Both the regular-size and big battery became available in the US today.

2. I don't see why one should get the big battery: it is twice as big, twice as heavy, takes twice as long to charge and lasts twice as long as two regular batteries. And, in the US, it costs twice as much. There is no efficiency or economic gain.

Given how clumsy and ungainly the big battery is on the camera, I don't see why two regular-size batteries are not the better choice? You get just as much total power, and I do not see the need for shooting one take that lasts longer than what one regular-size battery can supply (1.5 hours in 60/50p mode).

What am I missing?
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Old March 23rd, 2011, 07:51 PM   #70
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

In USA the "big" battery does not cost twice as much as "small" one.
It's available for $139.95 here:


So, it is less expansive than having two VW-VBN130
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Old March 24th, 2011, 06:45 AM   #71
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

That's a very helpful find. But without a price for the vbn130 at this vendor, we don't know that it is not twice as much as the 130, do we?
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Old March 24th, 2011, 07:34 AM   #72
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

The same vendor has "smaller" battery for $79.95 (but it is "on order").

Here is the link:


Now, if you do the math you will discover that "bigger" battery is about $20 less expensive than buying 2 "smaller" ones.
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Old March 24th, 2011, 01:03 PM   #73
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

Good (when I went on the site there was no page for the VBN130 yet). Now all one has to do is consider whether carrying on the camera one humungous battery is more efficient that carrying a smaller battery on the camera, making it lighter and easier to handle, and one in the pocket (see the pictures above).

I think I will go for the smaller option; it's worth the $20 to me to have more flexibility and agility.
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Old March 27th, 2011, 10:24 AM   #74
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The Panasonic TM900 in dim and bright light

This video displays the prowess of the TM900 in low light and very bright light. Use in low light - subterranean NYC (subway, tunnels beneath Grand Central, Grand Central Terminal itself, which is very dim). Fixed shutter 1/60th, manual audio, awb, manual video (iris and shutter) except below ground. Manual exposure was necessary in bright light to avoid overexposure.

Earth movers, flowers, camermen, Chinese violin, condiments, trains.

The low light parts are noiseless with good color. Original can be downloaded.
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Old March 27th, 2011, 11:19 AM   #75
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Re: The Panasonic TM900 Users Thread

Well, if anyone had any doubts what these little cameras can do they certainly won't now...impressive results indeed.
Andy K Wilkinson -
Cambridge (UK) Corporate Video Production
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