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Panasonic DVX / DVC Assistant
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Old July 12th, 2003, 11:42 PM   #61
Barry Wan Kenobi
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The killer deal on batteries is from ebay seller "shimwass" -- he claims to be selling brand new, sealed Panasonic 5400mah batteries, for about $76. I took a chance and ordered one, and it was indeed a sealed-in-the-box VW-VBD55, which works perfectly with the NTSC DVX100. I used it on a 2-day shoot and it lasted about 8 hours of on/off use, giving 3 full hours worth of recording and another 5 hours of on & off, waiting-for-the-good-shot time. Lots of zooming in/out, and almost always with the LCD open. So I'm quite happy with it. I do urge everyone to do their own due diligence, hopefully anyone who chooses to do business with "shimwass" will have a successful and happy transaction, but buyer beware, of course.

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Old July 15th, 2003, 01:45 AM   #62
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charging batteries that aren't fully discharged?

I know that lithium ion batteries aren't supposed to suffer from the "memory effect" (where you have to discharge them completely before recharging, or they won't last as long), but the Panasonic manual and the leaflets that came with the extra Pana batteries I bought for the DVX don't address whether you can recharge a battery while there's a partial charge left, and not shorten the life of the battery in doing so.

Anyone know for sure?
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Old July 15th, 2003, 10:37 AM   #63
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Batteries and charging

Lithium batteries don't need to be fully discharged first, neither do nickle hydride.
That's a leftover thing from Nickle Cadmium.

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Old July 15th, 2003, 10:41 AM   #64
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Buydig and Batteries

Just a follow up-- has been extremely reliable on the purchase of cameras-- they do not offer a great discount on other misc. accessories, but I saved so much money on my cameras from them, I don't mind at point of purchase buying a few extra items.

As to the previous Sakar battery, which was essentially useless, they gave me a full refund without any hassle, and no need to buy another battery.

As it was, I HAD ordered a second battery, and they sent the standard Panasonic high capacity not another Sakar, which of course, worked perfectly.
Still waiting for the generic 2800 mAh from Eagle to show up.
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Old July 15th, 2003, 09:09 PM   #65
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I've been using the Lenmar Battery on the DVX100 with the LCD screen open and I am getting around 2.5 hours of use. I get a little more time out of it if I am not zooming much. I had tried another brand battery (a 3000mha rating) that was sold to me with the camera, however it only powered the camera for about 45 min. There wasn't a name on the battery only the power rating. I ended returning it and the guy that sold it to me commented that he'd gotten a lot of them back and they were dropping them. He recommend Lenmar, which I've used have for other cameras, and I've am having great results with them.

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Old July 16th, 2003, 01:16 PM   #66
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I really like as a retailer. I purchased two cameras from them, although accessory prices are better elsewhere. I don't feel slimed when I leave the phone with one of their reps.

I also opted for their Sakar batteries fo rmy Canon S40 digital camera. I purchased a battery with 20% higher capacity. I'll have to test it. Hmmmm.
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Old July 16th, 2003, 10:24 PM   #67
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Just got a 2800mh battery and I'm disapointed

I ordered (off ebay) a PowerSmart 2800mh battery that was advertised at 6 hours. After a full charge, I put the battery in the camera and it says "45min left"

What's going on? Did I get jipped?

I need batterys that will last at leaset 3 hours!

Can someone recommend a good battery that will last 3 or more hours?
Best Regards,
Mark T. Monciardini
Riverlight Studios
DVX100/Final Cut Pro 4/Mac G5 Dual 1.8
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Old July 16th, 2003, 11:59 PM   #68
Barry Wan Kenobi
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That's not the battery remaining indicator, that's the tape remaining indicator.

The battery doesn't read out in numbers, it only has the picture of the battery at full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, and empty.
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Old July 17th, 2003, 10:02 AM   #69
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LOL Thanks Barry could of fooled me! They put it right next to the battery image on the screen.

Best Regards,
Mark T. Monciardini
Riverlight Studios
DVX100/Final Cut Pro 4/Mac G5 Dual 1.8
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Old July 17th, 2003, 12:13 PM   #70
Barry Wan Kenobi
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<<<-- Originally posted by Mark Monciardini : LOL Thanks Barry could of fooled me! They put it right next to the battery image on the screen.

Thanks! -->>>

It is confusing, definitely.

As for your other question, about 3-hour batteries, the 2800's will come close, might not make it a full three hours. The only batteries out that I know of that will definitely last a full three hours are the beltpack CGR-D53 and the on-camera CGR-D54 (which is sold in Japan as the VW-VBD55). You can occasionally find the VW-VBD55 on ebay for around $80, which is a totally incredible deal. I've got one and it lasted for a full day of shooting, on and off through an eight-hour day, shooting three full tapes per day.
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Old July 21st, 2003, 06:46 AM   #71
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One thing to keep in mind, the manufacturer's of the batteries always list the highest possible number of hours for the batter. What they don't tell you is, a 6 hour battery may only last 2 hours on the DVX100, depending on how you are shooting.

For example, zoom alot, keep the auto focus on, use the LCD screen, etc. will reduce the amount of hours the battery will last.

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Old July 21st, 2003, 10:38 AM   #72
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yes remember that the DVX batteries are also used by thier little consumer cameras, so battery life stated is most likely with use of those cameras.
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Old July 21st, 2003, 01:23 PM   #73
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Buyer beware on these batteries.

I just wanted to do a heads up for all of us ebayer's checking out batteries on ebay.

I purchased a battery from the seller "batt_inc". They claim their 2500mAH batteries for the AG-DVX100 last up to 6 hours. Or in their words "Approx. up to more than 5 hours".

They had good feedback so I went ahead and got one for $25.00. Which seemed like a typical price for 2500mAH batteries on ebay. I even called the guys and they seemed like nice people and they do a lot of business on ebay and have some good feedback.

Now I'm not stupid and I knew that this 2500mAH battery was not going to last 5 or 6 hours. I bought it hoping for at LEAST 2.5 hours!

The battery arrived, it was a silver battery in a package with the name "PowerSmart" on it. The battery was made in China and it also seemed really light weight for being a 2500 battery.

I charged it up FULL. Did some shooting around the house with the kids and wife. The DVX-100 battery sensor started blinking at about 25minutes!!!! I was like "whaa". "I must of not charged it up all the way". So I charged it up again and again, ran it down and charged it up.

This puppy will not hold a charge. I sent the battery back and they were happy to give me a full refund.

My letter:

"I have sent the package via USPS. Please see attached image for a scan of the package. Sorry no tracking number available via USPS.

Please give me a full refund as you're batteries do not last as long as you say they do. It will only last as long as 25 to 30min, not 6 hours as advertised. 2500mah batteries should last at least 2.5 hours. But the Power Smart batteries from China are cheap. I will still give you positive feedback on ebay but I will not be purchasing anymore batters from PowerSmart.

Please let me know when you have sent refund after you receive the returned item"

Their response
"Dear Mark,
Thanks for your information.
We will refund the money to you after receiving the returned battery. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


That's it? They didn't even act surprised about it like "Oh we are so sorry we had no idea!". I think they DO know they are cheap and that is the bottom line.

I talk to a guy in the sales department and they said they are only distributors and China make the batteries and sticks our name on them etc...

Just wanted to let you know.

And I DID go with Barry Green's advice and bought 2 5400mAH batteries from ebay user "shimwass" which is sells REAL Panasonic batteries that will last a long time. These are Barry's words from the forum.

<<<<The killer deal on batteries is from ebay seller "shimwass" -- he claims to be selling brand new, sealed Panasonic 5400mah batteries, for about $76. I took a chance and ordered one, and it was indeed a sealed-in-the-box VW-VBD55, which works perfectly with the NTSC DVX100. I used it on a 2-day shoot and it lasted about 8 hours of on/off use, giving 3 full hours worth of recording and another 5 hours of on & off, waiting-for-the-good-shot time. Lots of zooming in/out, and almost always with the LCD open. So I'm quite happy with it. I do urge everyone to do their own due diligence, hopefully anyone who chooses to do business with "shimwass" will have a successful and happy transaction>>>>

The VW-VBD55 is Japans version of the CGR-D54.

shimwass has 3 left. If you want one, email him at

Thanks Barry!
Best Regards,
Mark T. Monciardini
Riverlight Studios
DVX100/Final Cut Pro 4/Mac G5 Dual 1.8
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Old July 21st, 2003, 01:56 PM   #74
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The first time you charge a L.I. battery, it will not take a full charge. Second or third time around should do the trick.
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Old July 21st, 2003, 01:57 PM   #75
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"You get what you pay for." :D

I can recommend Power2000 batteries from B&H. I paid $45 for the D16 (or something like that) for my little Panasonic DV52 and it lasts about 3.5 hours on a full charge..
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